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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. Stumpjumper's Hanriot is not visible

    oeps, so this will be a hacking activity!!!!
  2. port sub base

    Eeeehhh, no instruction or readme at this download, so what is this???
  3. gotha files

    Thanks got them all, now trying to install them!!!!
  4. gotha files

    Yep did also a posting on Soh, because topic was from Soh, but I'm going to use it in OFF3 so it was a dilema. Maybe for next time I will use a note, something like posted on Soh.
  5. What will give me the best performance for OFF3; XPpro or XPmedia edition both sp2 and 32bit.
  6. XP-pro or XP media edition

    Did some readings that XPpro disadvantige is that it could be having problems in game graphics and XP media is big and clumpsy , but I'm always do the tweakings and remove every not necessary parts. Keeping it lean and mean.
  7. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    Ok, thats what you are missing , me to. But ArgonV is not mention this, what he is missing can be fixed in the FS project or not????? he is in charge there. But your right, yes, the RB campaign mode was subliem, it has a suck you in the screen mode, I have played a lot of WW1 and WW2 combatfly sims but never had that feeling again. I must admit that when I'm the flight leader, I always try to take them at home safely, just if it was in real life. Even feel some tears when they did not made it. Maybe RoF can bring this back to this, but reading a simhq RoF interview, I think they will not use this campaign mode or only a limited. Stil I'm using only for RB an old P4/Win98se/Voodoo3/MS-FF to play RB3d patched, can't miss it. note: Lot of old RB players went to IL2 and now to OFF3.
  8. Game Locking up for ? Reason

    I'm maybe not clear about this but: Read the oficial off website for the adjustents, I had something strange on it with graphic interferance, this was caused by disabeling the weather conditions in CFS3config. Maybe something for the future OFF4 get rit of that f**king CFS3config thing I hate this, go for a IL2 adjustments!!! Also do the reset and default actions in the OFF menu, set CFS3config to default but leave the video card (at the pull down menu) to your Nvidia 7900. Last action do a complete new OFF install.
  9. port sub base

    Sorry but what is a port sub base ??????,
  10. Game Locking up for ? Reason

    Also take a look at the OFF site for info about adjustments, I think your Graphic card could also be the problem, adjustments can be very critical at your Nvidia card.
  11. You guys just cost me $1400 US!

    Hmm, I think for OFF3 its a little bit overdone, but you properly also have RoF in your mind. Come on give us the true reason??
  12. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    He ArgonV why not transforming FS to your WW1 dream game???
  13. I'm still orientating for a decent Video card, my first option was the old Nvidia 1Gb 9800GTXplus http://www.gigabyte.eu/Products/VGA/Produc...?ProductID=2918 , but just did some exact measurements in my computer and I can also install a 1Gb HD4870 card http://www.gigabyte.eu/Products/VGA/Produc...?ProductID=2971 . Must do some cuttings but its simple just breaking some plastic ribs and I got to have a new high power PSU to use this HD4780. According the rankings the HD4870 has a better performance then the old 9800GTX+ so why not spending a 100,-- extra. I hope my wife will not read this !!!! But I, can remember that in some OFFtopics the ATI cards caused some touble here for playing OFF3. So my Questions: Is this ATI HD4870 card Troublefree for OFF3 now a days? Are the HD4870 performance that better then 9800GTX+ or is this just marginal, I'm only playing combat flysims?
  14. OFF3 is the main reason now. But who knows if RoF can bring a decent campaign mode it will also be used for RoF.
  15. Conclusion: the ATI HD4780 or HD4790 is suitable for playing OFF3!!!!
  16. Ok, First I wanted to start for a complete update: AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ /PSU/Videocard HD4870 or 9800GTXplus. Problem in my BTX mobo/case is only room for 1 small Vcard like the HD4870 or 9800GTX+ from Gigabyte and the performance of the AMD 6400+ is not that much, but it is the fastest CPU that will fit. I'm now considering this: for 150,-- euro's more, I could go for a modern DDR3/AM3-socket mobo and the AMD Phenom Quad core. Then I'm free in my Vcard choices even can go for Crossfire or SLi.
  17. I see no negative answers about running HD4780 in OFF3. So I think I will go for the HD4780 it looks to be a better card on different testings at the web.
  18. T.Pilot the HD4870 card is longer then the 9800GTXplus and I'm not do any cutting on the cards but on the coolerhouse, on some plastic ribs who have no purpose. B.dog:what do you mean by memory issue and how did you solve this? Maybe some outher members can claim the ATI problems on OFF3, I know in the past where some problems but now a days it is quiet. BTW I'm talking about the 9800GTXplus and the HD4870, both are 1Gb cards.
  19. Guide to Configuring FSAutoStart

