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Everything posted by Fubar512

  1. ¡ Barbudos !

    That reminds me of another joke... Fidel decides to visit an asylum, to show that he is truly a man of the people. While touring the facility, he encounters an obviously insane man building a rather magnificent castle, out of manure. Fidel stops and asks the man what he is doing, and the man responds, "Why, I am building progressivism!" Fidel considers this, and plays along, by launching into a twenty minute speech on how the nation must come together as one and move forward towards socialism, and utimately, to communisim. The man appears to agree with him, and yells to a colleague "Jose! Bring me ten more wheel barrels of shit! We're now going to build communisim!"
  2. Yes! Why do we even need to buy SF2 to run this? It should be setup to run on its own! Hell, while we're on the subject, why make it so we even need to own a PC to play it in the first place! More free stuff, man!
  3. Flight Sims, Circa 1990

    Here's an episode of "the Computer Chronicles", a television series that ran from 1981 through the early 2000s, on public TV (PBS) here in the US. You may find this particular episode quite interesting, if not quaint.
  4. Hey my friend, people here have spent serious time on creating mods, and when I mean time, I mean as in years. So relax and take the time to thank our modding community for their toils, for the gifts that they have given us, and namely, thank them for the time they took. Valuable time that they could have spent with friends and family, etc. Threads like this get closed, fast, and posters who continually whine about such things, tend to suddenly disappear. Understand?
  5. Cool video, but I kept expecting Desmond Llewelyn to appear at any moment, and warn Harry to "Please bring it back in one piece"
  6. Good Evening, Mr. Bond. Your vessel awaits..

    Well, taking into account that the AM37's fuel tanks, when full, would most likely hold more fuel by weight, than a Cessna 172 weighs (dry weight, as the Cessna holds about 55 gallons of fuel itself). Then, on a 37-foot pleasure boat, one must assume an additional 50 US gallons or so of freshwater capacity, at 417 lbs. My last boat, a 31-footer, held 225 US gallons of fuel in its main tank, and I added an additional 75 gallon auxiliary tank to augment my range. The 54-footer that I captained, by comparison, held 1500 gallons (of diesel), though that vessel also displaced 40 US tons.
  7. JF Hunter F.6 / FGA.9 in works!

    How difficult is it to make an FSX model Tacpack compatible, and will such a model's AI engage you? Those are the questions you need to ask. If you read through some of the threads on other websites, you'll see that there's quite a list of upcoming models that are Tacpack compatible, plus revisions to make some existing models compliant, and also, Tacpack has an SDK out, which may allow modders to "arm" models.
  8. Good Evening, Mr. Bond. Your vessel awaits..

    Hell, with a 50+ knot top speed (56 mph), you could launch a freaking Cessna from that thing! Those 520 HP 8.3 liter V8's (523 cubic inches) are manufactured in-house by Mercruiser, and though the design is loosely based on the Chevrolet Mark IV big block, they share nothing with any production engine.
  9. Baffmeister, the Skyray (like all true deltas) did not stall in the conventional sense. When deltas exceed a certain alpha at speed, they bleed off airspeed rapidly, an effect that pilots refer to as "mushing". If one is already flying at too low an airspeed, the aircraft will pitch up and appear to fly straight and level at a ridiculously low air speed, while it is actually losing altitude. In fact, it's quite possible to fly at full throttle at such an attitude, losing airspeed and altitude with little or no external references. What I would do is eliminate the stall values on that FM, and play with the alpha/drag tables in order to achieve this.
  10. It had nothing to do with the data.ini, or the 3d model. It was an issue with the 3d "world", and, if I recall correctly, was sort of related to the "bouncing MiG" issue that occurred after an early patch.
  11. It was done by the A-team for a seaplane. At one point, some of the Thirdwire models were actually capable of wheels-up landings, I recall once ditching an F-100 back in the SFP1 days.
  12. Informative video from JayzToCents.
  13. Clean that PC Regularly!

    One client of mine used to smoke pipe tobacco, and raised Corgis. Despite this, he and his wife used to keep their home as immaculate as an operating room, and I never recall ever catching even the faintest whiff of tobacco whenever I visited. Except for one instance, when he asked me to upgrade the HDD on his PC. As soon as the case was cracked open, the "sweet" smell of pipe tobacco filled the air, and as JediMaster stated, all the expansion cards and motherboard had a somewhat sticky yellowish film on them. When the task was completed, and I had powered up the PC to began formatting the new drive, I again caught a whiff of pipe tobacco, courtesy of the power supply fan.
  14. Flying fish have it rough...

