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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. Call of Duty "No Russian"

    I read about all the controversy about the level before I played it and... ...it really didn't move me either way when I got around to playing the game. It was just a game. The groups of pixels that I was pointing my group of pixels that look like a gun at were different from the groups of pixels that I usually point my pixel gun at, but at no point did it really strike any emotion in me. Just a game.
  2. Going to add this into my NF4+ campaign as soon as I get home!
  3. Yeah, he did some amazing stuff with the SF2V Expansion Pack. Took it from a simple compilation of some pre-existing mods to a full blown, can't-even-recognize-what-this-used-to-be, imersive mod. You da man, eburger.
  4. Readme?!?! I'm just going to drag and drop folders (maybe into the actual game folder with the .exe in it) and then post back asking Dave why it's not working.
  5. OT, but - I agree. The thing is, there is no longer a need to tediously download one thing at a time like there used to be. For SF2E, for example, download NF4+ (back up your old mod folder, just in case you don't fall in love with it...), and install it. That'll give you almost anything you could for SF2E with 4 simple drag and drops. Then, once you're hooked on 3rd party add-ons, you start adding things one at time and download half the internet like Lexx and I did.
  6. Is that a modified .hfd file? With terrain detail on high, mine doesn't look quite so... bumpy.
  7. Well, I was way off with that, wasn't I?
  8. My First Combat Flght Simulator

    "SkyChase" for dos was my first, but I do remember Chuck Yeager's as well!
  9. I finally got the expansion pack, and, guys, this mod is great! I think this might be enough to satisfy the occasional prop craving, which would allow me to take IL-2 off my hard drive and free up another 8GB of space for KAW!
  10. 1) Back up your modded install!!! 2) Rename your modded install folder to whatever you want (update shortcuts if needed) 3) Remove WOE via "Add/Remove Programs" 4) Reinstall WOE option 1: 5) Mod your new install option 2 (to save some time in the future): 5) Make a copy of the fresh, unmodded install and put it on an external HD or DVD or something 6) Mod your new install and rename 7) Remove WOE via "Add/Remove Programs" 8) For future installs, just copy the "fresh" WOE install folder from where ever you copied it to program files or whatever, rename, and mod 9) repeat step 8 as necessary for new installs Isn't this in the Knowledge Base somewhere?
  11. What aircraft are you flying? Some don't have flares or chaffs, unless you manually load a countermeasure pod that has them (although there are no such pods in the stock game). F-15's have the countermeasures internaly by default. The tornado, for example, usually carries a pod (loaded from the loadout screen) that has countermeasures. Early F-4's didn't usually have them at all (internall or externally).
  12. I'm thinking about putting together a RED triple AAA pack for SF2I using the various AAA, mobile SAM's, and effects that were included in the SF2V Expansion Pack and NF4+. However, I'm not an expert on the theater and have no idea what should be included and when it should be there. Can anyone tell me when the following should show up in the theater: SA-3 SA-9 SA-13 I think for most of the AAA (M1939, S-60, KS-12, etc...) the dates used in NF4+ will probably work. Anything else that should be included? Any other thoughts or suggestions?
  13. Yeah, I know. I was just pointing out that since the stock EW radars are not networked, EW radar networking is not required for SAM's to function properly. Send me a PM if you want me to talk about working on and/or testing the AAA pack.
  14. Actually, I just checked and the stock Barlock isn't even networked, so I don't think the game is set up so that EW radars are needed for SAM's to function (SAM's just need to be networked with a SAM_RADAR, which are placed separately from the EW's in the targets.ini). I think that is why I originally thought it was OK to let them be replaced by FireCans.
  15. Anyone playing BF BC2 on 360?

    I don't currently have any 360 friends that have BF BC2, so I rarely find myself in a squad, and when I do, no comms are being used (either because they just don't use comms or they're in a party). Anyway, I'm really enjoying rush in hardcore mode (and I'm getting decent at it), but I'd probably enjoy it more with some coordinated squad work. My tag is "DougGregglass" if anyone is interested.
  16. For the SF2V expansion pack, I believe we networked some of the AAA to FireCans, but rather than adding to the targets.ini, we made the FireCan an "EW_Radar" and set it to common or very_common. I believe the result was that it was placed in "EW_Radar" spots by the game engine, and I think it worked out alright. I think I'll try that route first for SF2I, since it's easier.
  17. Nah... If you're already working on it I don't need to but in. You're probably more thorough than I am anyway I can help though if you want.
  18. Private Pilot's License

    New post - time for Solo XC. http://combatace.com/blog/6/entry-65-post-12-ready-for-solo-xc/
  19. If you are installing SF2:E, you don't need to install WoE. SF2E is just the updated/upgraded version of WoE. And yes, you need all four parts of NF4+.
  20. If you use the A-6 files that are provided in the WOV expansion pack and install properly, you should get a copilot next to you in the A-6 and a wider view. At least it's in the SF2:V version of the expansion pack. I don't know if eburger took it out of the WoV version...
  21. A little WoI with Stary's terrain...
  22. It's the same process as for LGB's, which should be covered in the manual.
  23. Is it still the right squadron, but with the wrong aircraft, or is it giving you a different squadron too? If it's the latter, it sounds like there's an entry error in the campaign_Data.ini file.
  24. Private Pilot's License

    Wilco. http://forum.combatace.com/blog/6-malibu43s-ppl-bolg/

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