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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Nice work Umm!! Looks like you're a quick learner Have you checked out the layout I created for my Desert3 terrain? If it's any good to you, there's a discussion on it that I started here a couple of days ago: http://combatace.com/topic/64815-hawk-sams-in-sf2/
  2. Right. I've put together a HAWK battery loosely based on this web illustration below: I've already placed them in my Desert3 terrain in place of the old 'star of David' style ones. Tested them out as I went along with some MiGs and f**king hell; they're devastating to your MiG flight if you're above 1.000ft! Here's the layout: I know what you mean, Kev, when you mentioned about putting the launchers in berths. I tried out the ones from Sundowner's recent Desert Objects mod, but they were blowing up as soon as they lauched (might be a collision mesh issue). So instead I've used the older one I've already had in the terrain. They don't really interfere with the missile's line of fire and can usually go for low level targets.
  3. I was sorting out my DVD collection over the weekend and upon finding this little gem decided to plonk myself down on the couch and watch one of my all time forgotten favourites - much to the annoyance of the missus, who wanted to watch TV. That signature soundtrack has GOT to be the coolest and catchiest tune of all time, in my opinion at least.
  4. Just tried out the Iran/Iraq terrain. I see what you mean. BTW, Niiiice work, Wrench!! So from what I can make out, this is the magic line I've been wondering about, yeah?: [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR MissileRange=24000.000000 MinMissileRange=500.000000 PitchAngleRate=8 MaxPitch=80.0 MinPitch=0.0 DefaultPitchAngle=30.0 YawAngleRate=15.0 YawLimited=TRUE MinYaw=-30 MaxYaw=30 DefaultYawAngle=0 MissileLaunchTime=10.0 <------------------------ ? YawModelNodeName=Turret PitchModelNodeName=Rails Actually, as regards battery placement, I've been looking a few interesting websites up as regards Hawk SAM site layouts Here's one on a few Danish sites: http://www.fortress-scandinavia.dk/Stevns/Ramme_Stevns_Hawk_eng.htm It's made me think about editing the Hawk sites in the Desert3 terrain to this layout: What do you think, lads? I'm sure there's enough 3rd party objects around to knock together something similar to the layout in the pics above
  5. The ones I mentioned above are working fine. I've just forgotten what lines to edit in the DATA.ini files. I 've been able to edit the missile firing rate before; I just can't remember which entries to edit. The missiles are firing off three at a time and are used up far too quickly in my opinion.
  6. I got the launchers from the mod that amokfloo mentioned above http://combatace.com/files/file/9472-working-hawk-for-sf2/ And the radars from the ones from the Anatolian terrain that PureBlue provided above
  7. One more query guys; how can I reduce the rate of fire for the missiles from three at a time to, say, two or one?
  8. Thanks for that guys. Got it working now. Just one curious question; how come the launchers were set as 'STATIC_AAA'?
  9. Going ..... ..... Going ..... ..... Gone!
  10. Badger baiting ....... I expect he won't be home for his daily wartime ration of camel s**t.
  11. Nice job Stary. Certainly makes the central valleys region of the map look a LOT more interesting.
  12. The "I'm not going to watch the wedding" thread

    I was hoping it would rain in London today. Just to see how it would affect those misguided individuals who camped out for the last few days in the streets just to get a good vantage point.
  13. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can use my pc mouse to look around while in the cockpit or on an external view (F6)? I had to reinstall the whole series today after a post Windows 7 patch update and it's been that since. I know it's probably something simple but I'm a little bit out of practice as I've not had the chance to play much over the past couple of months. Thanks in advance lads
  14. I seem to have solved the problem. Strangely enough the controls on my other SF2 titles don't seem to have been affected. So I copied the 'Default.INI' file over from SF2E and it seems to be sorted. Funny how being away from things for two months can make you a top of the line rustbucket in the tweaking department, eh?! Thanks for the look in, Streakeagle
  15. Great skin. That reminds me; Ihaven't bought a copy of 'Viz' in a while. Great read and an even greater laugh
  16. Special Forces Velcro

    I wonder if he REALLY has any friends?! F**king wankstain
  17. Dear Mr Gadaffi

    That's cos the UN are a bunch of toothless tigers and are only good for one thing: preaching. My cousin served with the Irish Army in the UN in the Lebanon back in the 80s. Most of the time he said that when they went on patrol they went around carrying rifles with empty magazines. Orders from the UN apparently. UN = Useless Nancyboys
  18. What pisses me off at the moment is looking around to other flights during campaign missions when I hear 'he's firing!' and seeing flights of friendly aircraft chugging along in ignorance while MiGs are positioned less than a quarter of a mile behind pumping shells into them at an alarming rate. Reaction? What reaction! Even as their flight's being decimated by cannon fire and Atolls the rest all still fly straight as an arrow As I watch these massacres I can almost hear the MiG pilots singing 'Eight Imperialist pilots ahead; Eight Imperialist pilots' to the tune of '99 bottles of beer on the wall'. When the situation's reversed; you're approaching an enemy flight of any kind from behind, and as soon as you're under five miles from them they scatter like flies. Now THAT'S the kind of behaviour you should be getting from friendly flights under threat. Proper evasive action. I think there are some really annoying bugs out there with the comms set up and with friendly AI, a lot of which have been around since day one of SFP1. This is something that should be tackled by TK post haste.
  19. Random Pic Time

    Some amusing representations of our soon to be departing not so dear leader
  20. Quick update lads. Dave's just arrived at Cardiff airport for his, ahem, 'pint' :
  21. joey

    Mind if I jump the queue? MIne's got some nice sharp six inch nails in them. :yes: I bought my missus a DVD box set of that for Xmas some years back. Woooooorst mistake I've made in years. A week later I bought her a headphones set for the bedroom TV. Ahhhh........ silent nights.
  22. Let's Hear It For SuperGran!

    A pensioner in Northampton, England foiled a group of sledgehammer-armed jewelery store thieves yesterday by attacking them with her handbag. Nice one Gran!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8FVAHuQvjc&feature=aso
  23. I don't own an iPod. I just use the iTunes player in my PC. Don't seem to notice any FPS drop when using it along with the SF2 series at the same time. Starting it while in flight is something I'm sure a lot of us would like but realistically a bit far fetched.

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