    H.boy and B.dog: Thanks guys I will try them both and see what will give me the best results. AMD overdrive does not work on my AMD dual CPU, program does not regonize the CPU because: Computer forum1: the the N- and S-bridge are Nvidia chips, not AMD. Computer forum2: its only working on Quad core CPU's. note: after 50 posts I'm promoted to V-member, come on H.Boy still 3 post to go for your promotion
  20. Guide to Configuring FSAutoStart

    HomeBoy, I'm allways use enditall and the taskmanager. But before downloading and tryit, do you have any experience to Enditall?? Birddog, what is AMD fusion do to your OFF3 game???
  21. Were's WomenFly2 ?

    She is sometime at the RoF blog at the Neoqb.
  22. Maybe you could help me about a graphic card I want to buy. My MoBo is a very small compact system, I noticed that ATI HD4800 series or the Nvidia 200 series does not fit because these cards are very long and to high due the cooling channel. So I went out for the search at a compact system with a 1Gb memory. Still available at the store are the old Nvidia 9800GTX+ GPU with 1Gb and two cards (from Gigabyte& MSI) have compact sizes. My first choice, because its compact, is the Gigabyte euro143,-- : http://www.gigabyte.eu/Products/VGA/Produc...?ProductID=2918 , the fan is just on the right place no interferance with my PC components. Never know anything about Gigabyte Graphic cards, had a P2 Gigabyte MoBo in 2000, btw was good quality then. second the bigger sized MSI euro175,-- : http://global.msi.eu/index.php?func=prodde...mp;prod_no=1691 , MSI looks to me a better quality but the sizes are bigger and I have to make space at the PC case for the double slot system. Games I want to play on these cards are: OFF3, OOF, RoF and Olegs BoB2. your advice or experiences will be helpfull.
  23. buying a 9800GTX+ 1GB?

    Thanks you all for the reply's, heat, PSU is not the problem its all checked by me. Only the power connection to the Graphic card is not clear for me. Problem is that I have a big CPU cooler on my compact MoBo that can block a long Graphic card. The CPU cooler is mounted in vertical direction just 20 mm above the PCI-E conector centerline and in horizontale direction the distance between the connector and the cooler house is something like 150mm [and I have only one PCI-E conector]. When the Graphic card is long and high, the cards-end will touch the cooler house. Above the connector there is a lott of space, so the fan position for the MSI and Gigabyte are perfect. Did some research at the web, [not only for the Graphic card sizes], fond a guy who has even a ATI HD4780 [=my favorite] installed on this Mobo. But he had to do a complete cooler and CPU exchange and cut away a coolertip from a chip and cutting the case backside to make space, for this hudge card. I know what I'm doing sounds maybe not as a good plan, buying a old type Graphic card, [is the 9800GTXplus good??], but this could for me allso the last change to go for a compact 1Gb graphic card, because all the cards are going to be bigger & higher and I want want to keep the cost acceptable and prefere to reduce all the cutting activities.
  24. buying a 9800GTX+ 1GB?

    they are all 1Gb cards and GPU = 9800GTX+.
  25. Otto Kissenberth's Final Kill

    hahaha, Now serious, I see at the OFF aces folder Runge and Kypke are also wearing glasses, never knew that.

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