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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. (This is a continuation of a thread that was originally started in the SF1 forum. http://combatace.com...t-f-4-loadouts/ Since the mod will be for SF2, I'm picking the discussion up here...) So I have a 99% complete package with updated loadouts for all the F-4's in SF2 (all titles merged). They are based off of real world loadouts from various conflicts (especially Vietnam), but are not 100% accurate. This is due to a few things: Did not want to do anything that required editing aircraft's data.ini files. With all the patches and updating going on, it could turn into a nightmare to keep updated. It uses only stock weapons. This pack is meant to be enjoyable in a stock install. I didn't want to require users to download all kinds of weapons or weapons packs. It's extra work and it also can make the mod harder to keep updated (see #1). The loadouts may vary from real world examples to make them more useful in the fictional TW world. For example, CAS loadouts in Vietnam utilized munitions that were effective against groups of troops in the jungle (napalm, rockets, etc...). F-4's in SF2E or SF2 (or even stock SF2V for that matter) will be facing massive columns of enemy tanks advancing across open fields. Therefore, these loadouts are more likely to use CBU's, Rockeyes, and AGM-65's. Another good example is most of the stock USAF F-4's carrying ARM's for SEAD in these loadouts. That didn't happen in real life, but we don't have F-4G's so I let it go so that some form of effective SEAD still happens. So, these loadouts will be usefull in an SF2 install that doesn't already have more accurate F-4 loadouts added. For example, I wouldn't use these in place of the F-4 loadouts in the SF2V A/G Exp Pack. Those loadouts have already been set up to be accurate for the specific conflict that pack is representing. Some examples of the changes: - Wing tanks and gun pods not used on USN F-4's - USAF, IAF, UK, and German F-4's don't carry AIM-9's when A/G munitions are carried on that pylon - USMC nation specific loadouts for F-4B's and J's. (with gun pods and zuni's) - Gun pods not part of the default loadouts for F-4M before 1975. - Other minor changes I can't think of right now. I'm holding out to see if anyone can create a "single rocket pod" that is really 3x LAU-3's and 3x Matra's on a TER for use on the USMC and RAF F-4's. Otherwise they're pretty much done. Anyone interested in checking them out for me before I add to the downloads section?
  2. What you need to do is go into the _data.ini file for each F-4 (ie F-4E_72_data.ini, etc...) and then change the inner pylon bomb station and sidewinder stations to use the same "StationGroupID=" number. Then you will have one dropdown for both the pylon and winder rails where you can select either bombs or winders. ... [LeftInnerWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=3 <--- This number StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.05,2.74,-1.22 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1400 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,CGR,EOGR,ARM,EP,LP,TER,TLR,RP AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName= ;PylonMass= ;PylonDragArea= LaunchRailNodeName=AGM65_rail_L LaunchRailHeight=0.07 LaunchRailMass=61.23 [RightInnerWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=3 <--- This number StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.05,2.74,-1.22 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1400 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,CGR,EOGR,ARM,EP,TER,TLR,RP AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName= ;PylonMass= ;PylonDragArea= LaunchRailNodeName=AGM65_rail_R LaunchRailHeight=0.07 LaunchRailMass=61.23 ... [sidewinderStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=10 StationGroupID=2 <--- This number StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.32,2.63,-1.12 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,90.0 LoadLimit=90.72 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=missile_rails_L PylonMass= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= [sidewinderStation2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=11 StationGroupID=2 <--- This number StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.32,2.63,-1.12 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,-90.0 LoadLimit=90.72 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=missile_rails_R PylonMass= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= [sidewinderStation3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=12 StationGroupID=2 <--- This number StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-1.77,2.63,-1.12 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,-90.0 LoadLimit=90.72 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=missile_rails_L PylonMass= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= [sidewinderStation4] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=2 <--- This number StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=1.77,2.63,-1.12 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-1.0,90.0 LoadLimit=90.72 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM AttachmentType=NATO,USAF ModelNodeName=missile_rails_R PylonMass= LaunchRailNodeName= MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= ... Just a word of advice - Trying to make it so that no "inaccurate" loadouts can possibly be loaded from the custom loadout menu can become a huge headache (maybe not in this case, but in other cases...). I used to do that, but simply rely on the loadout.ini file to give me accurate loadouts by default. It's much easier and keeps me saner.
  3. Your throttle controls how much thrust the engine is producing. Thrust vector controls which direction that thrust is pointed.
  4. You need to have A LOT of throttle. All the thrust vectoring does is vary the direction of the thrust from the engine. For regular flight, the nozzles should be pointed back. For hovering, VTOL, etc... you vary the angle of the nozzles to get the right combination of vertical thrust and forward/backward thrust.
  5. I doubt you'll be able to do much (especially hover) with your throttle at 0.
  6. GIANTS !

