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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. Otto Kissenberth's Final Kill

    Hmmm ,so you are not that handsome glasless pilot like it shows on your IL2-pilot avatar
  2. Otto Kissenberth's Final Kill

    Who are the two spectacles aces????? interesting never know this?
  3. any french here ?

    Maybe for nexttime, you could use Babelfish or Google translation before posting???? Btw: I had the same feelings at the start of internet in the 90's. Did always a spellcheck in word before posting. Always had in my mind that my writing must be perfect, but its not in the right spell, but in the right communication. So do not be affraid and let us share your (OFF) problems, it is a very helpfull community here.
  4. Did some testing in OFF2, but the FokkerE4 and Dr1 appeared to be ugly comicbook planes. I do not what your findings in editing non OFF planes are, but after these ugly ducks I have stopped. On the web you will find allso a CFS3-Bleriot, [do I spell this right], never tried it, but it looks good in MS flysimulator. Any experience to this addon. Wels, the Gotha and Zep is a downloadfile at the simouthouseforum, I'm not shure, but there are two gotha versions, maybe you can use the search option for gotha???????
  5. Interesting allways was in my mind that the 37mm was the only arment. But now I noticed also a 7.7mm machine gun, never know that. For the time being, [we will wait stumpy], you can also modify the arment from 7.7 to a higher caliber gun. Only point is you will need the S7 or S13 to use it as donorplane. At simouthouse is some info about gun upgrading. Good gunning, but please do not point your 37mm gun at my Albatros in the online mp, I'm very carefull at my new plane, .
  6. If it is a AMD CPU then you can use AMD Overdrive at http://game.amd.com, but I see something like HT so I think its the Intel's Hyper Threating Technologie, so CPU must be an Intel. Videocards looks to me the Botleneck here. Can try to overclock it, never did it on ATI, but to me, ATItool looks the best for these card.
  7. A little Red Baron reminiscence

    Rabu, I do not know what you exactly mean about Delphi, I'm not a Englisch native speaker, but as I earlier mentioned here at this forumtopic, some forum members (not at this CAF-OFFforum) do not have the flysim game, they intent they have the game and after a while they are starting to troll, using different names, so the serious will go away. I had spotted one at the simouthouse who wanted to start. Thats whats happend allso at Delphi, some years ago. But admiting this forum is a nice place to speak old RB friends and OFF3 players, ik will hope it will stay friendly and helpfull like in the old RB Dynamix forum day's.
  8. My game settings

    a sticky, one step further in explaining these strange and troublesome CFSconfig program. F**ck MS for using this program. :fuk:
  9. A little Red Baron reminiscence

    My confession : I'm still playing Rb3D-WFP, sorry Baron no HASP, why, I like that 1915 periode, flying these old bricks. Flying is just like chess you need to know the tactics, plane skills and limitations. If OFF3 is intruducing this periode I'm 100% on OFF3. . Specially for RB3 I have an old P4/98SE/Voodoo3/MS-FF/22"CRT machine. Do not have mercy for me , for OFF3 I have a modern duel core machine. Still looking at some famous RB forums, but it is quiet, no RB movements. Maybe some nostalgie will be introduced in OOF, all the used planes look like copies from old RB plane patches.
  10. He solt his soul to the devil, for flying the Curtis Bi-plane. Its a documentary on Discovery chanel about Udet's life. You see Udet doing a looping and after this land his Bi-plane transverse, all with the engine shut down, incredible. I have this docu recorded in the 90's on VHS tape but also I downloaded it from a torrentsite and its now on my external HD. This acrobatics must be on Youtube I think.
  11. Cameljockey, go to SimHq, Wing of Valor , wings of honour forums, or maybe the RBforum here. I do not know if you running XP, but can allways give Google a try to get the "RB3d XP" search.
  12. For Udet fans a must see, is the Discovery serie about E. Udet. It can be downloaded at some Torrents. See also in the "WW1 FS forumlisting" here at CaForum the "olde library" stiky.
  13. O/T WWI for IL2

    Your Right, but everyone has its favorite game and lets respect this. IL2 does have a great promising game-engine and terrains can be modifed to Google maps textures. Still my first impression, the planes do not have the OFF look, but It will be free, so lets wait for the results and give the guys the time to improve this. More concerning are the maps I have played Il-1946 in the mod version (BoB and 1940 low lands campaigns), but It was always frustrated to see the fu**ing Russian maps in a Western Europe Theatre, I hope they can fix this to a decent France/Belgium Theatre.
  14. OT anyone over 40 remember this?

