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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Artillery guns only fire in a straight trajectory, like with Tank guns; HOWEVER, rocket artillery can be implemented and is already in use on a number of terrains. As for vehicles, I believe there is a US MLRS somewhere in the d/l section as well as the BM-14-16 - the precursor to the BM-21: GKABS, you might want to check out that model when it comes to seeing exactly how the system itself is implemented in the SF2 game engine
  2. Hi StoneAxe1492. You'll be able to change this if you click on the "Options" tab in the main menu of the game.
  3. GKABS, your 3D modelling is getting better and better all the time. You, my friend, are a genius
  4. Election Time in the Emerald Isle....

    Don't we all
  5. Election Time in the Emerald Isle....

    So it looks like a sure sign of election fever is gripping the political masses here in (not so) good ol' Ireland: Increase In Rivalling Canvassers Fighting To The Death
  6. Problem solved. Ignore my earlier warblings
  7. Do you have a modified AVIONICS.ini file for the aircraft? The symbols on my cockpit HUD are TINY!
  8. Sorry, bud, I was referring to the SCB-125A modernisation uprgade with the angled deck. I went to the trouble of buying YAP with the express purpouse of using them in SF2, but the aircraft keep flying through the deck.
  9. Jeeeezuz!!! In keeping with today's level of Political Correctness, that shot should've come with a health warning! Time for cooler light level, methinks........
  10. Just an awful pity the SCB-125 upgrade from YAP can't be implemented. They're a huge improvement over the stock version.
  11. That open top gunner's gonna get a serious case of sunburn .............that is if he doesn't pass out from heat exhaustion first Seriously though, well done my friend. Very well done!!
  12. .................... excuse me while I pick my jaw up from the floor ............................... Seriously though, are all the objects part of the airfield model or are they separate?
  13. New book, written by me.

    Speaking as a self-confessed bookaholic, I can only hope someday it's published in English. Regardless of which, I hope your publication becomes a successful one. Sidenote: Must start learning German....
  14. A detailed BMP-1 is also badly in need as well. I have a 3d max model that I downloaded from a free 3d model website if you're interested in it. Not sure how many polys are in it.
  15. Well done GK. Fabulous job!! One request though; would it be possible to have a copy of the skins without the Soviet markings? just to add some realism to some "non-Soviet" scenarios...
  16. Looking good. Keep up the good work! Obligatory screenshoot:
  17. 308; what terrain is that? And now for an obligatory screenshot, sponsored by GKABS: https://gkabs.net/index.php/download-files/ Your papers, please.....
  18. Just in case anybody needs to know; the Fletcher model is available on Rising Sun Phase 4. If you only have YAP3 you won't find it.
  19. Is the Fletcher class included in YAP3 or is it in one of the Expansion Packs? I can't seem to find the ship in the install
  20. Well done pp. Another fine conversion of an already beautiful model
  21. Version


    F-4ES Cockpit & HUD Upgrade Version 1.0 by Ultramax This is my first serious attempt at 'cockpit conversion', so please be gentle guys! It was originally inspired by Doghouse's brilliant F-4ES 'Super Phantom II' upgrade and I thought to myself that the picture would be completed with a snazzy new cockpit to make the most of the Phantom's newfound versatility. Although I haven't tested it on them, I'm sure it would also make a brilliant addition to the F-4F ICE and Kurness 2000 upgrades. Contents: Cockpit: Hi-Res cockpit by sundowner RWR Display: Radar & TV display files by Wingwiner Avionics and HUD display files originated from the Mirage Factory F-15A PS: If I've forgotten to mention anybody please let me know. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me on the forum and I'll be sure to respond ASAP. Installation: Just place all the files into your aircraft ini file and place these entries in the appropriate sections: CockpitDataFile=F-4ES_cockpit.ini AvionicsDataFilename=F-4ES_AVIONICS.INI You'll also need to have the F-4E_COCKPIT.LOD from SFP1 or SFG. BTW, don't forget to change 'avionics60' to 'avionics70' - otherwise it won't work! HAPPY HI-TECH FLYING!! this mod is from Ultramax and was only uploaded by ravenclaw_007 all credit for this work goes to Ultramax

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