    The guys on KNBR just said the exact same thing. My friend and I also made the same observation at the end of the day yesterday. It certainly would be easier (for me anyway) if Eli had owned us and put up 45 points. Losing the game on a muffed punt and fumbled punt is tough.
  7. GIANTS !

    Don't even want to talk about it right now...
  8. Mustang returns!

    I still dont get what you supposed to do with a P-51 in the DCS world.
  9. Non War Bi Planes

    Stearman FTW!
  10. OT-Micro$oft "Flight"

    Apparently it was not too late to register for the beta...
  11. Regarding ground objects - I think this would be a good place to start, at least in terms of what a stock game will use and what a new player will notice when flying a mission. http://combatace.com...8-sf2-aaa-pack/ "Best Bang for Your Buck," IMHO. And then, like eburger68 said, other ground objects (tanks, trucks, additional SAM's, etc...) could be carefully pulled one at a time from NF4+.
  12. All, Here is something I meant to send to eburger68 for the update but forgot: A-1 NoTankJetision.rar This .rar file contains replacement _data.ini files for both the A-1H and A-1J that make it so the drop tanks cannot be jetisioned (by either the player or AI). I got tired of watching wingmen dropping tanks before making rocket, bombing, and strafing runs. The downside is that the tanks can't be jetisioned under any circumstances, but there really shouldn't be any times in S. Vietnam where the tanks need to be punched (no SAM's, no MiG's). These can overwrite the ones in the update that Eric just posted. Make sure to back up the old ones incase you don't like it. Or, if you forget to back the old ones up, you can always go into both _data.ini files and find the 3 occurrences of "NoJettisionTank=TRUE" and change it to false (or just delete it). Let me know if there are any issues.
  13. Hey Green Bay!

    GO NINERS!!!
  14. OT-Micro$oft "Flight"

    Well, I just registered for the Beta (don't know if it's too late or not) so I can just see for myself. Then I can just sit back and laugh at these discussions (for what reason specifically, I'm not sure. But I'm sure I'll be able to laugh one way or the other! )
  15. OT-Micro$oft "Flight"

    I have spent way too much time posting about Flight at SimHQ over the last few days, so I'll keep this short. Beta testers can't say much due to the NDA, but folks at SHQ have said that the game and FM (just like every other version of MSFS, even FSX!) are scalable. They have hinted that at higher realism settings, the FM feels no worse (if not better than) FSX. The cockpits are still clickable. I could go into FSX right now, turn the realism down, and then do all the ridiculous stuff you see the Flight trailer. A lot of the trailers and videos seem to focus on the "arcade" possibilities of the game, but that doesn't mean the for simulator-ish aspects aren't still there as well. Any game or sim (even DCS A-10C) can be played with arcade settings and then if you wanted to you would see the same ridiculous stuff you see in the MS flight trailers. FSX had missions with challenges that used waypoint markers and bubbles on the screen to aid in the mission, but we still all consider FSX a sim, so their presence in MS Flight don't necessarily indicate that that it can't be flown as a sim. So, I will reserve judgement until I actually have a chance to try it.
  16. SF2 F-4 Loadouts



