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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. The Book Thread

    Just finishing off this book with a very sore belly from laughing: Can't wait to start his follow on book:
  2. EURO 2012

    :rolleyes: :boredom:
  3. WIP for "Desert4" VERY slow work indeed
  4. From the SF2 online manual: Burning Sands Campaign Two proud nations, one oil rich desert, one very old conflict... April 1919: Mazadran Desert During an expedition hosted by the Amir of Dhimar, geologists from the Northern Oil Company discover oil leaking to the surface in a place called the Valley of Kerman. It is desolate landscape in the Al'Samara region lying very near the eastern border of the Kingdom of Dhimar and the western border of the Empire of Paran. This border region has always been in dispute, and the Amir claims the inhospitable region as a territory of Dhimar, beginning drilling operations with Western-backed capital. August 1919: Mazadran Desert The Shah of Paran disputes the Dhimari claim to the newly discovered Mazadran Oil Fields. Shah Mushani sends Parani cavalry cross the rocky sands of the Mazadran Desert and, after fierce fighting, the battle for the Valley of Kerman ends with the retreat of the Parani army. It marks the beginning of a long conflict between the two nations. September 1933: Mazadran Desert After over a decade of fighting, Shah Mushani has grown old and no longer has the will to continue the long-running and unsuccessful war against Dhimar. Over the years, numerous attempts have been made to claim the Mazadran Oil Fields though none have been successful. The entrenched Dhimari, the rugged Valley of Kerman, and the desert itself have kept victory from Paran. The Mazadran Oil Field war gradually slows, then stops, resulting in an uneasy peace. December 1956: Mazadran Desert The Kingdom of Dhimar has grown to become a very wealthy and economically powerful nation by selling the oil produced at the Mazadran Oil Fields. There is an increasing feeling of resentment in the Empire of Paran against Dhimar because of the economic disparity between the two neighboring nations. February 1957: Kurzah, Paran Pro-reclamation forces led by Halani Komar, and backed by a powerful benefactor, the Soviet Union, successfully stage a bloody coup against the Mushani regime. Once in power, Shah Komar begins secretly building up military forces, using the newest and best Soviet hardware that he is permitted to buy. His goal is to return the Empire of Paran to its former glory by defeating its longtime enemy, the Dhimari, and to reclaim the Mazadran Oil Fields. September 1957: Muthala, Dhimar King Husani Al'Galbhi of Dhimar watches with growing concern as reports come in of brand new MiG-17 jet fighters, IL-28 bombers, T-54 tanks and BTR-50 armored personnel carriers seen at new military bases throughout Paran. Tensions increase as Husani approaches the United States for military assistance, and begins to place F-100 jet fighters and M-48 tanks into service to counter the threat. May 1959: Mosak, Dhimar Two years of increasing tensions between Paran and Dhimar have culminated in terrorist bombings in the border city of Mosak, located in the Basari River delta. War appears imminent, as Parani forces mass near the border at Maqazad and Riqdur. June 1959: Mosak, Dhimar Mosak has been subjected to a blockade by Parani naval forces. Paran now claims ownership of the entire Bay of Basari, and has stopped all Dhimari shipping into and out of Mosak. June 1959: Muthala, Dhimar Prince Fa'ad of Dhimar, realizing that their armed forces are still under manned and under equipped, recommends King Husani to institute an emergency buildup of air power. Intrigued and impressed by the legendary Flying Tigers of World War II, he proceeds to form several Special Operations Wings (Mercenary), and fills his new squadrons with foreign pilots who are willing to fly and fight for money and glory. July 1959: Washington, D.C. In order to prevent the Soviet-backed Paran from gaining the strategically important oil fields, the United States decides to dispatch military forces to assist Dhimar in the current crisis. The USS Saratoga heads for the region and a squadron of A-4 Skyhawks lands to take up temporary duty at Shaqaz, Dhimar. Meanwhile, F-100 Super Sabres of the 354thTFW, USAF arrive at Muthala, Dhimar, to take a defensive position there. September 1959: Mazadran Oil Field Large formations of Parani tanks are seen crossing the Al'Samara River and heading towards the Valley of Kerman and the industrial oil center at Al'Qatan. War has returned to the desert... Additional Campaigns War in the desert continues... Operation Quick Sand December 1966: For years, U.N.-backed ceasefire has kept the peace between Empire of Paran and Kingdom of Dhimar. Shah Komar of Paran spent these years secretly rebuilding his military and meticulously planning revenge against Dhimar. His deceptive measures to hide his activities were successful, and he catches U.N. and Dhimari forces by surprise when he launches his well-planned attacks. U.S. reacts swiftly, deploying units to defend the Kingdom. Operation Rattle Snake August 1968: Despite the U.N. backed ceasefire, Empire of Paran continues to support terrorists engaged in guerrilla warfare against Kingdom of Dhimar. In response to repeated guerrilla attacks, Dhimari aircraft violates Parani airspace and destroy terrorist camps just across the border. Paran retaliates with intense artillery fire against Dhimari positions. The exchange escalates into a full-scale war, and U.S. once again deploys units to defend the Kingdom. Operation Desert Thunder October 1972: After years of uneasy truce and massive troop buildup on both sides, hostility between the Empire of Paran and Kingdom of Dhimar reaches a fever pitch. Once again, war appears imminent. Shah Komar of Paran expels U.N. peacekeeping force from the region, closes the ports of Mosak to Dhimari shipping, and masses his troops at the border. In response, King Husani of Dhimar, with support of the United States, makes a bold move: a pre-emptive strike. Operation Desert Fury June 1975: Despite the U.N.-backed ceasefire, tension continues to rise between Empire of Paran and Kingdom of Dhimar. Crisis in other parts of Middle East sends oil price soaring, further deepening the economic divide between the two countries. While petro-dollars pour into oil-rich Dhimar, Paranian economy is on the blink of collapse. Paran's military command, with its oil reserves dwindling fast, sees invasion of Dhimar as the only option for its survival. As regards squadrons, Spinners has created an excellent Dhimari decal set which is available here from the SFP1 download section: Dhimari Decal Set I've used them in all my edited stock campaigns and they work out nicely. PM me tomorrow evening when I get back home and I'll be able to pass some on to you.
  5. I think I'll sit this one out for a few days and wait to see what the general consensus is.........
  6. Which (Non-Sims) are you playing?

