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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. Plastic scale model Albatros V or Va

    I have already checked then, but you can not buy them, right now. According to the website the quality apears to be beter then Rooden or Battle Axe, but on the outher hand no company would say we are making moderate quality models.
  2. Question Regarding Jasta 11

    Right and Strassburg, according to Greg vanWyngarden in the Osprey series
  3. Plastic scale model Albatros V or Va

    Are you sure about this, I had in my mind that the D3 side ribs (of the body) were flat and the DV serie was rounder.
  4. Flying the "new" Pfalz D IIIa

    Yes that is what I like about the rigid Pfalz D series; dive, hit and run. Pfalz were not that populair, among German pilots and the allied nickname for the DIIIa was something like foolisch Pfalz fish. I still can remember, that in RedBaron the Fokker D7 was supposed to be the best German plane flyable in this game, but I was always better in flying the ugly PFALZ D12!
  5. New Skins Uploaded!

    FRO, Be aware there a few skins double uploaded!!!!!
  6. MiniPATCH V1.32g is now available!

    Thanks , keep them rolling!!!
  7. re-install OFF3

    I have a failure, see the attachement JPG, so I am going to reinstall OFF3 as mentioned by the failure popup. But I do not want to lose my pilot/campaign files etc. and even want to store my CFS3config adjustments. What [hidden] files should I backup for saving my pilot/campaigns!!!!! The CFS3config adjustments, I think, I will do a print-screen and type them later manually in!!!
  8. re-install OFF3

    The latest catalyst 9.9 I was updating from 9.7!!! My card is the Sapphire HD4890 VaporX
  9. re-install OFF3

    Problem is solved, It was the newest catalyst that I installed on my PC, the only problem right now is that I had optimized (=1/2 year try&error) the CFS3config adjustments, they are now all gone, what a rubbish is this CFS3config :angry2: but "I'm happy" no influence on my pilot/campaign !!!!
  10. ask this at aerodromeforum or maybe at overthefront or just google
  11. Great plane this Halby, normaly in RB I always start in a Fokker or Pfalz eindecker (aug-1915 in RB3d) and after the Morane period trying to survive the N11-17 and DH2 waiting for the Halby, but in OFF3 it seems to be impossible for me to survive. So now I'm always trying to start a campaign direct in a Halby!!!
  12. re-install OFF3

    Yep that is my first concen how to safe my pilot/campaign. To my opinion it is just backupping the campaign and pilot folders, but are here some hidden folders that are needed for the capaign/pilots????. Later I could do the Sitting Duck method, the resets CFS3 in the workshop, or reinstall OFF3. But losing the pilot/campaign folders I'm the most afraid of .
  13. New Skins Uploaded!

    Same here; Thankyou for skinning
  14. gotha files

    I want to install the Gotha but I will need some extra files, but I could not find them on Regshangar, were to find them or do I need to download a plane and extract these files???? Copy from message from Capt Winters on simouthouse: you will need to download some extra files from regs hanger and place them into your gotha texture folder. these are: gc_gauges_d1.dds g_stock_gauges_1.dds gc_gauge_glas_t.dds these are available at Regs hanger they are part of the GC shared files. this will enable basic gauges for flying.
  15. gotha in OFF3

    Is this Gotha still act like a fighter. I had once made a mission agains then, but these birds were very fast in turning, climing and diving!!!!
  16. New System/system upgrade

    If it is a AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ then it is a dualcore CPU!!!!! What games are you going to play, if it is also RoF then you should go for a Quad!!!!!! Staying to games like MAW, ETO, IL-2 and OFF3 then keep your CPU, and wait for upgrading when Oleg releases his new Battle of Brittain (if you are a WW2 combat flysim fan). Keep also a close watch to the Intel i7 series, the prices dropped and the i7 mobo's do have more a less the same prices as the AMD AM3 mobo's. Yes check your system like uncleal explained, you can also use SiW, some AM2+ mobo can run on a Phenon X4 CPU!!!.
  17. Only for info, I have just ordered some Simped vario/USB pedal set and noticed that the are on sale now, see simped. Just want to share this info because at my country the CH are 135euro and Saitek 100 euro. These Simped can be used without the OS driver, so it can be used from Win98se to the future WinOS aslong there is a USB support WinOS, so in fact it is for the longer term very cheap. Dutch
  18. Simped padelset

    Oeps, I hope OFF3 can manage these set up: Simped/vario USB version and Logitech Force3Dpro USB Joystick!!!!!
  19. Simped padelset

    I must admit it was because of your advices and explanations at the different WW1 flysim forums, that I decided to go for the best pedals inhere!!!! During ordering, I noticed that the prices for Simped vario/USB were dropped to nearly CH/Saitek level (=in my country). So I had in mind that I should warn WW1 simmers about this offer!!! Dutch
  20. New CPU

    I do not get the point for OFF3 inhere ??? but if I'm right go to th.paste info on how to put on thermal paste, if not then its sorry from my side!!!!!!!
  21. What sort of graphics card is this?

    Yep vP is right, I'm using someking of Qcard for Autodesk Inventor, a 3d CAD ssoftware.
  22. maybe nice info from this WW1 forum http://forum.combatace.com/olde-library-t24902.html
  23. JSGME Compatible HPWFB DM

    This JSGME I allways used for Battle of Britain2 Wings of Victory. Yep it worked great, if you have a lot of pathes.
  24. ai salmson

    Stumpjumper, THANKS. Dutch
  25. Man, I hate this graphic adjustments in OFF3 and no decent manual can be found, but some explenation can be read at adjustments

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