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Everything posted by Fubar512

  1. David Bowie passes away at 69

    I have been listening to his music for well over 40 years. RIP David. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/david-bowie-dies-at-age-69-after-battling-cancer/ar-CCniBe?ocid=ansmsnent11
  2. David Bowie passes away at 69

    One of the greatest collaborations ever, Freddie Mercury and David Bowie performing "Under Pressure". They now both belong to the ages...
  3. David Bowie passes away at 69

    It especially hits home for someone who's been listening to his work since 1972, as I have. I wasn't even 14 yet when I received my first component stereo in June of that year, and started listening to the various "AOR" (Album Oriented Rock) stations that were on the FM band in the New York City area. Bowie was just hitting his stride back then, and was getting almost constant airplay.
  4. I this under Windows 10? We'll also need to see your system specs so that we can help you diagnose the issue.
  5. Where have you been for the last 6 months? Mue's LOD viewer doesn't care.
  6. I'm Not Sure Where to Ask This...

    Constellation, creating a 3D model is not a prerequisite for joining the modders and developers forum, Anyone who mods the series in any way and shares those same mods with the community, is considered a modder by our community. You can, for example, create new data.ini files for aircraft, ground & terrain objects, One can also create new effects, design new textures, or even mix new sound effects, We even have a few talented members who are software coders, and have created various utilities for us. Find something that you're good at, contribute to the community, and you'll soon be considered a modder.
  7. Runway "tile" callouts are in the various runway LOD files, which are no longer modifiable, as TK made them impossible to extract . You have two choices: You can replace the LODs by adding new ones into the terrain folder. or can create lower resolution tiles (or both). JSF Aggie's runway sets will work in a pinch, and solve both issues, as they include both new LOD files and textures.
  8. Creating an Excel chart for V-G Diagrams

    Precisely, though for the purposes of the series in question (SF2), we are usually addressing sea level to 40,000 feet, though of course, 160 kias at 40K would still result in a somewhat higher mach level than at SL. My favorite was the narrow flight envelope for the U2 at 70K feet. The difference between a stall and critical Mach at that altitude was about 4 knots!
  9. FSX is only as good as the add-ons that you're using. Not everyone strives for the level of accuracy that you may be seeking. preferring eye-candy to realism.
  10. I'm BACK!

    Welcome back, Falcon.
  11. Creating an Excel chart for V-G Diagrams

    That chart is using Calibrated Air Speed (CAS), and not Indicated Air Speed (IAS). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calibrated_airspeed The broken lines denote various altitudes, and nothing more. Where they intersect the horizontal and vertical lines is what is of importance. The lines running horizontally represent (G) loading. The lines running vertically represent calibrated air speed. For example look at the solid line, which represents 4,000 feet ASL. Note where the 1-G line intersects the airspeed line. That represents your aircraft's stall speed in level flight, Also, take notice of the text in the center of the diagram, regarding clean configuration and stores.
  12. Creating an Excel chart for V-G Diagrams

    160 knots indicated, in clean configuration on a "standard" day, with probably noting more than 1/2 internal fuel. 160 knots indicated at 40,000 feet is still "160 knots :indicated", understand? The F-105 has a very capable flap system, and it enables laden stall speeds to just below 160 knots when fully extended, but at too high an angle of attack for safe landing. Laden, safe landing speeds are in excess of 180 knots indicated,
  13. S Uh, let me think on this for a while..... Uh, the SF2 series?
  14. Creating an Excel chart for V-G Diagrams

    Stall line at what weight (full or partial internal fuel, external stores, etc)? At what indicated airspeed (the most obvious)? At what level of thrust? At what air temperature (affects air density at all altitudes)? Most of the charts you'll find in a pilot's manual are meant to be used as guidelines, and as such, do not necessarily represent real-world conditions.
  15. There was such a tool for early SF1 patch levels, which Streakeagle created. Unfortunately, updating it appears to have been overly time-consuming. The addition of various stall and downwash parameters, coupled with TKs almost constant tweaking of the game physics would have made this an elusive target just a few years ago. Now that TK's all but abandoned the series, the creation of an app that allows one to graph the flight envelope is once again feasible. Of course, this may spur him on to further develop the series, out of spite For years we have been making due with little more than Kreelin's Aeroconvert, and an app penned up by Abacus for MSFS, CLcalc.
  16. Currently in the yard, getting a fresh coat of paint:
  17. Happy New Year 2016 to all of you!

    A Happy New Year to all our friends and their families here at Combat Ace!
  18. This was taken by "Jet Ski Brian" who has his own YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jetskibrian1 It's a cold front crossing lower Chesapeake bay, near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel. Or, is it actually an image taken while he was seeking refuge from Khan Noonien Singh in the Mutara nebula?
  19. Nautical Nimbkinpoops

    Watch this couple in a small boat almost get run down by a tanker, because they anchored in a fairway (ship channel). Large vessels are constrained by draft, and have the right of way. If the USCG or that state's marine patrol had been there, they would have issued them a summons, irregardless of whether or not that were experiencing engine trouble. They were lucky that a party boat came to provide aid. And even then, they did not follow the party boat captains advice, when he told them to cut the anchor line.
  20. Nautical Nimbkinpoops

    Here's a snippet of video that I recorded in that same area, to illustrate the actual size of the bay. We were fishing about were the "N" in Raritan Bay is on the chart in my previous post. My Movie.wmv
  21. My Movie

    From the album My Videos

  22. My Videos

  23. Nautical Nimbkinpoops

    You meant, "had they been running along minding their own business and the engine quit while they were crossing the channel (instead of anchoring in the channel)?" The first step, is to notify the USCG or the Marine Police on Channel 16. The body of water that incident took place in, is Raritan Bay, which runs between NY and NJ. Ch 16 is monitored by the USCG out of NY harbor, as well as the Coast Guard station near the tip of Sandy Hook in NJ. It is also monitored by the NY and NJ marine police (both state agencies), and by the NYPD marine division out of Staten Island (a municipal agency). So if notified of the emergency, someone will have resources dispatched within a few minutes, at most. By notifying the authorities, they are in effect, broadcasting on a public channel that is monitored by ships and tugs, as well as pleasure boats. The law states that any unencumbered vessel that is close enough to render assistance MUST do so. Assistance can mean getting the crew members off the stricken vessel, or possibly even towing it to safety (not recommended unless you know what you're doing, or are a licensed master with a towing endorsement on your ticket). As for the tanker in that situation, the only rule that applies to it is that it must monitor channel 16, and must maintain steerage-way, which on a vessel of that size, may be 7-10 knots (steerage way is the minimum speed at which a vessel can maneuver on its own).

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