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Everything posted by jeanba

  1. The idea came to me while seeing Wrench's work on TMF Thunderstreak Thunder Thursday, same rules as usual : - You can post on Thursday your local time zone only. - Your pics can feature any aircraft which name contains Thunder (Thunderbolt, Thunderchief, Thunderflash, Thunderstreak ..), in the care of any real world or fantasy nation or aggressor group or mercenary. - If other aircraft happen to be in the frame, that's fine. As long as the "Thunder ..." is the primary subject. - As many posts as you want each Thursday, and you can have multiple pictures in each post 😁 Edit : of course, because Thursday is the day of Jupiter, lightnings are ok too
  2. what is everyones fav base game campaign??

    Yom Kippur in Mirage IIIC, Rolling Thunder with an A4 or Linebacker I in F4J were thé campaingns I enjoyed most without mod
  3. That's sad news My thoughts to his relatives
  4. https://theaviationist.com/2024/09/21/a-6-agm-84/ A nice account for a nice idea of mission
  5. Just wanted to say hello to everyone

    Great to have news from you veltro2k I still think of all your contributions
  6. Ok, now he needs an East German Air Force camo for the Mc Do
  7. Congratulations Coupi

    Well deserved coupi Your contribution to SF2 cannot be ignored
  8. Is it worthwhile to spend 4 CBU25 to destroy 3 VC bicycles ?
  9. Mirage IIIE enroute to mission Striking enemy airfield with AS30: Back to friendly territory at low level to avoid sams:
    Nice I like it for Mid Late 60's missions
  10. A-6A Early Intruder

    A great imporvement over the old A6A !

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