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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. Actually me thinks that when a lot of better FM's for the props come out, the interest doing Props will explode here
  2. Bump!!!!!! Just remember to give those guys some feedback here http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx
  3. I think the Heinkel He111 was the most numerous in BOB but I'm not sure If you want to do a US bomber then please consider the Martin B-26 Marauder. It dosnt exsist in this series anywhere to my knowlegde. I'll be happy to skin it, if its proberbly mapped
  4. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=9382 Allways liked this Bird, ever since I was at Duxford
  5. P-51D

    From the album hgbn's album

    Big Beuatyfull Doll
  6. No problem was just currious if there was a new practice arround in the US....
  7. Dont shoot me now for asking. Should the insigna not be on the opposite wings. Normaly US markings are allways on top left wing and bottom right???
  8. Thanks Diego!!! Didnt realize that Dave was a pilot before now
  9. So far AI handles the P-51D very well, no odd behavior so far, None have crashed without a reason other than being shot down( the only one I have tried out so far)
  10. Those FM's are just great cant wait to get some updated aircrafts. Will fit perfectly in any WWII/Korea/Vietnam timeframe mod. Have only tried the P-51D yet but the way it handles... Superb The end result!!! some very interesting knife fights
  11. File Name: AvHistory P-47M Beta File Submitter: hgbn File Submitted: 14 Jun 2009 File Category: Allied Fighters This is the P-47M with AvHistory beta FM Any feedback should be directed here please http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx Thanks to Gregoryp at AvHistory Click here to download this file
  12. File Name: AvHistory A6M5c Beta File Submitter: hgbn File Submitted: 14 Jun 2009 File Category: Axis Fighters This is the A6M5c with AvHistory beta FM Any feedback should be directed here please http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx Thanks to Gregoryp at AvHistory Click here to download this file
  13. How about a FW190D??? It would be a nice choice so people who dont have access to capuns site can test out the new FM
  14. Uploaded just awaiting approvial
  15. AvHistory A6M5c Beta



    This is the A6M5c with AvHistory beta FM Any feedback should be directed here please http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx Thanks to Gregoryp at AvHistory
  16. AvHistory P-47M Beta



    This is the P-47M with AvHistory beta FM Any feedback should be directed here please http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx Thanks to Gregoryp at AvHistory
  17. File Name: AvHistory P-51D Beta File Submitter: hgbn File Submitted: 14 Jun 2009 File Category: Allied Fighters This is Wolfs257 P-51D with the beta FM from AvHistory. Any feedback should be directed here Please http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx Thanks to Wolf257 and Gregoryp at AvHistory. Click here to download this file
  18. AvHistory P-51D Beta



    This is Wolfs257 P-51D with the beta FM from AvHistory. Any feedback should be directed here Please http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx Thanks to Wolf257 and Gregoryp at AvHistory.
  19. No 1. Most stuff I need, is allready availlible as freeware. 2. It's like buying a car with a aircondition not working. and the reply from the dealer is. Hey I can sell you a new radio for it instead of fixing the broken aircondition.
  20. Cooooooooooooool Very nice then we can flesh out Esk724 truly in NFV
  21. Man I hope my tax refund will find its home soon Did anyone take a screenshot of that Hunter F.mk51??? Have a suspicion that it might be a RDAF aircraft
  22. B-66B

    From the album hgbn's album

  23. Some old builds

    Some models I build long time ago. (10-15 years) 1:72 Hasegawa P-47D 1:72 Academy P-51D This kit is highly recomended one of the best. IF not the best P-51D in 1:72 Both build straight of the box except for decals
  24. Can somebody take a screenshot of the Hunter F.mk51 I saw in the list. Please???

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