    Paulis de Boskabouter, made in the Netherlands, the wich is Eucalipta. Its also on comicbook versions and was published in some newspapers. BTW what is the relation to OFF3.
  15. A little Red Baron reminiscence

    Last time I had noticed Beery appearance was when he did a reply at a message from Wingstrut at a Silenthunter4 forum. His name was changed to Beeryus, it was an old message (2005) so I could not reply to it. Beery or Beeryus must have a Silenthunter web site, but still I could not find anything on Google. Here is the message from Ubisoft Silenthunter3 forum: Hey Wingstrut! Long time no see. (Wingstrut and I go way back - back to Red Baron 3D in fact. We both made top quality realism mods for that game, before the 'Promised Land' folks sold out the community and made RB3D mod-making a commercial venture. ) Good to see you on this forum! Now, if only we had Sygrod and Von Tom, we'd have the old RB3D crew (all the 'good crew' at least) back together again. I do not know that this was the reason why he left RB but I know that on the Delphi forum there was hate treats agains Beery regarding his terrain pack. It is a pity that those "trolling" people did never do anything in game improvements but have only negative comments and there main task is only to destabilize a good forum. They are just like grasshoppers in Africa, they eat everything at the forumfields and leave when there is nothing left. I hope the moderators will keep a close watch (check IPadres etc.) on these trollers and keep them out.
  16. A little Red Baron reminiscence

    I do not know if they were from Japan but they lived somewere in Asia: "WWDemonfire" and "trouble_star" were from the start at the MMP Sever. The "Sensei" chap sounds to be one from Japan, but his real name had a France sound so it looks to be he was from Canada or maybe France. RB1 was my first flysim game, never worked well because of the DOS-memory isseu on my Win95 computer. But the Addobe files on the disk were very interesting. Soon after that I went out to the locall shop for RB2 and got a magazine with the superpath to upgrade to RB3D. The Dynamix forum was and still is the best RB forum ever, moderated by RAF_Gromit, Northstar, Wile E Coyote. Wondering were all these guys went to, and what happend to the vTom, Beery, Wingstrut, Sygrog, etc what game are these guys modding now a days.
  17. They will upgrade the games to directX10 or 11 level, I think. TK must do something to improve, if not, then they are loosing the market.
  18. My first flysim was RB1, still have the origional disk, full of nice info about flying and WW1. Later I went to RB2, the campaign mode is very good .
  19. Hellshade, what Nvidia card type are you running? Dutch my wishlist: a decent Cfs3Config manual!!!
  20. I'm still in a new member status why?????
  21. New member

    So you have valued, senior and elite member all depending on your post. BTW what are the amounds for promoting here.
  22. Over Flanders Fileds Phase 3

    forgot something: the addons (planes, skins, campaigns etc), lots of them for FE, no real addons for OFF3, maybe the OFF developers are counteracting agains the non official addons??? But dispite all this OFF3, is a great game and please lets make things clear here; I'm not give you CAF-readers any advice of what game to buy, because I do not have FE+ex.pack only the FE1918.
  23. Over Flanders Fileds Phase 3

    I have both: FE (first release) and OFF (ph2 & 3). I can give no opinion about FE+ex.pack because I do not have this version. Here a additional remarks on the FE<>OFF3 comparison started by BBandy. Advantage FE simple Graphic adjustment <> Disadvantage OFF3 complex graphic adjustments. I think the biggest problem in OFF3 is the adjustment of the game graphics in the Cfs3Config file. This is more a less a misterybox. Lot of the technical topics in the old SimOHforum were asking about graphic adjustments. There is also no manual which can explain what all these adjustments in Cfs3config do, at least I can not find it from the official Cfs3 side. Besides the graphic issue OFF is a good playable game, without the bugs that always blincked in OFF2. As already mentioned by some forummembers the price was high but is now reduced. So for $55,-- it is possible to play OFF3 and CFS3.
  24. I looks to me I will be a game system like WoWarcraft. You will pay for the disk, for the on-line game and for the on-line addons.

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