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Everything posted by malibu43

  1. Private Pilot's License

    That is extremely helpful information. One flight a month should be totally do-able. Early on, I would definitely shoot for more to gain experience and help drill everything in. That is also a different perspective on starting in the winter - something I never thought about. I'll just have to ask the instructor then, about how solo hours are billed. Based on my calculations, the difference comes out to a few thousand dollars in the end. Thanks again!
  2. Private Pilot's License

    One more question - After you solo, you need so many hours solo before you get your license. What is the instructor's role at that point? I'm looking at total cost and trying to figure out how many hours of the instructor I'd need to pay for. As long as I'm flying with the instructor, I'm basically assuming I'm charged for flight hours x 2, to account for brief and debrief (1/2 hour before hand, 1 hour flight, and 1/2 hour afterward). But I don't know what to assume once I solo... Thanks!
  3. Private Pilot's License

    Had the demo flight yesterday after work. I was great! I had a good amount of time on the controls. Did some shallow and medium bank turns, and some cruise climbs and descents. I really like the instructor I had. But I'm still looking at the $$$ money part of this and making sure it's something I can commit to. I'm pretty sure I can get the money to get the license, but now I'm also trying to figure out what it will cost just to fly enough to stay current and safe afterward. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Is 1 or 2 hours a month enough? Or is it more like a few hours a week? A couple 1 hour flights a week can add up to an extra $1000 a month. Another thing I'm trying to figure out is whether or not this time of year is a good time to start. For the next month and half or so, I can probably get lessons in after work. So, I should be able to swing 2-3 lessons per week. After that, clocks get set ahead and it's dark by the time I get off work. Lessons at that point would be limited to weekends. There's a possibility I can save up some PTO and take a half day every couple of weeks to get some extra time in, but lets just assume I'm only flying 4-6 times a month between November and March (Weather's also questionable that time of year). Am I just wasting money starting now, only to have to slow down in the winter and then start up again in the spring? The other option is to wait until the spring to start. At that time I should be able to get lessons in during the week (most of the time). Yeah, these are subjective questions. I know. But I've found the people here usually don't have a hard time voicing their opinions on subjective matters
  4. OK, I got it now. But, I noticed the camera is fixed to be in line with the nose of the aircraft. How would I set it to be set down by 15 or 30 degrees? Here's the entry from the data.ini. [ReconCam] ReferenceName= SystemType=EO_CAMERA CameraFOV=5.000000 CameraPosition=0.000000,10.062,-0.956 CameraYaw=15.000000 CameraPitch=15.000000 CameraRoll=15.000000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga EODisplayFlags=268435456
  5. Also, it should be noted that SF2E merges with SF2V by default. If you don't want them merged, you need to change the directory when installing one on top of the other. The same goes for installing SF2V over SF2.
  6. Um... I think you meant to post these in the "Rise of Flight" forum over at SimHQ... Seriously, looks amazing!!!
  7. ??? I haven't encountered that problem, but I also don't think I played through any B-57G campaigns... I can't even begin to thing of what would cause something like that. The only think I can think of that's close would be if something in the campaign.ini or campaign_data.ini changed after you started the campaign and it screwed up the unit ID's... Has anyone else had this problem?
  8. Looking for FS2004

    I can get it for about $17 on Amazon. I was just curious if anyone here might be looking to sell for cheaper. Thanks.
  9. Private Pilot's License

    Demo flight scheduled for Monday in a 172! As for the cost thing, it looks like the 172's range from $102/hr to about $140/hr. Instructor is $60/hr on top of that. So that's $8000 assuming 50 hours dual, and another $1500 assuming 15 hours solo. I just guessed on those hours, but if I'm close it looks like ~$11000 +/- $1000 is about right.
  10. Because the campaign engine in the game doesn't support anit-ship missions. If it does try to generate one, it will CTD. Change the chances to 0 and that problem goes away.
  11. Maybe it has to do with a "RenderInOrder=" option set somewhere...
  12. Per the data you posted, there are only 3 "FNFal" systems in the infantry object. You could try adding more. I would have to see the entire data.ini to know what exactly needs to be added.
  13. Yes regardless of what campaigns/single missions you're using, if the infantry pack and weapons are installed correctly, they *should* be shooting at each other. However, I've found that I usually don't even notice if they are or not. Hopefully it doesn't take away from the game play much (if at all)...
  14. Hmmm... sorry about the confusion on the installation of the guns for the infantry pack with the ground war enhancement. Maybe I should update the readme with the necessary gundata. I'm not sure why they aren't firing at each other if you have installed the gundata correctly. Can you attach your updated gundata file? And, you are using this with WOV, not SF2V, correct?
  15. Private Pilot's License

    I'm setting up a demo flight for next week. :yes: Any thoughts on learning in a 172 vs a Warrior? According to the club website, the rates are about the same. Low wing vs high wing?
  16. Is that two separate cloud layers I see? How'd you do that?
  17. You are CA Man of the Year if this really works...
  18. Can you quantify the performance boost in terms of ~ FPS? Just curious...
  19. Yes, I got the AV8R-02 and have used it with the Demo. It works quite well. Just keep in mind, like I stated in my other thread, the AV8R-02 doesn't work very well on a PC even though they advertise it that way.
  20. Private Pilot's License

    You know, that's a good point. I did the intro flight when I was 17, and I really liked it. But I need to just try it again...
  21. Private Pilot's License

    I just checked again, and they're actually estimating the cost at just over $10,000, so that's a little better. That estimate is based of of 55 hours dual instruction and 15 hours solo. I'm sure the central valley would be cheaper, but then I'm looking at at least an hour or hour and a half drive each way. Right now San Carlos airport is 3 minutes away, and Palo Alto is about 10. Depending on the costs in the valley, the short drive times and gas mileage might make up for the difference
  22. Got it! I'll give that a try. Well, actually, I get how .75 to 2.0 is the cloud expanding, but what is the 0.3 all about? Thanks KB!
  23. Hey Fubar, I've had no luck messing with emission rates, volumes, and lifetime values. I was able to get the clouds to last longer (15-20 seconds) by increasing particlelifetime. Can you (or anyone else with effects skills) help me with the next step to decrease the cloud size? Thanks.

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