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Posts posted by DelGS

  1. I've no doubt its been said before....but, Quack, this community is extraordinarily fortunate to have you and people like you, and to benefit from all the hard work that you put into developing these highly realistic skins and campaigns. Maximum respect, and I'm sure the finished campaign will be well worth waiting for. Thank you.


    I've seen the discussions on terrains elsewhere on these forums, and the difficulties of developing a purpose-built Italian terrain. Its a slight drawback, of course, especially as Caporetto is the only campaign of its type in any WW1 sim, and is set to develop further. and especially when so many terrains have been developed for the other Thirdwire sims. But, the Vosgen terrain looks terrific with all the updates, and I know that I'll continue to enjoy the development of this mod/ campaign, regardless. Thanks again for all your excellent work.

  2. Aaaaah, all becomes clear! Thanks, Quack, should be nice and easy, I've already got the necessary permissions over at the A Team site, and you're right, its well worth it!!! In fact, lately I've had a bit of a break from FE, because I've been enjoying their terrific all-in-one Spanish Civil War mod. Biplanes that fly really fast? Just too tempting! grin.gif


    Anyway, back on topic, I vaguely remember reading something on here about plans to update the Caporetto campaign to include all these beautiful Aviatiks and Phonixes, and the various FliKs that flew them. Does anyone know if this is the case?

  3. Hi Quack,


    Great skin packs, installed into FEG OK, all looking superb, with one minor problem: on the early models with the wing-mounted Schwarzlose/ Lewis, the gun is'nt showing up. Nothing happens when I fire the gun in-game, so its not like its there and not showing, if you get my drift, its just not there at all. It shows up in the loadout, on the loadout screen, but does'nt appear in-game.


    I followed the readme in both parts closely, and everything else looks OK, this is the only problem I've encountered.





  4. hey it's up for grabs to anyone who wants it but while it might look good I can't claim any credit for it. The wood texture is something found on the net and the camo fabric textures are from another skin here. any one who wants it just PM me an email addy and I'll send it along when I can.


    email sent, still had yr email from when you very kindly sent me those pilot skins and LOD's. Thanks again for that!




  5. I can send it to you but it's not really something I can upload because it's really just others work that I cut and past and a wood texture I found on the net a long time ago and a simple template I made years ago. It should work for both the D.VIa and D.VIb PM me an Address and I'll be happy to pass it along to you...or anyone else.


    Wow, Whiteknight, that Roland DVI skin looks superb!!! Splendid work, the wood textures in particular look very, very good indeed!

  6. Some pics of Fokkers to shoot down those DH-4's and 9's. These planes will be in my "Independent Air Force" campaign using Stephen1918's new DH aircraft. Thanks so much for these Stephen1918. These arent pretty pics just stuff Im working on for you.




    Wow, Quack, those skins look absolutely SUPERB!!!! Top work!!!!hi.gif

  7. Only one book about WW1 mentioned so far, so I'd like to put in a word for "Winged Victory" by Victor Maslin Yeates,




    TE Lawrence called the book "an imperishable pleasure".


    An anonymous RAF fighter pilot speaking in 1941 said it was "the only book about flying that is'nt flannel."


    Yeates flew 248 hrs on Camels with 46 Sqn. on the Western Front, then wrote probably one of the best books ever about flying, and about the Great War in general.


    Strictly speaking it's a novel and therefore fiction, but as an historical account of life in a frontline RFC squadron, I've yet to read anything better. I think it was fictionalised largely for the sake of the feelings of relatives, families etc....but some characters are clearly identifiable. For example, the squadron's fictional CO, Beal, is very clearly identifiable as Sidney Phillip Smith, who was Yeates' own CO.... until he became Von Richtofen's 76th kill.


    It may be fiction, but its also as real as it gets.



  8. I'm sure you will do well against the V-strutters in your Pup; I only missed this shot because I was too slow on the trigger:


    Excellent shot !!! That's the way to do it, get in close and blast 'em !

    And if your Hun made it back to base, I'll bet his first port of call was to drop his overalls off at the laundry...

    Mine are usually snap-shots when someone accidentally strays across my nose..... while I'm in the usual vertical turn trying not to get shot down by his chums...frantics.gif




  9. Wooo, pretty! They look elegant rather than lethal but First Eagle's Pups are great little albatros-killers, one of my favourite add-on planes. Nice study.


    Thanks, yes, much more delicate-looking aircraft than the pugnacious-looking Camel. Looking forward to trying it out against the albatri, if I live through 1915 ! shok.gif

  10. Well I think it's a FE thing. I'll explain: FE2 reads both Unicode and ANSI text files (Unicode is default) and FE only read ANSI type files. Maybe all Vogesen are ANSI and the others are Unicode.


