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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. OK; I've removed the carrier stations from the terrain _DATA.ini and CAMPAIGN_DATA.ini files, edited the campaign files by comparing them with the Iceland campaign files, yet the campaign still freezes when I try to start it with a USN, USMC or USAF aircraft (using Ctrl+Alt+Del method of closing it down. Strangely enough I can start the campaign if I choose an RAF or Merc squadron . At this stage I'm quadruple checking the files in question and trying this and that out but still no joy. Anyone got any ideas? Edit: If anybody wants to, I've decided to enclose the campaign INIs. Maybe someone that's successfully done something similar could give them a once over ... CAMPAIGN3.rar
  2. The thing I'd be interested in is that although technically the oil rig is a static model, could there be a way of setting it up in such a way so that they could be open to cruise missile attack? By the way arthur, you mentioned about flying a campaign in the Desert terrain; I presume there's no longer any need for the "Echo Station" prompts in the _DATA.INI and CAMPAIGN_DATA.INI files?
  3. i was thinking of that myself, though I hadn't got round to trying it yet. Wasn't even sure if the old terrains would support that feature. Nice one
  4. Floppy Music

    I thought this clip I was told about on Facebook was just waaaaay too good not to share: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Xk_XaJ7gE4Q#! Un-f*cking-believable, or what?!! Mind you; it gave me such a laugh that although I popped my sleepers twenty minutes ago, I'm wide awake again.
  5. Real Life (tm) troubles

    My heart goes out to you my friend. Although I admit PTSD is something I've never had, I've only recently attempted suicide and I'm still being treated for chronic depression; so in a way I can understand how life can affect somebody emotionally. To be honest I hadn't planned on informing anyone here about that, but after reading your message and those from others in the past I can see that CA and Third Wire can be an excellent way of blinkering out and forgetting about problems and anxieties for a while. Personally, there's nothing I find more relaxing than putting my favourite music on the iTunes player and flying a few single missions in the SF2 series. I went through a lengthy divorce about four years ago, so I understand how messy, drawn out and emotionally upsetting these things can be. All I can suggest to you on that count is to think long and hard as to whether this is really what's best for both of you. Living on your own after a break up can be a VERY lonely thing. Believe me I know that first hand. I was lucky in that I met my current Fiance six months later, totally by accident. I mean this sincerely by saying that if you ever want to chat, don't hesitate to send me a PM. Anytime bud. I'm online here more than a few times a day.
  6. BTW, has anybody had the problem of AIM-54s flying "back-to-front" when viewing it in F9?
  7. It's hot stuff, yeah, but the only problem I've got with it is the player view angle, which to me gives the impression of being too high up in the cockpit. Y'all seemed to have forgotten as well about the five star work that ravenclaw did on the Buccaneer cockpit. To me it just pips the MF 'Cat pit at the post (no offence to Oli).
  8. Another F-4 video

    Happy days, eh? FANTASTIC VIDEOS!! I remember back in the late 80s or early 90s seeing a BBC News bulletin where they simulated a QRA alert at RAF Mount Pleasant for the cameras. For some reason that report has stuck in my mind - the running for the Hangars - the strapping up and the engine start - the glowing, screaming Spey engines heading down the runway away from the camera. Would love to see that report again but I wouldn't know where to start looking
  9. Picked it up myself last night while I had some yoyos in my account. Couldn't agree more Rambler Dominos One has GOT to go!! Petition anyone?
  10. Now that's a bleak place...... Nice shot though!
  11. I've learnt this lesson myself the hard way. Heed the man folks..........
  12. Niiiice!! Hopefully their SAM launchers will be active and will be targetable
  13. What I'd be curious to know is if the original CVA-63 and SCB-125 models have been updated to the same standard as the new Nimitz model?
  14. That's an answer I for one also would like to find. The 'Desert3' terrain I created is plagued with that problem.
  15. I love the smell of burning jet fuel in the morning
  16. You cannot legislate common sense

    From my experience with the human race all I can say is that as time goes on, this problem is becoming more and more endemic. I've got a zebra crossing right outside my house complete with flashing lights at either side of the road, yet I've lost count of how many times drivers whiz by while pedestrians are trying to cross. It's even happened to me a few times. I could be half way across and yet some drivers have this "what the f*ck do you think you're doing!!" look on their face, while only stopping at the last moment. Personally I think as time marches forward, as technology makes our lives more convenient, and as more and more new inventions come on the market, the human gene pool moves ever closer to the minus figures. People are gradually losing the ability to think for themselves. I only shudder to think what humankind will be like in twenty-five years
  17. Sea Harrier Over The Falklands

    It certainly shows the level of bigotry and ingorance at command level from Woodward on Hermes, especially when you consider that his background was in subs. Before the campaign Woodward was also very dismissive as to the value of carriers in modern warfare. In the end I think Ward was spot on in his analysis at management level and of grandiose but impractical operations like "Black Buck"
  18. Queen Live @ Wembley '86 full concert

    Saw them at Slane Castle near Dublin in '86 when I was 13. The first and still the best I've ever seen!
  19. Wearable Motorcycle Interesting...

    I can imagine OAPs taking to this! A lot more interesting than those four wheeled buggy-like things. Just picture em now coming to the post office on a Thursday for their pensions......
  20. BTW, did somebody mention a release date? Where, When?
  21. There's too many headless chickens running round here. Granted; the other night when I spotted this thread my heart skipped a beat, but I understand that TK will release it when it's ready. It's better to release something that won't require correction patches later. Patience folks - paaaatttiiiieeeennce
  22. Tommorow (Payday for most people)? After all, that's when a lot of folks would have some jingle in their pocket.

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