    SF2 F-4 Loadout by malibu43 This package contains updated loadout.ini files for all the stock F-4's in the SF2 series. They are based off of real world loadouts from various conflicts (especially Vietnam), but are not 100% accurate. This is due to a few things: 1.Did not want to do anything that required editing aircraft's data.ini files. With all the patches and updating going on, it could turn into a nightmare to keep updated. 2.It uses mostly stock weapons (only one additional weapon is included). This pack is meant to be enjoyable in a stock install. I didn't want to require users to download all kinds of weapons or weapons packs. It's extra work and it also can make the mod harder to keep updated (see #1). 3.The loadouts may vary from real world examples to make them more useful in the fictional TW world. For example, CAS loadouts in Vietnam utilized munitions that were effective against groups of troops in the jungle (napalm, rockets, etc...). F-4's in SF2E or SF2 (or even stock SF2V for that matter) will be facing massive columns of enemy tanks advancing across open fields. Therefore, these loadouts are more likely to use CBU's, Rockeyes, and AGM-65's. Another good example is most of the stock USAF F-4's carrying ARM's for SEAD in these loadouts. That didn't happen in real life, but we don't have F-4G's so I let it go so that some form of effective SEAD still happens. So, these loadouts will be usefull in an SF2 install that doesn't already have more accurate F-4 loadouts added. For example, I wouldn't use these in place of the F-4 loadouts in the SF2V A/G Exp Pack. Those loadouts have already been set up to be accurate for the specific conflict that pack is representing. Some examples of the changes: - Wing tanks and gun pods not used on USN F-4's - USAF, IAF, UK, and German F-4's don't carry AIM-9's when A/G munitions are carried on that pylon - USMC nation specific loadouts for F-4B's and J's. (with gun pods and zuni's) - Triple LAU-3 loadouts for USMC F-4's. These are selectable via the mission editor. - Gun pods not part of the default loadouts for F-4M before 1975. - Additional strike loadouts for USAF and IAF F-4's that utilize asymetric loadouts with LGB's and Laser Pods. These are selectable via the mission editor. - Additional loadouts for UK F-4's that include BL755's, 540lbGP bombs, and "triple Matra" rocket pod loadouts. These are selectable via the mission editor. - etc... Installation. 1. Copy the contents of the Aircraft folder into the Aircraft folder in your SF2 Mod directory (if you don't know what that is, check the Knowledg Base section at combatace.com). Note: If you don't have a merged install with all 6 titles, check you aircraft folder to see what F-4's are installed and only copy the corresponding folders from this .rar file. If you copy all of them, you won't have any issues, but it may be confusing to look in your aircraft folder and see aircraft that aren't actually installed. 2. Copy the contents of the Weapons folder into the Weapons folder in your SF2 Mod directory. 3. If you have the TW DLC F-4N or the 3rd party F-4S available at combatace, the "Optional" folder has loadouts for them as well. Known issues: - The "triple rocket pod" load outs for USMC and RAF F-4's load extra rocket pods on the sidewinder stations instead of a TER. This is a work around since loading rocket pods on a TER is not possible at this point without extension data.ini editing, and I didn't want to do that in the interest of keeping this mod simple. Credits: - BL755, Matra155 by Ravenclaw_007 - LAU-10A3X by Killer Bee - everyone else at CA that helped out with info on F-4 loadouts! Changes: 11-13-14 - Added 2x/3x rocket pod loadouts for USN, USMC, and RAF Phantoms 11-10-11 - added F-4M_80
  17. I run with everything at unlimited and didn't notice a difference.
  18. When will SF have such a drag chute?

    There's a lot of things I'd rather see added before TK works on a drag chute.
  19. Yes, as wrench said, let it overwrite. But not everything from pasko's pack is included, so it's not a complete replacement.
  20. SF2 AAA Pack



    SF2 AAA Pack. This is a small stand alone pack that will increase the quantity and deadliness of small AAA and Flak. This mod is based on files from the SF2V Air and Ground Expansion Pack and NF4+. This pack can be used with any SF2 install To install: Just drag and drop the folders to your mod folder. Enjoy! Malibu43
  21. http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/
  22. I wonder if DanW or TK are still watching this thread...?
  23. OK. How about this compromise: A simple new cloud.tga and some combination of modest terrain tile improvements and a modest increase in trees and buildings are the two graphical improvements that TK could do to get the most bang for his buck. I hearby declare this to be the final say in the matter. Any further discussion regarding people's opinions "the few things TK should focus on improving" is forbidden. Please inform TK that we have reached a decision and he may now commence work on making it happen.
  24. Seriously, if he just used a new cloud.tga and added SOME trees* to the stock Vietnam SEA and a few more trees* to GermanyCE and IsraelME, the stock game would stand on it's own much better. ...not trying to turn this into a wishlist thread... sorry. * - and some better buildings in the city tiles.

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