    So, go to eacch text file , open it and save it as ANSI file. I think the campaigns will work now.


    YAY!!!! That's solved it! Thank you, Ojcar, you da man!!! biggrin.gif

  11. Hi all,


    First off: Ojcar, THANK YOU for all your hard work in making these campaigns: the whole air war in flyable missions? Amazing!!!!!


    Now: I'm having one slight problem with getting Armchair Aces 1915 to work properly: I get all the Vogesen missions showing up, nothing wrong with them, they all work perfectly .And they're great, thoroughly enjoying those!!!


    Unfortunately, the Flanders and Verdun missions just don't show up in the drop-down menu in-game.


    Now, I knew I'd run into problems as my install is FE+ 2008 Exp ack, and the campaign was designed for FE2. So I was ultra-careful about the install, downloaded everything specified in the readme, checked and re-checked that I'd followed all the steps, made sure the aircraft names matched etc, and I must've done something right, because, as I say, the Vogesen missions work fine.


    I should add that my Flanders and Verdun terrains work just fine in Single Mission mode, and with the stock FE campaigns, its only the Armchair Aces missions that won't show up for these two. I'm just wondering whether it may be because Armchair Aces comes with a campaign-specific Target.ini for Vogesen, but not for the other two? Anyway, I'm stumped dntknw.gif, and would be extremely grateful for any help or advice.


    Thanks, guys.

  12. Very interesting DeIGS, would your ground effect be a 'noise' one like these? - http://combatace.com...cts-collection/


    Would you mind sharing your edit - my 8800GT may not be able to cope but I'd like to give it a try!





    Fascinating, I was unaware of the noise mod ! Looks very interesting, I shall have to give it a go.

    Actually my mud-effect was just a simple generic soil texture from here: CGTextures , useful site to know about. But I''ve made no attempt to use it in-game, just as an edit of a screenshot. Still, it gives one an idea of what may be possible. Anyway the texture I used was this one.

  13. 33 Lima, those are indeed Jan Tuma's tiles, but sadly the ground was an effect I edited in, the original was just a brown blur and looked awful, just one of the limitations of FE. I suppose it might just about be possible to use a texture like this in the airfield bmp's....but the airfield tile would have to be huge, 2048 at least, and the textures would still look blurry or pixelated close-up. So a little enhancement to give the right WW1 feel, I can't help myself, sorry :-)


    Gustav, I'm fairly certain the sky I'm using is this: realistic sky mod. ( It was a long time ago, I've had the sim since 2007, downlaoded a few mods back then, but only recently got seriously into it!) I also use the IL2 clouds mod. Most of my screens are taken with the weather set to either "scattered" or "broken". I'll have to admit to some minimal editing of the sky in my screenshots, but nothing radical, just warming up the tones a little to remove the slight blue colour cast, but this is pretty much how the skies look in-game. One of the best mods ever.


    Oh, and thank you, Whiteknight, the rudder mod works beautifully!!!

  14. Thank you, Whiteknight, I'll have a look at that. I've had the "invisible pilot" problem with this aircraft as well, and the pilot files I'm using at the moment have shoulders that show through the cockpit (edited out of my screenies, until I get it fixed.) My FE installation seems to lack the WWGerPilot bmp and LOD....so I'm still hunting for that too..

  15. Welcome DeIGS, and thanks for sharing the great screenies - the Fokker is particularly atmospheric, it's like a publicity shot from 'the Blue Max' (apart from the accurate markings)!


    Thanks, 33 Lima. Yup, The Blue Max is a superb movie, arguably some of the best flying scenes ever filmed. I watched "The Red Baron" on DVD yesterday...and all that CGI just can't compare to the one scene of the triplane flying through the bridge in TBM.


    Anyway, I'm still having fun making screenshots, so many beautiful aircraft skins in FE !




  16. Hi there, I'm new here, just thought I'd say hello, and post a couple of screenshots. As you can see, I'm thoroughly enjoying the sim ! Also just wanted to say a word of thanks to all for the reams of helpful advice on these forums ( a great help to me in getting everything up and running) , and for all the great mods and add-ons. FE is so much more than the sum of its parts, and that's down to all the hard work of the modding community: much appreciated !


    I'm currently downloading all the bits and pieces for Ojcar's Armchair Aces 1915 Campaign, and really looking forward to my first FE campaign! Thanks again, guys.






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