    Harried by dolphin below, and by frigate birds from above, flying fish lead a tough existence. Watch this amazing footage, and judge for yourselves:
  15. Flight Sims, Circa 1990

    I have all three major Graphsim releases from that series. Hornet 3.0, F/A-18 Korea, Korea "Gold", and F/A-18 OIF.
  16. Would you believe sustained flight at 42,000 ft asl? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sgp5qel1VUk
  17. Stupid CPU Question

    The question should be, "Will it fit in my PC's case, and allow me to put the side-panel back on? http://combatace.com/topic/83314-its-time/?p=669645 Did you also pick up a tube of thermal paste, or did the HSF manufacturer provide you with some?
  18. Clean that PC Regularly!

    The only case of conductive dust that I experienced first hand, was on a PC that was in an automobile repair shop, sitting a few feet away from a brake lathe and a bench grinder. Despite being under a nylon cover, years of exposure had allowed a fine layer of metallic dust to coat the motherboard and PSU.
  19. CVN Ulyanovsk

    Version 2.0


    CVN Ulyanovsk by Julhelm This model represents the Soviet Project 1143.7 CVN Ulyanovsk, as it probably would have appeared had the project had been carried through to completion. I won't go into the actual history of the ship, as it's just as easy for anyone so inclined to perform an online search and dig up all the relevant details on the vessel. This model was designed and optimized for SF2:NA, and that means Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8. At the very least it requires the latest SF2 series patch for its systems and DX10 visual effects to work properly. To install this package, simply place the folders located inside the .RAR archive into the mod folder of whichever SF2 title you desire the ship to appear in. Additional work may be required on your part to ensure that the ship's TEWS RWR symbol (SkyWatch) is added to the RWR list of any aircraft so equipped. Instructions on how to do this, can be found on the SF2 knowledge base, courtesy of EricJ: http://combatace.com/topic/44441-making-a-custom-tga-for-tews-radar-warning-recievers/ Sound effects will also require editing of the soundlist.ini file in order to work. I’ve included a modified soundlist.ini file, for those who do not have it extracted. Warning: Be careful if you already have an existing custom soundlist.ini file, as it will be overwritten. In that case, simply add the following lines (shown below), taking care to follow the existing numbering sequence (the soundlist.ini will reside in your flight folder). Use the supplied soundlist.ini as a guide. SoundFileXXX=Underway SoundFileXXX=ReductionGear SoundFileXXX=CIWS [underway] Priority=Normal 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=250.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [ReductionGear] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=2000.000000 MinDist=10.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 [CIWS] Priority= Normal Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=2 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=FALSE MaxDist=2000.000000 MinDist=50.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=100 Known issues: 1) The supplied SA-N-11 Kortik SAMs are not precisely scaled, so they were placed in the center of each Kashtan's missile tube cluster. They also do not have a defined booster stage in their model file, so don't expect booster separation. Also, the actual SA-N-11 is guided by an optical tracking system in real life. Again, this is not supported by the series, so they were given high counter-measure rejection and probability of intercept values, to compensate. 2) As of the present date (October 7 2012) Third Wire does not support a PROPER VLS system on a vessel that's also equipped with mutiple SAM types, on slewable mounts. To put it simply, one can have a working VLS system and nothing else, or one can have working Kashtans. I chose the latter option, though the nodes and missiles are supplied if this situation were to change in the future. 3) Third Wire has not made provisions for a working "ski-jump", so virtual bow catapults are used instead, and aircraft thus launched will appear to fly through the bow ramp. Credits: Ulyanovsk model, SA-N-9 model, and Textures for both, by Julhelm SA-N-11 missile model and textures, based on the SA-19 by Gabilon. Sound & Visual effects, and all data.ini work, by Fubar512 Testing by Dave, Wrench, Brain32 and Crusader.
  20. Building a retro-gaming PC

    With the interest that the 1990-flight sim thread stirred up, I'd thought that I'd share this. It's just one of the retro-build videos on the "Phil's PC Lab" channel on Youtube.
  21. Building a retro-gaming PC

    Watch the video, and you'll see.
  22. Building a retro-gaming PC

    The issue often isn't clock speed, it's physical architecture. Some of the early titles run a bit too fast on processors that sport L1 or L2 cache. Of course, as you've already mentioned, an outfit such GOG makes all this a moot point, with their updated (re) releases, and the various work-arounds that they've applied to them to make those old titles Windows 7 & 8 compliant.
  23. Building a retro-gaming PC

    On that same channel, you'll find a build where he uses a K6-III to accomplish the same thing. Many of those older games will not run on modern CPUs. Also, capacitors can be replaced. I have done it myself on a few occasions, it just takes a little bit of skill with a soldering iron to accomplish.
  24. Clean that PC Regularly!

    In my experience, that's mostly bullshit. I once managed a team of PC techs that "recycled" PCs from various clients, which we'd often receive by the pallet-load. The previous manager had them spend considerable time brushing away dust. I went out and purchased an electric leaf blower, which did a bang up job of clearing dust from every nook and cranny, even the power supplies. I cannot recall any of them failing because of this, though in all honesty, we only kept the 486 DX/2s and higher, because they were deemed to be the entry-level systems at the time (1998).

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