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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. I always follow the leader and try to finish my job in surviving myself and my flight members. This means I will shoot on everything which could be a treat for us. But alone I'm a hunter only fight in advance. Thats what I like in RB, flying the 1915 planes means you have to use tactics and flying skills first then shooting.
  2. The Nvidia Settings

    Yep, but I could not imagine that he missed this recent post. So I sent by PM: Parky's sceenshots from the SimOH-forum date 8-febr-2009, but take also a close look at the OFF website.
  3. The Nvidia Settings

    I think I have them, but maybe its also on the OFFwebsite, will sent you a PM to take a look !! Dutch
  4. Windows 98

    There is somewhere a site that explain the difference between a Wrapper and a Voodoo card. I can not find it but maybe if you Google you will find it. If you take a look at the pictures he made you will see that the Voodoo is much better. I have also an old Pentium4-gameport rig for RB3d, the combination 98se/Voodoo3/MS-FF is great. But you properly already have read this on a Delphi or WoV forum!!
  5. Back in the OFF saddle again

    Hmm, looks like everybody is waiting for the Canvas knights or going for RoF!!!!
  6. Want to reprogram my Logitech Force 3D pro, I know its on the old forum and did some search at the old OFF forum but could not find it. Does somebody have a Logitech F3Dpro profile to share, which I can use as basic or sample.
  7. Joystick profile

    The game functions on your pushbutton, all my views are now on button #3,4,5,6. Can not program the POV (little mini joystick). shift #3,4,5,6 are identifying enemy/friends/maps. Unfortunately I can not use the search function in the old forum, its all written down in the old SOHforum.
  8. Full canvas jacket wanted

    My reply on this 2008 topic Why FCJ? I see no improvement if you compare it to HASP, WFP or ROTJ!!!! Lott of WFP is coming from FCJ take a look at the SWWISA Here some text copy from the SWWISA site: New in WFP2: Featuring the Promised Lands Full Canvas Jacket 2 Skins revamped using FCJ and FCJ2 exteriors and interiors Sorry FCJ appears to me now a days a waist of $$.
  9. Anyone use Nhancer?

    Sorry, but after a quick view at the Nhancer site. I'm using the latest Nvidia tools and I see no extra's in Nhancer. I have no problems so far, about new Nvidia driver updates (it has a update search feature) , I can also adjust nVidia Videocard and make profiles for the games I play. It can be used for overclocking your CPU (on NvidiaChipset mobo) & GPU (incl fan control). Components can be monitored for temp and it has a stress testfunction after you do the overclocking. So it having even more extra's. I think the best feature: its a simple and easy to use software bundle, which normally brings you the best results. Before the nVidia bundle I use the RivaTuner software.
  10. Joystick profile

    Try the Saitek web site and download the right X52 driver for your Windows system.
  11. Read an article a while ago about France aces, they dislike Fonck fighting tactics and maybe they even dislike the person Fonck. I alway had in mind that Guynemer was lost in action and not that he was shot down?????
  12. Nice article, additional info at the Simhq RoF forum section were it was published earlier.
  13. Mmm an old payware addon. I think the topic starter should go for: MAW, ETO, Korea and Solomon. All free and will work besides OFF3.
  14. Sorry what is firepower????
  15. FS-WW1 Great sim

    He Panama red still flying RB??? I'm still flying it, not on-line anymore, but only in campaign mode. Got a special P4gameport-Win98se-Voodoo3-MSff standby for this game. Yep thats only thing what we are missing in this nice game, btw did you try to fly the Sikorsky???
  16. Win XP 64bit

    I can get a secondhand Win XP 64bit software for a cheap price, so: Who is running a Win XP 64bit computer? Are there any problems here if you are running combatflysims like OFF3? Did you have any software and driver conflicts? Thanks Dutch
  17. Win XP 64bit

    Thank you all, I will give it a go!!!!!!
  18. Win XP 64bit

    Thanks Lou, I read in your reply that also the performance will get a to a higher level, so that will be positive. I'm only will use the XP64 (I do not like Vista) for playing Combatflysims. Still I do not know if OFF3 can run on this.
  19. Video card help

    P4 3.4Ghz looks to me this rig must have a AGP or maybe a PCIe slot. But you can check this download the free version of http://www.gtopala.com/siw-download.html and do a screenshot and copy paste this on this board. What are you going to do only OFF3 then a better Vcard extra RAM, some Overclocking is the best choice in here
  20. Nice game but it misses the campaign mode
  21. OT- U2 concert

    Its the old U2 sales marketing trick, its all fake. But People still want to be cheated, buying albums, visiting concerts.
  22. Force Feedback strength (increase?)

    I have two FF JS. The famous MS-FF and Logitech F3Dpro in both versions you can adjust the FF. Go to your JS software, open it and do the adjustments in the options or adjustments menu. It will help us if you give us the JS type, maybe there is somebody who have the same JS or will do the research for you.
  23. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    I know, I have played FS, like the Sikorski airplane btw. And I think that what everybody miss in a flysim nowadays, the roleplay, the as in real life; site by site flying with the aces. The flysim is not populair in my country and that is not only because off the comic book plane graphics but the lack of a good virtual flying world, which a good campaign mode can supply to you.
  24. free 8800 GTS

    Check Tomshardware.com
  25. I imported the Hanriot folder in the OFF3 aircraft folder but at QC I do not see any Hanriot. What is wrong here.

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