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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. This lady's one mean bitch when she's in heat So DON'T piss her off!!
  2. Hi Fubar. Do you know if this 'Z fighting' problem can be rectified? BTW, thanks for the tip on the the possible solutions to the other minor problem.
  3. No it's nothing like that at all. I'm no greenhorn when it comes to this. As I mentioned already I just completed a complete reworking of groundobject placement in the Desert terrain. DaveJS will testify to that. He's currently in the process of clearing that terrain in question for the downloads.
  4. Hi all, Does anybody have the gundata for the Tornado's 27mm Mauser cannon? My Tornados currently have none as there's no entry for them in my Gun Editor.
  5. This is just soooOOOO UNFAIR!!!
  6. Mmmmmmmmmm .................... yes pleeeeeeeez
  7. Coming To An Airport Near You

    Edited....post the picture somewhere else and add it as a link.
  8. I've noticed that myself. Maybe it's a glitch with the flight model. I'd suggest posting these shots on the ThirdWire site so that TK himself will see it. He'll probably be able to give a better explanation
  9. You've all heard of the Love Boat; Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, the kingdom of Kuwait is proud to present................ The Prayer Boat!!! (cue theme music)
  10. Whadda you lookin' at? Ain't you ever seen a Sundowner before?! I just love sunrise shots. Don't care who's flying
  11. Niiiiiiice ...........Niiiiiiice....
  12. Hi guys. Just a quick enquiry to see if anyone knows where I can get my hands on the 'grey with black tail' skin for the Phantom FGR2s that the RAF's 74 Sqn. used between 1991 and 1992? I know there's one available for the F-4J(UK) but I can't seem to find one for the FGR.2
  13. Ooooooooooohhhh yeeeeeaaaahhh!!! Something to look forward to next week then hopefully Just a quick question; will the skin BMP resolutions be 1024 X 1024 or 2048 X 2048?
  14. I see trouble on the horizon That's that problem solved
  15. The early bird gets the worm: A thinly disguised MiG-21SM flight from a Soviet 'Volunteer' squadron during Operation Rattlesnake: Fiddling about over the Kurzah docklands:
  16. Return of the Falklands

    In a nutshell: [/url] http://www.youtube.c...h?v=I9OgEGJzZ3o
  17. Return of the Falklands

    Being a modern history fan, I've watched this subject with interest up to now but I feel I have to voice an opinion. Yes, Ireland fought a guerilla war against the British to regain independence, which it received for the most part in 1921. The north of the country, which was mostly pro-British, stayed within the British sphere and was renamed what we now know as Northern Ireland. With regard to Northern Ireland; yes there has been up to recently a long and bloody conflict between both communities up there. Both being pro- Republic (known as Republicans and Nationalists - who wish for the North to become part of the Republic) and pro-British (known as Loyalists and Unionists - who wish to remain part of the UK). The conflict eventually ended in the late 1990s and politics has taken over. Even both political sides have formed a Government together. Also, in the last ten years or so, the Irish and British governments held a referendum in both states of the island of Ireland to decide (and here is my point) what the people on both sides of the border wanted - for either Northern Ireland to stay part of the UK or to be become a part of the Republic of Ireland. The majority of people on both states on this island voted for the North to remain a part of the UK. Yes; there's still some people who aren't happy with the result, but at the end of the day the wishes of the majority have to be respected. So without wishing to get into a heated debate with anyone; THAT is my point. At the end of the day, the PEOPLE decided the future of Northern Ireland. The same should apply to the Falklands/Malvinas.
  18. (Without trying to sound too politically orientated!) This is what Port Stanley could look like in ten years if things go the petroleum industry's way
  19. There you go bud: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1421
  20. I'm still in awe at the level of detail thats been put into the new HR SF2E Germany terrain. Nice work, fellas
  21. Run, Lola, run! Too slow, Joe ......

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