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Everything posted by Fubar512

  1. 1) The changes can apply to the map, irregardless of mission or campaign (objects can be made service date-sensitive). You can, however use the same coordinates to add mission-only ground objects, in a scripted mission. We do this all the time 2) The HUD debug mode can be toggled thru, but its startup default is to display debug data. From what I've gathered from your questions, you may want to look into the DLC mission editor from Third Wire (if you have not done so already). It makes things so much easier.
  2. You can locate and place objects within 1 meter from within the game. To do so, you must activate the HUD-debug option (from within the HUD.ini), launch the game, toggle control + f12 to allow free-fly view, and use the mouse to "fly" to wherever you want on the map. The debug screen will provide you with X,Y, and Z coordinates for object placement. It's admittedly crude, but our veteran terrain modders have been sucessfully placing terrain objects this way for years.
  3. Let's see if I've got this right, you've installed a weapons pack meant for the '06 patch, into an '08 install, and then used the '06 weapons editor? There are gun and weapon editors that are specifically coded for '08 patch level installs. Use those.
  4. Your values are fine....which leads me to suspect that your actual sound files are probably too large to play in unison.
  5. No, it works like .001% of the time, and even then, only after the missile "hits" something.
  6. AAA test. The MiG-15bis used here is the Third Wire model, with a stand-in cockpit....we have our own model and 'pit in the works The flack and tracer effects are Stary's. KAW_AAA_test.wmv
  7. Iran displays captured UAV

    It's fake.....check out the inlet screen.
  8. LOL...I've christened the Bataan the "Floating Porcupine". It's positively bristling with Bofors 40s and Oerlikon 20s.
  9. It's SidDogs birthday!

    Happy B'day, Sid!
  10. Or worse, yet, one will script a mission where they're supposed to take off from an Icelandic airfield...only to find water beneath their wheels once the game starts
  11. I doubled the distance to 16 km, and sent it to you via PM
  12. They're being quite tight-lipped about the terrain, so far.
  13. You should hear my chopper imitation....
  14. You need to redit the mission (this was caused by a patch) and set the aircraft's origin point so that it starts on the carrier.
  15. The sound FX, or the speech? The speech package is the one by Renegade: http://combatace.com/files/file/11855-sfg1wmspeechrar/ The sound FX I created myself.

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