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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. No because like I did wrote down the "Factory owner keeps them poor, while the church keep them stupid" There was a strict border between the upper and lower class, just like the color of your skin, this was a mark in the way you did talk, your cloths, your manners and people did know each others. Also in the schools you did have the school for poor people and for the upper class. As a sample my grandgrandfather and that is around WW1, did buy a house from a Factory owner, from a factory he also did worked. As a young married boy, doing trading and speculations, he also did need a stable income to keep everything going on at home. He wanted to pay the big amount in cash, but the solicitor did inform the factory owner, that an employe was doing a transaction on his house. As a result he did get fired and the trading of this house was cancelled. Guess the only way to get something better than a factory slave was to go into trading with all the risks or as a child by an adoption from a welty family that wanted a child.
  2. Do not forget in most European countries the poor labourman in factories and on the country were in the same position. Same discrimination, children working in factories, same oppression and no rights. As my country we speak about that time as: the Factory owner keeps them poor, while the church keep them stupid! World War1 did in fact bring also some good things like Women's rights and the organisation of the labour man as a force of power. Also lot of countries were afraid on what was going on in Russia, so they had to do something.
  3. WOFF: Screenshots and Videos

    Great the MS-parasol is my fav plane, here something I did publish on Simhq.
  4. Not satisfy to my own profile, does anybody have a WOFF TrackIR profile to share.
  5. TrackIR profile to share

    thanks, will try them on my weekend morning flights.
  6. TrackIR profile to share

    Olham, could it be you forgot to include these files in the pm, or do I something wrong inhere.
  7. TrackIR profile to share

    But did he not have a TrackIR4.
  8. Thanks mods are always welcome.
  9. On Discovery channel was a nice docu a couple of years ago, about that Udet did give his soul to the devil, think a short youtube search would bring this docu up!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itmAdu7xsWU here it is!!!!
  10. I know for the BBC viewers rather old, but actually in Belgium this series is now being broadcasted every friday evening. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crimson_Field I'm not a fan of television series but I must admit it is a good play about WW1 behind the trenches and if it is being broadcasted at your country I can advice to watch it on your TV.
  11. are you sure was this not based on the Fokker trimotor plane???
  12. Yep, I never played any race sim, to much modern cars, but hell yeah with good graphics and not that 2005 style, I would hop over and get me a good force feedback gear. The only exception for a later period would be Le Mans driving the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porsche_917 or the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_GT40
  13. Hi Hauksbee, lets hope they are racing fans, would like to use the pre-war F1 cars like the Auto union, Mercedes, Bugatti and meet the Bentley boys.
  14. If the devs are talking about non WW1 project, is it not just a matter of what kind of non WW1 games they like and playing???
  15. Better graphics are always welcome. I would like to see the repair of the Force feedback, the WOFF FFB feels right now as a rumble on a gamepad [if it is are working], just try CFS3-MAW and you will feel what I do mean inhere. This is I think rather simple job by porting the FFB aircraftfiles from OFF to WOFF.
  16. My view on the whole subject is that the old CFS3 engine is squeezed out to the last drop of improvement. So yes Gold would be the last because nothing can be improved further, only new ad on packs will be released like the Belgians air force. Going for another game engine like I earlier wrote down on the RoF forum [Clod/DCS] would bring an enormous amount of development work and it seems the dev are not going to another WW1 direction. RoF is dead and Woff gold will be the last, sounds not good for a WW1 combat fly sim fan future.
  17. Open cockpits in the rain?

    Here this car is know as frog-eye. But it is quite common on some old motorcycles that had a aftermarket plastic wind screens to protect you against the cold and rain, some models did have a venting port to disable the vacuum. I have notice on some foto's also a round hole in the wind screen from the plane so maybe for the same effect, like the venting port in the wind screen of a motorcycle.
  18. Thanks!

    Same here, but sometimes also litle bit negative when you dare to wrote down the word RoF, which made me to leave the Whole OFFscene for a while. But that is solved. I think, beside too much sub forums for WoFF/OFF [why this combination???], the whole layout and download section is here much better than the more sterile Simhq.
  19. check this out guys!

    wasn't Guynemer on the leave that time, so he never could encounter Udet????
  20. Zepplin L30

    Think you should try one of the missions like this one http://combatace.com/files/file/8927-zeppelins-over-paris/
  21. Keeping a sub-forum alive that has no postings [OFFworld] or a sub-forums the last post is from 2012 I still think the forum owner, should simply put in two sub-forums one for WOFF and one for OFF3,2 &1 not closing this whole forum. Besides this forum and at Simhq there is no other dedicated WoFF/OFF forum. Only right now, in the actual WOFF/OFF form and containing lots of dead subforums, it brings to much confusing and totally no invitation to do a postings. All can be reading on my first request at: http://combatace.com/topic/84531-why-not-split-this-offwoff-forum-into-a-separate-woff-section/ here I was talking about 3 subforums, but forum activity is now reduced to a loney desert, so maybe two would be the best solution.
  22. Settng Affinities in Windows 7 64

    Did not read this topic after I had posted my reply. I had discussed this also on Simhq before the whole bunch did take it over. But here is something for you that is interesting: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/37272/set-a-programs-affinity-in-windows-7-for-better-performance/
  23. I'm Confused What Is WOFF?

    Yeh I know, I know how to enable and disable that function, and I can even do that on/off trick in the Windows register. But the problem is already explained by a few guys in the Simhq forum, no need for a repeat on that. Seems also I'm not the only person, only were can I find the ID of the forum starter. edit: did you know that the original game had 23 FFB actions for the airplane alone, I do not know about the guns and release of weapons FFB, still searching on that.
  24. I'm Confused What Is WOFF?

    Mmmm must say Pat Wilson did make a fine job making in creating the campaign mode for RoF. But about the last thing you are right Woff is very immerse. Think as a WW1 combatflysim you should have them both, going for only the eye-candy better get Clod or BoS. Do not know about DCS, WoW nor TW because I do not own these.

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