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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. Sorry folks. The original LAU_32A entries were correct. If you followed my earlier advice, you can either re-download the files and drop those in, or do a find change and switch things back to LAU_32A. Sorry again for the confusion.
  2. Buying TrackIR

    If you can't find Track IR for within your budget, definitely look into Free-Track. $25 for a webcam, $5 in wires and LED's, and 20 minutes with a soldering iron will have you all set. I've used Free-Track for the last 3 years. It can be a little more work than Track IR to get it set up, but it works great in game!
  3. Did you edit LineBackerII.ini or LineBackerII_data.ini? As MigBuster and I both stated earlier in the thread, you need to edit the file that ends in *_data.ini as well.
  4. First, before we move forward, it would be helpful if we made sure you modified the right files. You should have modified LineBackerII_data.ini. Second, make sure you entered the new aircraft as the folder for the aircraft is named in the objects/aircraft folder. Third, yes, they need to go in the campaigns folder. If there are files in there already, you should back those up before overwriting.
  5. From wikipedia: FWIW - I'm sure a functioning DIANE or A/G targeting isn't the feature that will be included with this expansion pack. But it is on the top of my list for things I'd like to see. One of the things I enjoy the most in flight sims is using guided weapons that make use of visual targeting systems (Mavericks, LGB's, etc...). Simply pressing the "E" key to accomplish it just doesn't do it for me. It "seems" (and I don't really know anything about programming) that the functionality and controls that are already in place for the A/A radar could be modified and utilized for A/G radar and simulating some sort of MFD/optical targeting... But I'm sure if was that easy TK would have done it already.
  6. Which files did you edit exactly and can you post the changes you made?
  7. If someone is using this, can you confirm whether or not LAU-32's are showing up on the default Attack, SEAD, and Recon loadouts? I seem to be having some issues all of a sudden...? *edit* - OK. I apparently set these loadouts up at some point using a weapon named "LAU_32A", and in NF4+ the weapon is named "LAU-32A". If you have already installed this, a quick find/replace in both the loadout.ini files should fix it. I'll update the download shortly.
  8. Someone would have to create a "missile launch site" target area. Maybe it could just be some bunkers/silos with a few buildings arranged in some sort of layout. Probably some SAM's and AAA too. 0Those target areas would have to be placed in the targets.ini and the types added to the types.ini. I would make the "type" for the silos something that isn't used in the GermanyCE terrain, like "chemical_wep_plant" or something (I don't remember exactly what the choices are and what they're called at the moment). Then, you'd go into the campaign_data.ini file for each campaign and make whatever type you selected for the silos the primary objective for the first offensive. If all that's done correctly, the first strike missions for the blue side (once blue goes on the offensive, most SF2E campaigns start with red on the offensive) would be directed at those facilities. And, of course, all this just results in targets for strike missions. These would not be functional launch facilities.
  9. Yes, it should work on any aircraft that could carry the regular LAU88.
  10. That's what I was missing! I was trying to figure out why what I mentioned earlier wouldn't work, but maybe that was it.
  11. Well, I’m not really sure what you’re asking about. I’ve never played or messed with the Mercenary campaigns. If you want to add a Mercenary unit to a Vietnam campaign, I would start by extracting campaign files from SF2 and looking at the entries for the Mercenary units. As far as I can tell (from a quick look), the only difference between the Mercenary units and the other units is that MERC is used for the service in the campaign.ini file, and MERC is used as the nation in the campaign_data.ini file. Try something similar in one of the Vietnam campaigns. If you have never edited a campaign before, I suggest you read through the knowledge base and just spend some time looking at the campaign files before trying to add the Merc units. If you just want different types of aircraft to show up in missions, each fulfilling different roles, the game engine already does that on it’s own. Fly a strike mission in an A-4, and there should be escort, CAP, and SEAD flight generated as well with appropriate aircraft. Also - FWIW - the Corsair is an A/G aircraft, not A/A. The Crusader is A/A.
