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Everything posted by Fubar512

  1. Damn...I forgot to include the decal folder. I have attached it here, simply extract it into the Thirdwire/SF2x folder in your Windows profile folder. Objects.zip I will update the main upload folder when I get a chance. Objects.zip
  2. The mission, not the mission.ini
  3. The two textures work. You need to edit the mission in order to select between the Ned Llloyd and the Maersk skins, as the system seems to not randomize between them. On my install, the Maersk texture gets called out 95% of the time.
  4. Version 1.0


    Julhelm's Container Ship for SF2 Model and Textures: Julhelm Effects and .ini work: Fubar512 This mod is designed and optimized for the SF2 series, and may not work properly in SF1. To install: Simply extract the contents of the 7z archive file into the mod (saved games) folder of the desired title. For example, using SF2NA, the default path would be "YOUR NAME/Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2NorthAtlantic" Note that model's running lights will be on all the time. This is currently due to the limitations of the series. To enable the included sounds, you must have access to the soundlist.ini, which can be extracted from the flightdata,cat file. It must then be placed into your game's flight folder, and the following edits should be made to it (note, if you have a custom soundlist.ini already, simply add the following lines in their appropriate numerical order. Don't forget to edit the XXX entries to match your existing sequence). SoundFileXXX=Underway SoundFileXXX=MarineDiesel [underway] Priority=Normal 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=250.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 [MarineDiesel] Priority=LOW 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=250.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0
  5. Working on the upload package. The container ship will include two textures (Maersk and P&O Nedlloyd), sounds, and effects. Here's the Nedlloyd texture at night, with its running lights on.
  6. It appears that we never uploaded the container ship. I'll take care of that as soon as I can. In the meantime, here is the link for the Handmax (modern) tanker: http://combatace.com/files/file/13672-handymax-tanker/
  7. That's Julhelm's container ship, which should be available in our SF2 downloads section. He also has a Handymax-sized tanker available, as well. Even better, as the containers fly go flying when you hit that part of the ship
  8. Malaysian Flight MH370 WTF?!

    My friend, if you only knew how lucky you are. You've come within a razor-thin margin of being replied to by the WTF bird
  9. Thank You MK2

    I'm glad to see that you are still around, and also that your son shares your interest in flight sims.
  10. The Real G.I. Joe

    I found this interesting, though it is a bit offbeat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Joe_(pigeon)
  11. View from atop the Freedom Tower

    This is a neat applet that's hosted on Time.com. It's a panoramic view from 1 World Trade Center. It allows you to pan, and zoom-in and out, from a point next to the top of the Freedom Tower's mast. You can see 3 states from this vantage point (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut). http://time.com/world-trade-center/?xml=wtc.xml&view.hlookat=260.82&view.vlookat=8.95&view.fov=2.12#panorama
  12. Any F/A-18 sims?

    There is Seven-G (which keeps getting its intro date pushed further and further into the future), but one almost gets the impression that it's turning into vaporware. Jane's is currently still the benchmark, the Graphsim Hornet series is very simplified by comparison. Before you dismiss all the FSX addons as being useless, PM 531Ghost.
  13. Communications protocols (such as TCP/IP) have little to do with the actual implementation of the Direct Play API, other than providing a commonly referenced com standard between two or more machines. Think of DirectPlay as a sort of "HyperLobby Lite" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectPlay
  14. Saving Fuel

    And misleading. Once an engine is started in cold weather after being left outside overnight, it ideally should not be shut off until it has reached operating temperature. Failure to do so may will result in accelerated wear. In cold weather, one should start the engine, idle it long enough to allow the oil pressure to stabilize (usually about 30-60 seconds) and then drive the car very gingerly until the engine reaches operating temp. In the case of my present vehicle, that translates to about 3 miles or 5 minutes.
  15. As I mentioned many times before, Microsoft broke Thirdwire's MP support, by eliminating Direct Play as part of DX10 & DX11, which in turn, are core components of Windows Vista, 7, and 8. Thirdwire used Direct Play in its DX8 and 9-based titles. Besides, Thirdwire's MP was very basic, and according to TK, accounted for only a small fraction of sales.
  16. The SA-2 launcher has a fixed yaw axis in-game for a reason. And that is to prevent an SA-2 site from salvoing all 6 of its missiles at once.
  17. California Jaws!

    The last time I swam with barracudas was probably in early February of 1986, and I did not own an underwater camera at the time, nor were there waterproof disposables even on the market back then. I can tell you that it was fun chasing them around. They would scoot out of sight, make a wide circle, and appear behind us a few seconds later. We'd then chase after them, and they'd perform the same maneuver again and again. Check on youtube for "swimming with barracudas" or "Diving at John Pennekamp Park", and I'm sure you'll find several videos.
  18. California Jaws!

    Pictures of what? Sharks? Blue Sharks (all tagged and released): Makos: Spinner shark (unofficial NJ state record): Ocean sunfish stopping by for a scrub:
  19. California Jaws!

    People are attacked by sharks in shallow, murky water for the same reason that people occasionally get bit by bluefish or barracudas, and that is a reflex action due to competition with other predators over the available amount of prey. He who snoozes, loses, or more accurately, starves! In every case that I'm aware with barracudas, the person that was bit was either wearing or holding a shiny trinket that the barrie went for. In clear water, sharks either bite out of curiosity, or in the case of tigers, whites, or bulls, the attack can be due to hunger or territoriality. Here's a video showing how an attack can progress from a curios nip, to an out and out case of territoriality. The white shark in the video saw the small boat as another predator competing with it, and the results were tragic.
  20. Here's I video I made for you, Michael:
  21. Michael, go to this site, here: http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,15649.0.html Watch this tutorial before you try installing anything: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-AuRg5IhC0 Here's a few screenies for you:
  22. Your fav "BAD GUYS" Cold War plane as a youth?

    The MiG-21 is my favorite red-side aircraft. I consider it a timeless design.
  23. Thanks, Michael. I had forgotten about that one.

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