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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. I hope your not a jealous guy but she is now going on with the RoF boys!!!!! see Simhq
  2. O.T. Still flying RB3D?

    Do a search on the RB webring http://www.webring.c...?ring=redbaron2 or go to Coldwar for online gaming!!!! For RB3d starters: go to the Simhq RBforum read the sticky's Nice RB3d resources at: http://vonoben.free.fr/ http://www.wings-of-valor.net/ http://www.wingsofho...m/index.en.html Remark: do not forget the ROTJ path from Baron from Helton he is still "active" I'm still playing RB on a regular bases using a old gameport Pentium4/Win98se/Voodoo3/MS-FF js/ and a big CRT screen!!!! Still love this game.
  3. Any Suggestions?

    Yes using a relais methode PSU/master/slave, the only problem is that the big watt users are the mobo and Vcard!!!! But please share us the method and sent the link. But keep in mind modern VC are power supplied from PCIe slot and two additional connectors. I have read on tweaker.net that this always most be supplied from one PSU otherwise the Vcard can be damaged. Dutch    Â
  4. Lawrence of Arabia...

    can you give the youtube link, I'm getting old forgot all this!!!!!
  5. Any Suggestions?

    CPU OC: He can do some mild overclocking if there is a CPU performance problem, Dimensions have a big massive cooler driven by a 120mm fan, mild OC is no problem here and it can help to reach just that little extra you needing here, Dell BTX mobo are actualy fast if you compare them to a modern 790GX AM2+ mobo from MSI. I did this test on a AMD 4200+ CPU (same RAM). For stab. testing I use 3Dmark, temperature monitoring by SIW freeware and AMD cool & quit always out. If you are doing the OC, keep also a close watch on your HD temp, the position below the CPU is not ideal so they are facing high temperatures. Changing from HD bay could give some improvements here, you never know. But I think his Intel 2.8Ghz does not having any problem regarding OFF3. VC: Believe me you can run OFF3 if it is a Nvidia7300LE-512 like I had, but I do not know if a lower Video memory like in a 7300LE-128 could give problems here. So if you are running a lower memory card then this could be your bottleneck for OFF3, this sounds right. A lott of Dimensions owners have changed the Vcard and stayed to the Dells stock PSU and CPU, you only have to do a search on the Tomhardware and Dell forums, take a look how they managed this VC upgrade, do your choice and ask OFFmembers if they have the same VC and how are they running OFF3 on this VC. I did the same at this forum. Are you only playing OFF3 on this computer then go for a budget VC, but I must admit here, it is better to keep the $$ and go for a beter sytem in the future, when your budget is more, aren't your not saying in the US: its like putting creme on s**t!!!! ZOOMZOOM, maybe a fresh install of your HD should be a beter idea and read all the topics on CFS3config optimalisation, good luck.
  6. Any Suggestions?

    It appears to me you having a Dell Dimension E520 and not a Dell Dimentia E520 and you want to stay to your PSU because of a tight budget, right!!!! If so, then go to Tomshardware forum, Dell forum or the Computer wine blog. Do a search on the forums or ask the guy from Computer wine blog about your plans. Lot of guys had the same "I stay to the 305Watt PSU" problem here, so this upgrade its already done. I do remember that Dells Intel E520 are easy to upgrade maybe even to a Quad CPU?????, it is only not liked by Dell sales policy. Keep in mind that your Mobo is a BTX and not a ATX, so the CPU power must be the same if you want to use the big CPUcooler or do a cooler rebuild. If you want to OC, you can not do this in the Dells bios, use Clockgen. The videocard can be OC by using nTune from Nvidia wich is easy, simple and has a nice testing loop after adjusting. But as I already said, keep the $$$ in your pocket, you can run on a 7300LE-512mb, believe me and if you still intent to go for a Vcard, on 22 september the DirectX11 cards will be released so prices of old DirectX10 cards will be dropped!!!!!! My old rig was a Dell Dimension E521. E521=AMD dualcore CPU and E520=Intel dualcore CPU. If you can't find it in these forum search sent me a PM and I will give it a try. forget something use the latest drivers, from Nvidia, Dell and maybe from Intel.
  7. Any Suggestions?

    Believe me if it is a Nvidia 7300LE 512mb, It will run on OFF3, you only have to tweak that f*(#ing CFS3config file (I hate this junk software). Sometimes you get a purple square on the ground but no stuttering. I have manage to run OFF3 using only a: CPU: AMD Athlon 4200+  2,2Ghz, it was a dualcore but for OFF3 a single core is OK.  GPU: Nvidia 7300LE-512mb Win OS: XP sp3 mean and lean, when gaming it is faster then Vista. OC: For playing OFF3 I did only a mild OC something like 2.45Ghz for the CPU and adjust Vcard to 596/798 using nTune.  But maybe if your HD is full, clean it, using software like Ccleaner or better get all the info from Mark "Homeboy" about his AlacrityPC, complete info about stopping unnecessary services and programs!!!!!! Dutch now running RoF and OFF3 on: CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ 3.5Ghz RAM: 4Gb Crucial Ballistix   GPU: Sapphire HD4890 VaporX WOS: still using XPsp3 PSU: Corsair TX750W
  8. upcomeing ideas