  12. Then you need to get out more. And, a quick google search puts the max speed of the F-15 somewhere around 2.5 Mach depending on conditions, variant, loadout/fuel, etc... So you are getting close to what should be the max speed for the aircraft. Who cares if the flight model for the F-15 isn't completely accurate all the way to the extreme edge of the envelope? I have never had the plane's flight characteristics at Mach 2.0+ have an impact on my enjoyment of the game, since typical gameplay doesn't usually involve screaming around a combat zone at 2.2 mach.
  13. SF2 Europe A-10A Loadout Mod



    SF2E A-10A Loadout Mod Readme by Malibu43 This mod contains some alternative loadouts for the two A-10A variants in SF2E, as well as a modified LAU-88 rack that allows 2 AGM-65's to be carried vs 3 (Based on images and forums I've read through, this seems to be more accurate. From what I understand, A-10's are never loaded with 3 AGM-65's on one rack). In addition to hopefully being a little more accurate, it also makes CAS a little more fun as it will require you to use something other than guided, stand-off weapons to complete the mission (they put that big gun on the front for a reason!). Strike, Recon, and SEAD loadouts have been tweaked as well. New loadouts are as follows: Attack: 2 x AIM-9 1 x ALQ-131 4 x AGM-65 4 x MK20 Strike: 2 x AIM-9 1 x ALQ-131 2 x AGM-65 4 x MK82 SEAD: 2 x AIM-9 1 x ALQ-131 4 x AGM-65 4 x CBU-24B Anti-ship: 2 x AIM-9 1 x ALQ-131 2 x MK84 FAC: 2 x AIM-9 1 x ALQ-131 2 x LAU-32A Recon: 2 x AIM-9 1 x ALQ-131 2 x LAU-32A 2 x AGM-65 2 x MK82 2 x CBU-24B 1. Requirements: - SF2E - You have the LAU-32A rocket pod installed (included in Nato Fighters 4+). If you don't have the LAU-32A installed, you can do a find and replace for "LAU_32A" in both of the included loadout files and replace that with "LAU-3A", which is a stock weapon. 2. Installation: a. Extract the contents of this .rar file somewhere temporary. b. Drop the folder named "2_LAU-88A" into *SF2E Mod Folder*/Objects/Weapons c. Drop the two *_loadout.ini files into their respective aircraft folders (A-10A, A-10A_78) in the *SF2E Mod Folder*/Objects/Aircraft directory. 3. Enjoy! If there are any questions or problems, please PM me at Combatace.com. This mod may not be used in any payware. It can be used for free as long as appropriate credit is given. Thanks, Malibu43 Note: updated 9-29-10 to correct LAU-32A entries. Note: updated again on 9-30 to correct... LAU-32A entries Note: updated 3-13-11 to correct LAU-32A entries and change some loadouts Note: updated 7-8-11 to correct an error in naming the new LAU-88 rack. Don't know how that wasn't missed before... Note: Jeez.. Updated 7/11/11 to account for a change with the July '11 patch.
  14. Well, it was a combination of a couple of things: 1) I still had $100 that I got for my birthday that I hadn't decided what to do with yet. 2) For the first time in a few months, I actually had 45 minutes to sit down and fly a sim. So I get everything set up, load up free-track, put on my home made hat covered in wires, LED's, hot glue, and wires... and... nothing. What the-? Oh. Great. One of the solder joints broke again. Out to the garage, solder it up, back inside. Then take 5 minutes trying to get the web cam settings just right so it's picking up the 3 light points and getting good FPS. OK, finally! I jump in the cockpit and take to the skies. But I only have about 15 minutes now instead of 45. Screw it! I'm getting track IR! Don't get me wrong. Free-track is a great product considering it's free. When it works, it works great. But at this point I've wasted enough time tweaking it and trouble shooting that it's worth $100 for what will hopefully be a hassle free experience with Track IR 4. Found it on ebay for $99. Anyone else tried both Free-track and Track IR? Is the $$$ for Track IR worth it over Free-Track?
