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Everything posted by Viggen

  1. Decided to revive this campaign. It's serving as my test bed for playing with ground war routes since usually I just change units and types around. I've received permission from PFunk to mod the Archipelago terrain which I'm looking forward to. Haven't played with targeting for a while so it'll refresh my memory on that too. I've added helicopters as well. FRPignon has shown their feasibility in campaigns and helis are a must in a COIN campaign. So, this is pretty much my test bed for creating a campaign from scratch.
  2. Awesome WBS! The Kanimbla is actually something I'll be using in a small campaign I'm working on. Just out of curiosity, are there any plans to do the modern Gator Navy ships?
  3. On a campaign I'm working on, I want to include a naval task force for scenery purposes more than any military value. Does the Navalcampaign statement in the campain_data.ini have to be true or is that meant more for the full on North Atlantic type scenarios?
  4. Great work! For some reason I've always really liked the Newport.
  5. Writer's block

    I know there's some avid writers on here. How do you guys deal with the writer's block?
  6. Looking forward to the Newport!
  7. Happy Birthday Wrench

    Happy birthday, Wrench!
  8. What Other Games Are You Playing?

    Right now I've picked up Civs 5 again.
  9. Another day, another couple missions.. We started off the day with a strike in Kuwait City. A large oil tank near the harbor was being utilized by the Iraqis and we were to end its usefulness. Two GBU-10s and two HARMs, Flight there was uneventful. Tomcats cleared the airspace before we were even out of Saudi Arabia. Had my wingman go after the fuel tank while I engaged two SA-8s and a Shilka. Wingman then engaged a Fan Song and a Fire Can with his HARMs. The next mission was a SEAD. We were late on station and as a result a couple F-111s took damage. While we launched HARMs and dropped our Rockeyes, a MiG-25 that was harrassing the -111s began to harass us. I engaged him, lobbing two Sidewinders at him. Second one hit. I went to reengage the air defenses and ended up taking heavy fire from two M1939s and took a hit. It ripped off my #2 side flap and put a couple holes in the fuselage. Wounded and hospitalized and awarded the Purple Heart.
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  17. Well, the F-19 campaign isn't happening yet. Need to do more modern jet flying first. Baby steps, so back to ODS. Doing something different than normal. I've joined the ranks of VMFA-232 'Red Devils' and their F/A-18Cs. Normally I fly F-14s or F-15Es. Our first mission started in the early morning. CAP around our home base. Three Floggers had managed to make it through the layers of death; Eagles and Tomcats. We bagged all three. I got one. Two and three bagged the other two. Second mission was armed recon. A company of Iraqi Republican Guard troops was heading south in Zils. Two had a malfunction (aka stupid non engaging wingman) so I had him fly cover for me. A well placed AGM-65E was followed by an MK.83 and two MK.20s. Three or four shacks per drop, and then a gun run resulted in some good damage. For my actions during this mission in the night skies above Southwest Iraq, I was awarded the Silver Star.
  18. Jug Has Passed Away

    RIP, Jug. You'll be missed! S!
  19. LTC Robert Hite Dead at 95

    RIP Sir. (You can't trust Military Times to get anything right)
  20. US Navy F-16N

    Interesting read. I can see why the Navy uses the older method for carrier aircraft, but not for all of their inventory.
  21. Still seriously looking forward to this. The 4000 has always been interesting to me.
  22. Bowe Bergdahl charged with desertion

    Hope he rots.

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