    It's kind of old news at this stage but last week I bought Medal of Honour (2010 - Tier 1). Not a bad game but the graphics are a real pain in the arse. No matter how much I tweak the settings it has shadow bugs, weapons have that "splintered/see through" look and the optical sights have black traingles in them. Leaves me with no option but to ditch my M4 or SMG for an AK-47.
  7. Retro music and bands reforming

    I hear you bud. Last night the missus was watching a "concert" from the Steps reunited tour. Bloody hell - dancing and miming and not a musician in sight on the stage. What a joke!!! And then she's wondering why I've been downloading so much 60s/70s/early 80s stuff for the past few years. Absence certainly makes the heart grow fonder in my case I think. One of my all time favourites:
  8. Just in the nick of time.... Reminds me of Paris in '89
  9. I'm surprised nobody mentioned the Mirage F1C-200. That alone could pave the way for modders to incorporate the creation of an E model and all its foreign subtypes.
  10. Back up

    Bulldog One-One; this is Shaqaz control. Welcome back to base chaps!!
  11. Back up

    Welcome to the club Stary! You know good things always come in threes. You've just proved that! So much for patience on the part of the OFF lads. What's that song? ..........oh yeah: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=TjHJ_snG3RI BTW, does anybody know what DID happen? Server fried? Hacker?
  12. Hey...Jet Jockies

    I need to lie down
  13. Another Birthday!

  14. Anybody know how I can make the third party wire fence object more "see through"? Or maybe I'm using the wrong model perhaps? From the terrain_types.ini : [TargetType***] Name=Fence FullName=Fencing ModelName=Fence.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=2000 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=100 ArmorValue=0.0 ArmorType=0 RepairRate=10.0 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=15000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion DestroyedModel= SecondaryChance=10 SecondaryEffect=SmallExplosionEffect And here are the objects in question: Fence_Objects.rar Any help would be appreciated
  15. Nice work on the Fence01 Hurc!! Here's my WIP so far on Desert3. Sloooow work but being 100 metres long it doesn't involve too much additions. It's just the working out of the positions in places with uneven sufaces that's the pain in the arse.....
  16. I've looked at this thread on and off but my guess would be that since it's a smokeless missile engine there's no effect to use it with. Hence no "SmokelessMissileEffect" data in the ParticleSystem.ini file. Just an educated guess, that's all
  17. Monty - done a bit of mathematics earlier and worked out that the fence object you uploaded is ten metres in length. Given that some of my larger airfields already have on average 400 groundobjects, I don't think it'd be practically useful to use it. in Desert3. As Wrench correctly pointed out, something like a 100metre length of fence MIGHT do the trick, but that'd leave you with less flexibility; especially with some airfields in Desert3 like D9 and D10 where the've been finely placed on a level patch of ground. As you mentioned also, the fence is hardly visible from the air. Now unless it's a different model I'm talking about, the fencing I mentioned in my first post should look like this, right? That's a demo screenshot from Hurc's 'Nellis Range' mod. I've already tried using the fencing from his mod some time back but it ain't "see-through" either for some reason. Also, AFAIR that model's 100m long, right? BTW, thanks for your help and assistance so far guys.
  18. Proudly Sponsored By

    Right now I'm hoping to find Fanta Avenue somewhere
  19. Hmmm, strange. This is the view from one side of the model: And from the other side of the same model:
  20. Proudly Sponsored By

    Ehmmm, bourbon and pepsi??
  21. F*ck it, Kev; I'm bored at the moment. Been getting up a lot earlier these days since I got the dog so after he's fed and walked I want to do something instead of twiddling my thumbs for a few hours. Morning TV here is "El Crapola". I've been wanting to put up fencing round the airbases in Desert3 for a long time but kept putting it on the long finger til now, so while the will to do it is there I'd love to make the most of it. Edit: Yeah, the average for my airbases (depending on the size of them) is roughly between 250 and 400 objects. What the hell, no harm giving it a try.

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