  15. Finally ordered Track IR

    Yeah, I've already experienced that by making the initial switch from mouse panning/hat switch to using Free-Track. When free-track was set up and working, it probably was very comparable to Track IR. I'm just hoping that Track IR adds enough convenience and reliability to make my $100 worth it.
  16. I no longer have the "view new content" option when I log onto the site. Was that removed?
  17. I'm working on a simple mod that adds a carrier to SF2 and places USN and USMC units on that carrier in the stock campaigns. I need a 3rd party carrier that will work from '59 to '75. The only one I've found is this one: http://combatace.com...class-repaints/ Are there any others available out there? If not, the ones linked above will work fine. Thanks, Gregg
  18. Yep. Just tried again and a little red box pops up when I try to send the message. This is what it says: "The member Fubar512 cannot receive any new messages."
  19. OK. I started my DiD campaign this morning. I'm bending the rules a little in that I'm going to use the same pilot for all my DiD campaigns so I can track my overall success/failure. But as far as each individual campaign goes, I'm playing by the DiD rules... So I was going to try something easy for my first DiD campaign, but then I thought "what the hell, this is a game and it's supposed to be fun!" So I picked the campaign that sounded the most fun... 357th TFS flying A-10's in NF4+ Red Lightning. First Mission: CAS 4 x A-10A, each armed with: - 4 x AGM-65B - 4 x MK20 - 2 x AIM9 - ECM Pod I don't remember right now where we're stationed or what the specific target area was, but I know it was CAS on our side of the FLOT very close to base. This made for a quick and relatively "safe" mission. Our four-ship took off and climbed to about 8000' AGL for the short flight. Weather was overcast at about 10,000' with limited visibility. After we passed the IP I started a very shallow descent and set 3 and 4 loose on ground targets. My RWR was lit up briefly by a MiG-23 at my 12 o'clock, but he was quickly taken care of by the friendly CAP flight. As I neared the ground battle, I watched my RWR closely for any signs of the SA-8's that are frequently found with Soviet tank formations, but they did not show up. Once inside 5 miles, from an altitude of about 6000' AGL, I started letting loose with my AGM-65's (and let # 2 loose as well). Once all my AGM's were away I broke off and distanced myself from the target area before passing over it, just incase there were still some SA-8/SA-13's hiding down there. At this point I got the mission success message from Red Crown, and also found that the only AAA protecting the remaining tanks was a pair of ZPU-2's off to one side. Avoiding the area where the ZPU-2's were, I made 2 runs with my MK20's and 2 runs with the GAU-8. At that point I ordered my flight to form up and we turned back toward home. Right about this time I got a call telling me I had a bandit on my tail and my RWR lit up with a MiG-23! I immediately broke right and ordered my entire flight to engage air. There were two MiG-23's mixed in with our flight, but before I could get my nose around for a shot on either one, the rest of my flight already had them falling to the ground trailing fire and smoke. So again, we formed up and headed home. The rest of the flight and landing was uneventful. I forget the results of the debriefing, but we got > 10 primary targets and a couple MiG's. The location of this mission and lack of any serious anti-air defenses made his first mission a milk run. I won't expect the same luck on mission #2.
  20. Those screens look great! This mod comes with a new gaming machine to run it, right?
  21. Tried to send you a PM, but it says you can't receive messages...
  22. Shoot. I misread STORM's post and already uploaded the whole thing for download... Looking in the readme here and in the file at *****'s site "Beers" gets credit for "carrier design". I don't know what that means. Anyone know if he would care about the model being used, if he's even the one that made the it? Maybe one of the Admins should pull it until I get this straightened out. Dave? Balls.
  23. That is correct. In strike missions, the primary target is lazed so no aircraft mounted designator is necessary. In order to hit any other targets with an LGB, your aircraft will have to be carrying a laser designator. I believe all of this is in the game manual.

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