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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. No joy. All that's showing up in any era is the C-123 and they're in use up to 1985 .................... :suicide2: Clamping aside though, but could there be something missing in the other aircrafts' DATA.ini files that's in the C-123s? [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=Destroyed_C130.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect EmptyMass=36289.4 EmptyInertia=831467.4,1070491.8,1280653.0 ReferenceArea=162.12 ReferenceSpan=40.41 < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I'm assuming this is the important factor as regards the maximum span allowed? ReferenceChord=4.01 CGPosition=0.00,2.48,0.00
  2. OK, so I've downloaded a whole loada Cargo planes; the C-123, C-141, C-5 and Boeing 747. So far out of about ten single mission startups in small aircraft I've noticed the C-123s lined up on the tarmac. Funny thing is that when I took a C-5 or a C-141 for a test spin there were nearly always C-123s lined up - but ONLY C-123s. The Starlifters and Galaxies have never shown up on the ground. I've tested this out on SF2E and SF2V and there's no problem there. In SF2 I always use my updated Desert terrain. Could it be something I'm missing out in that? BTW, I made the following changes to the 'DESERTAIRFIELD_4' ini file without any joy: LargeParkingChance=90 <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - (changed from 25) Look - I know it's not a major thing and I know that the game'll run well without this thing rectified, but as some other members will tell you, I just can't get enough of the old eye candy on the airfield. Ideas anyone?
  3. Would there by any chance be a max for the amount of static aircraft? Just clutching at straws here. Fubar - I'll give you an eight for that remark.
  4. What's bugging me is that the info that's needed is there on the airfield_ini files, I've even cross checked it with the stock ones to make sure that all the I's are dotted and the T's crossed. The small aircraft are coming up most of the time. Why not the bigger ones?
  5. I'm patched up to June 2010. I've got SF2/V/E/I in a merged install. The large aircraft in my mod folder are the SF1 C-130A, the add-on RAF Hercs for SF2, the recently released Boeing 707 and (of course) the stock SF2 An-12. Another thing; I did about ten or twelve single missions starting on the runway just to see if there was some randomness attached to this. The fighters and the like turned up most of the time, but never the big movers; not even the likes of the the B-57B
  6. Just downloaded the terrain and flew a mission or two. Sweet as a nut. Well done bud
  7. Personally I think that's what makes a good dawn/dusk screenshot snap. I guess it's just a matter of taste, eh? Home on the range Beagle in their sights
  8. Twilight bloom? Whassat? Seriously though, I'm useless at environmental stuff. You're best bet would be to ask ShrikeHawk. He's our resident e-weather expert and all the environmental mods I'm using on SF2 are his.
  9. I say, Mister Soulfreak; with these pictures you are really spoiling us
  10. That terrain's just become a 'must have' for me. Cheers bud
  11. Hey Soulfreak; what terrain is that where you've the T-38 parked on the ramp near the RAF C-130?
  12. Policeman shot 1/2 mile from my House!

    May the Police sniper's bullet travel straight and true. Prison's too good for this p***k.
  13. The morning calm before the dawn raid
  14. Early start . Let's just hope he's had his Weetabix, eh?!
  15. Morning glory BTW, well done to the MF team for the new F-14 add-on. A nice surprise to come home to after a relaxing holiday
  16. Can't hit the broadside of a barn to save my life...

    It could have been worse my friend. At least you didn't end up doing this:
  17. In hospital at the mo

    Kinda puts my upcoming second ingrowing hair surgery op in the shadow. Hope it works out for you bud
  18. Version


    After looking at various real life pictures of F-105s I noticed that more often than not, F-105s going into combat carried an ECM pod on one outer pylon and a Shrike missile on the other. The option to make this selection isn't possible in the stock F-105D_66 so I decided to edit the stock DATA and LOADOUT inis to give a more accurate depiction, or to at least give the user the option to select this loadout before flying missions. Just pop these INI files into your F-105_66 folder and you're ready to go.
  19. Serves the Welsh right

    My Welsh mate Roy might disagree with you on that one. Except of course if we're in the pub during an Ireland/Wales rugby match
  20. A Huge Thank You

    The pleasure is all mine, my friend

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