    I hope it will be playable in campaign mode!!!!
  9. upcomeing ideas

    Nice the Belgium airforce. But they not only fly the Hanriot but also other allied already in OFF3 planes, like the Nieuport, Camel, Spad etc. http://www.wwiaviation.com/Belgium.html http://www.baha.be/Webpages/Navigator/Belg...ry/ww_i/WW1.htm http://www.century-of-flight.net/Aviation%...war/belgium.htm
  10. Oeps this is bolt and is normal meaning I'm angry!! Look I only want to say improvements have to be done,
  11. Same topic appeared in the old OFF forum one year ago, my answer was for Ph4: dump the CFS3 engine and get a decent one like IL2-1946 !!!!! 1]. Ph4 should get rid of that CFS3config adjustments thing and use something like in Rof or IL1946. But maybe this will mean another engine. 2]. Make OFF more open for add 3th party mods, like in RB3d, so 1915 planes and campaign can be made. Some kind of a ROTJ or WFP for OFF, btw mods can extent the game lifetime? 3]. Better graphics for the planes, they need to level up for the future, because competition is not standing still. Maybe they can take a look to the F-Shooter game developments, these games have realistic graphics. Oeps sounds like some critics here, but still love this game
  12. MiniPATCH V1.32e is now available!

    Sorry but what is "Aircraft Weapon loadout fix for strike missions".
  13. Need Computer Tech help

    Maybe I can help you, Dell does have very fast mobo's but are limited in OC and upgrading. If it is a AGP slot it should be still no problem here, there are good aftermarket ATI cards for playing OFF3. But first download SIW to determine your system, http://www.gtopala.com/ get the free version.
  14. http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.asp?m=100633965 I'm not that good in English but read this
  15. Planes

    Yep nice thing made by SJ this a great, thanks SJ. I just did a QC mission last weekend, my Hanriot against the Gotha's, these big plane were flying like a jetplane. I hope somebody could put them in a campaign !!!!!! BTW: SJ could not determine you on youtube which LED coat had you on!!!
  16. skins and off

    Read the instruction, some skinners have pointed the right place to install the skin, something like campaign/skin/"yourVoss skin". But beware, some have a bad quality, do first a check in QC if its like a painted cartoon just delete it. Correction: Open your Programs folder/Microsoftgames folder/CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder/campaigns folder/CampaignData folder/skins folder and place in there.
  17. Oeps forgot something here, your Videocard is this a ATI or Nvidia? If it is a ATI go to the ATI web site and check for the ATI certified PSU, so you will avoiding PSU/ATI problems. and read this: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/372/1/
  18. Take a look at Corsair, I have a TX750W and the quality of its components are very solid. But maybe its better to check the Watts on beforehand on http://extreme.outervision.com/index.jsp BTW Did you do the Voltage check to confirm the PSU damage???
  19. My game settings

    I will be nice to get a decent CFS3config manual here, after nearly one year still use the try and error method to get a proper adjustment!!!!!! Why did MS did not use a adjustment like in FE, IL1946 or RoF???
  20. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Noticed during my traveling that only in South of Europe (France/Spain/South Italy, not north Italy/Greek Islands) people have a English language problem, in north and central Europe it is no issue, to me it appears, all hat some lessons at school. Dutch
  21. Thats a good one WM! I'm only do WW1 flysims (OFF3, RoF and RB3d) sometimes WW2 flysims like IL-1946 or CFS3 based paths. Did played 10 years ago a racing game called Roadrash, I think I will installed it again.
  22. Radeon question

    CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ OC 3.5Ghz GPU: HD4890 1Gb VaporX no OC No problems here. BTW September will be the release of the new DirectX11 cards this means the DirectX10 cards like the HD4890 will be dropped in price!!!! Sitting Duck your CPU will run fine on a HD4890 that for sure!!!!!
  23. Hmm I think you should do a search on Simhq forum about UK suppliers. I have RoF and OFF3 both nice games. OFF3 is on the limited caused by the CFS3 engine and RoF is limited now but has a great potential for the future, I still can remember getting WoW and FE, I was very disappointed never played it again, until I discovered the add-ons here, thanks CA-guys . Same will be happen to RoF. The Campaign mode is still no good, more a less like in the stock FE, but this will be improved. BTW, I did not buy the SE5, but after the release, I found that it was appearing in the game and I was even dogfighting against it, during a mission. So your buying only the right to fly this plane. For me its simple, if you are a WW1 flysin fan get also CK, OFF3 and RoF, they are the new generation of WW1 fly sims.
  24. Miss some planes here, I like flying the Halberstadt

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