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About Gabriele

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    Moncalieri - Torino -Italy

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  1. Is there a way to use SF2 Iran/Iarq 2003+ terrain in WOE without crashes ? Thanks
  2. Is there a way to use SF2 Iran/Iarq 2003+ terrain in WOE without crashes ? Thanks
  3. Is this terrain usable also in SF1 - WOE ? Thanks for the help.
  4. Is there a way to have takeoff and landing clearance speech also on aircraft carrier ships ? thanks.
  5. File Name: B-1B Operation Enduring Freedom File Submitter: Gabriele File Submitted: 20 January 2011 File Category: User Made Missions B-1B Operation Enduring Freedom 3 missios for B-1B Lancer on WOE_Afghanistan Terrain. In real world B-1B takes off from Thumrait (Oman) AB and Diego Garcia AB, but it's not possible do that in Afghanistan terrain; so in my WOE Afghan missions B-1B starts from an Afghan AB (considered as Thumrait AB or Diego Garcia AB). I suggest to fly steps from WP03 to WP04 and from WP07 to WP08 at 2Xspeed simulation. As more targets are protected into valley and mountains it's necessary a big care to designate them using radar in "difficult option". Aircraft needed: B-1B Lancer FA-18A F-16C_BC30 Ground objects: SA-6L taliban_DSHK Taliban Istallation: Copy and overwrtite (after backup) Afghanistan_TYPES and Afghanistan_targets.ini in Your WOE_afghanistan terrain folder. Copy the mission files in Your WOE_mission folder. Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    B-1B Operation Enduring Freedom 3 missios for B-1B Lancer on WOE_Afghanistan Terrain. In real world B-1B takes off from Thumrait (Oman) AB and Diego Garcia AB, but it's not possible do that in Afghanistan terrain; so in my WOE Afghan missions B-1B starts from an Afghan AB (considered as Thumrait AB or Diego Garcia AB). I suggest to fly steps from WP03 to WP04 and from WP07 to WP08 at 2Xspeed simulation. As more targets are protected into valley and mountains it's necessary a big care to designate them using radar in "difficult option". Aircraft needed: B-1B Lancer FA-18A F-16C_BC30 Ground objects: SA-6L taliban_DSHK Taliban Istallation: Copy and overwrtite (after backup) Afghanistan_TYPES and Afghanistan_targets.ini in Your WOE_afghanistan terrain folder. Copy the mission files in Your WOE_mission folder.
  7. Does someone one knows if it's possible and how have stratosphere sky effects in WOE to use for fly with SR-71 or U-2 Aircraft as this image ? Thanks. Gabriele
  8. File Name: Bone in the Gulf File Submitter: Gabriele File Submitted: 11 January 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Missions and Campaigns Bone in the Gulf. Here there are four new B-1B mission for new Gepard's Persian Gulf terrain. Due to long distance, I suggest to fly the parts of the missions from WP02 to WP03 and from WP07 to WP08 at 0.80 mach using 2X simulation speed and normal speed for others WP. Fly at Low Level Navigation the steps of target and egress. Aicraft and Ships required: B-1B E-3A FA-18A F-14D MIG-23 MIG-21 CVN-75 CVN-71 Installation instructions: Copy and overwrite (after a suggested backup) the Persischer Golf_target.ini in Your WOE_Terrain_Persischer Golf terrain folder. Copy the four missions files in Your WOE_mission folder. Thanks to Gepard for the very nice Persian Gulf terrain and very nice targets objects. Click here to download this file
  9. Bone in the Gulf



    Bone in the Gulf. Here there are four new B-1B mission for new Gepard's Persian Gulf terrain. Due to long distance, I suggest to fly the parts of the missions from WP02 to WP03 and from WP07 to WP08 at 0.80 mach using 2X simulation speed and normal speed for others WP. Fly at Low Level Navigation the steps of target and egress. Aicraft and Ships required: B-1B E-3A FA-18A F-14D MIG-23 MIG-21 CVN-75 CVN-71 Installation instructions: Copy and overwrite (after a suggested backup) the Persischer Golf_target.ini in Your WOE_Terrain_Persischer Golf terrain folder. Copy the four missions files in Your WOE_mission folder. Thanks to Gepard for the very nice Persian Gulf terrain and very nice targets objects.
  10. I have installed the new Persian Gulf terrain in my WOE. The missions run correctly all the times, but when I end the mission, instead of returning to the debrifing as normally, the game crush and an error message on WOE appears. I have Windows XP operative system and I have followed the instructions to use CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat for WOE. Thanks to everyone can give me some help.
  11. File Name: B-1B Operation Desert Fox File Submitter: Gabriele File Submitted: 22 November 2010 File Category: User Made Missions B-1B Operation Desert Fox 1 16/12/1998 This is a strike mission on Baghdad Republican Guard HQ with a B-1B Lancer. On target area there is an heavy concentration of enemy air defense, so is necessary to fly at low altitude to wp 04(IP) - wp 05(target) - wp 06 - wp 07. In the folder there is also a fligh plan with speed and altitude suggested for the mission. Also many enemy aircraft will be on CAP mission. Aircraft needed: B-1B Lancer (new model) E-3A E-8C B-52G_Late KC-10 FA-18A F-16C_B30 MIG-21MF MIG-25PD MIG-25RB all the aircrafts are available on ODS Campaign 1-2-3 F-15A F-14D available on WOE aircraft downloads Ships needed: CNV-75 available on WOE ships download CVN-71 available on ODS Campaign 1-2-3 Installation instructions: Copy and overwrite DS_types.ini and DS_targets.ini in your WOE_terrain_DS folder. Copy B-1B #Baghdad Republican Guard HQ mission file in your WOE_mission Click here to download this file
  12. Version


    B-1B Operation Desert Fox 1 16/12/1998 This is a strike mission on Baghdad Republican Guard HQ with a B-1B Lancer. On target area there is an heavy concentration of enemy air defense, so is necessary to fly at low altitude to wp 04(IP) - wp 05(target) - wp 06 - wp 07. In the folder there is also a fligh plan with speed and altitude suggested for the mission. Also many enemy aircraft will be on CAP mission. Aircraft needed: B-1B Lancer (new model) E-3A E-8C B-52G_Late KC-10 FA-18A F-16C_B30 MIG-21MF MIG-25PD MIG-25RB all the aircrafts are available on ODS Campaign 1-2-3 F-15A F-14D available on WOE aircraft downloads Ships needed: CNV-75 available on WOE ships download CVN-71 available on ODS Campaign 1-2-3 Installation instructions: Copy and overwrite DS_types.ini and DS_targets.ini in your WOE_terrain_DS folder. Copy B-1B #Baghdad Republican Guard HQ mission file in your WOE_mission
  13. very very nice aircraft and cockpit !!!! thank you for this great work
  14. are there some news about the new B-1 Cockpit ? Thanks.
  15. Hi, does someone knows if the new cockpit for B-1B Lancer is ready, or where is possible to find it for downloading ? Thakns to all.

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