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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. img00008

    From the album malibu43's album

  2. img00007

    From the album malibu43's album

  3. img00006

    From the album malibu43's album

  4. img00005

    From the album malibu43's album

  5. MW3 slated by users

    Well I'm relieved MW3 sucks. It makes it easier to decide which tolken, pre-xmas, FPS to get. I'm not surprised. I thought BFBC2 was way better than CODBO or MW2. Recycled crap for sure.
  6. I hear you Icarus. I found some old screen shots with widesky when it looked the way it was supposed to at older patch levels. Wow - did it look better than what we have now!
  7. Well, TK's done it again. Something new is broken. It looks like the game is ignoring the "enemymissiontypes=" entry under [allowedmissiontypes] for terrains during generated single missions. I just flew a strike in South Vietnam from the SF2V AGXP in an A-1 and was intercepted by a MiG-21. The only enemy mission type allowed should be transport. If this is the case it really screws up the SF2V AGXP, with all the CAS and interdiction aircraft that are supposed to fly hassle-free in South Vietnam. Can someone double check this? edit - maybe not totally screwed. The range still works. Maybe we just need to remove all red airbases... edit again - removing red airfields seems to fix it. But there were friendly CAP and Escort flights which means the game is ignoring allowed mission types for friendly forces as well.
  8. Man, I thought I had it for a second. I set the SUU14 as a BFT with zero fuel and set the weapon station as jettison not allowed. The only attachment type allowed at the station was BFT. I was using "rackspecificstationcode=CBU25" to only allow the SUU14 and "specificstationcode=CBU25" to only allow the SUU14. However, it looks like if you use "specificstationcode=" on a weapon station with a BFT, the BFT can't be loaded. You can limit what BFT is loaded with "rackspecifcstationcode=", but if "specificstationcode=" is present at the same weapon station, it disallows the BFT. In other words, it looks like you can't limit a single weapon station to a specific BFT and a specific bomb with the (rack)specificstationcode= entries. So unless anyone has any ideas, it looks like the MER method works the best. I'll just have to deal with still having the ability to load the sub-munition without the dispenser.
  9. Actually, Wrench, that's exactly what I did last night! I changed the dispenser to a MER (which is perfect since the SUU14 has 6 dispenser tubes) and changed the BLU-3 to a regular cluster bomb. I added "SpecificStationCode=CBU25" to both the rack and the bomb. I also added "SpecificStationCode=CBU25" and "RackSpecificStationCode=CBU25" to the new weapon station on the A-1. I haven't done a lot of testing so far, but it looks like it will work exactly how I want it to! There was one negative (although minor) side affect of using this approach. When I go to the dropdown menu in the loadout screen for a weapon station with the SpecificStationCode added, I have the option of loading 1 BLU-3 or 6 BLU-3's with the SUU14 as a rack. If i select 1 BLU-3 and start a mission, the one submunition is just sitting there below the weapons pylon. It looks pretty silly. Like I said, this is a minor issue and will only come up if someone doesn't know what they're doing at the loadout screen. But, is there any way to prevent this? Is there any way to force a specific weapon or specific weapon station to always use a rack?
  10. I've found all kinds of great information and pictures of USAF skyraiders during Vietnam. Their loadouts varied greatly and they carried in incredible array of different munitions. During CAS/Sandy missions they'd carry gunpods, AN-M47 WP bombs, rocket pods, and CBU-25 dispensers amongst other things (napalm too, I guess). Skyraiders.org is a great place to find stuff (especially the combat journal), but it's all USAF. Did USN A-1's carry all the same stuff when flying CAS? I haven't seen images of any USN A-1's loaded out the way the USAF ones were. At the most, the USN A-1's seem to carry a few rocket pods and maybe a couple of Snakeyes. Did they ever carry the AN-M47's or CBU-25's? Napalm, maybe? Also, I haven't seen images or read anything about A-1's from either service ever using CBU-24's. Does anyone know if they ever did? Thanks! PS - I well aware of the toilet bomb!!! Not the info I'm looking for!
  11. FWIW - only picture I've ever seen of an A-1 with a CBU-24 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_F_ZyVOpu07M/SgYR79vn-vI/AAAAAAAABDU/9w3inzQrZEM/s1600-h/Skyraider_A-1H-J_1969_-_00000033_-_USAF.jpg
  12. YOU ARE THE MAN!!! pg 90-91 just made my day. I'll need to print that whole thing out and read it at some point.
  13. Where's the SPAD from? For all it's short comings, FSX (with addons) is by far the best looking flight simulator out there (at the moment).
  14. This file has been updated to correct some typos in the campaign descriptions. In case anyone downloaded the file in the last couple of days (since the original 10/11 update a few days ago), I found one other typo that prevented the F-8C's from showing up in the '59 campaign. If you have a merged install, and if you downloaded the update from a few days ago you can either re-download, or go into campaign1_data.ini and make this change: [AirUnit047] <---------------------- change to 47 (was 46) AircraftType=F-8C Squadron=VF32 ForceID=1 Nation=USN DefaultTexture=USNGrey1 CarrierBased=True BaseArea=Whiskey Station CarrierNumber=63 RandomChance=100 MissionRate=0.9 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[sWEEP]=90 MissionChance[CAP]=90 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=60 MissionChance[ESCORT]=90 MissionChance=20 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Year=1961 Upgrade[01].Type=F-8D
  15. img00027

    From the album malibu43's album

  16. img00026

    From the album malibu43's album

  17. img00025

    From the album malibu43's album

  18. img00024

    From the album malibu43's album

  19. img00023

    From the album malibu43's album

  20. img00022

    From the album malibu43's album

  21. img00021

    From the album malibu43's album

  22. img00020

    From the album malibu43's album

  23. img00019

    From the album malibu43's album

  24. I've searched all over the place and for the life of me can't find any udpated waternormal.bmp's for SF2. Does the Hi-Res one in the SF1 D/L section work in SF2? I thought I saw some uploaded in a thread the other day (from Wrench?), but I can't find the thread now!
  25. Much as I like Americans

    OK. You got me there. The common good don't need coconuts and palm trees though

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