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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Nice job, cat. Perhaps it's just a matter of personal taste, but I don't suppose you'll be releasing BMPs without the cartoon cat on them ? Otherwise, well done bud.
  2. Sorry mate, I sent that last message accidently before I finished it. Here's the rest of that message... The only thing I can suggest to you is to double check the name changes. Here's an example when an SFG F-4E skin to the F-4E_75 in SF2: SFG SF2 f-4e_1 change to --> F-4E_75_1 f-4e_2 change to --> F-4E_75_2 f-4e_3 change to --> F-4E_75_3 f-4e_4 change to --> F-4E_75_4 f-4e_5 change to --> F-4E_75_5 I hope I've been of some help to you
  3. This would only work if the skin you're trying to install in SF2 is designed for a stock aircraft from one of the older TW game titles. If they are for an add-on model you might as well forget about it. At this point I've added various skins to my SF2 F-4s, MiG-17s, Mig-19s, Mig-21s, etc without any problems. The only thing I can suggest to you is to double check the name changes. Here's an example when an SFG F-4E skin to the F-4E_75 in SF2: SFG f-4e_1 change to --> F-4E_75_1
  4. Pre-flight check is over with. Now brothers; we are off now to s**t on infidel Shah Komar's head from great height... inshallah!!
  5. I mentioned yesterday in the screenshot thread that it's possible to add old aircraft skins from SFG/WOV/WOE/WOI and add them to stock aircraft on SF2. The same applies to weapon skins I added the late 'grey' F-4 tank skins to the above skin after copying it to the F-4E_75 folder. All that needs to be done then is renaming the bitmaps so that SF2 will recognise them.
  6. ................ I had no idea until this evening that you could use skins in SF2 models from SFG/WOV/WOE. I transferred the aircraft and tank skins from my SFG F-4E model onto my SF2 F-4E_75 and voila: All it takes is some renaming of the old bmp files and you're in business. I've also added the Euro style skins available for the old models and tanks. Now I'm of to see if I can add any interesting skins to my SF2 Navy Rhinos
  7. One thing I've noticed when playing any of the Third Wire sims is; sometimes after firing a missile (any) and pressing F9, I get a little bit frustrated when I see it fly within what seems only a few feet from the target and keep flying without exploding. I've looked into it and AAM models, especially from the 70s onwards, have effective proximity fuses so as to ensure a kill even if they miss. I'm sure the distance settings for each model would vary, but is it possible to add this feature to my AAMs via the Weapon Editor?
  8. Clipping from 'Military Forces Monthly', January 1986 The Dhimari Defence Ministry has announced that it is currently in the process of evaluating two aircraft types - the F-15C Eagle and the new Tornado F.3 - in order to decide which will defend the skies of Dhimar in an interceptor role for the foreseeable future. The Ministry announced that an order will be placed for forty or so of whichever aircraft wins this evaluation. Two aircraft of each type have been leased from Mc Donnell Douglas and British Aerospace respectively and have been flown to Dhimar itself for a ten week period. "These aircraft will be tested in terms of interception, close range dogfighting and long range CAP endurance", said the RDAF chief of staff General Jamal Sharif. "We intend to push both types to the very limit and beyond. Dhimari pilots are no strangers to air combat over the past thirty or so years. They've gained a lot of experience as a result so obviously we want nothing but the very best for them. Our own F-16As and F-4Es and some drone aircraft will fly in the 'Aggressor' role, if you will, in order to test these aircraft out under every possible scenario". When asked whether cost effectiveness and overall value for money would come into the equation in terms of eventual selection, the General remarked "that is not my department; I'm a military man, not an accountant. For those kind of answers you will have to speak to my colleagues in the Finance Ministry". An (above) F-15C and (below) a Tornado F.3 painted in Dhimari markings while being put through their paces at an undisclosed location in Dhimar For the past twelve months various types have been considered, including the Mirage 2000 and the West-German proposed F-4E Plus, the latter of which would be performing an upgrade package to Dhimar's ageing F-4E fleet similar to what the West German Luftwaffe is currently undertaking to its F-4F fleet. However in the end the F-15C and Tornado F.3 were shortlisted after serious consideration. However an insider has revealed that the Defence Ministry has not ruled out the possibility of some of their F-4E fleet receiving the 'Plus' upgrade also. An RDAF F-4E Phantom II, last upgraded in 1977 to F-4E-75 standard. An RDAF spokesman also stated that having a dedicated air superiority fighter would give its current fleet of F-16As and F-4Es the opportunity to concentrate more on the air-to-ground role, while at the same time retaining their air-to-air capabilities if needed. The spokesman also stated that with Paran and Dohar constantly making overflights of Dhimari airspace, the aquisition of one of these fine aircraft might make both regimes rethink their attitudes.
  9. Female Drivers....

    My brother sent me this earlier today. F**king hilarious Female_Drivers.wmv
  10. I've been trying to Google info on the fuse distances for the various missiles but there doesn't seem to be much info out there on it. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places; maybe it's some kind of security matter for the governments and manufacturers; or maybe it's just because I've got some pizza in one hand and a fizzy drink in the other, heh heh. But yes, definitely - any info found will be shared, be through web info or gameplay testing
  11. Thanks lads, found it. Time for a little experimentation......
  12. I've just opened up the AIM-9L settings with the weapon editor. Is it the 'C.E.P.(m)' entry? It's currently set to 0. I just want to ask in case I make the wrong changes and make a pig's a*se of it
  13. Introducing the latest Dhimari defence aquisition
  14. Works a charm now. There's a lot less of a draught in the cockpit now. Cheers bud
  15. Hey Spinners, which TW application did you get the canopy glass tga from? I've tried the ones from SFG and SF2 but no joy I'm afraid.
  16. I'd say at least one of those pilots needed fresh Y-fronts upon returning to base. "Better make that a boil wash, Luv - those skidmarks look like they need some TLC"
  17. Mmmmmm.........Please Sir, I want some more :yes:
  18. The title of my subject speaks for itself, I'm sure you'll agree. This is a screenshot on the SFG 'Desert' terrain. I can't remember which kind of airfield it is exactly (DesertAirfield1,2,3, etc). I'm no stranger to editing terrains, but this has REALLY got me scratching my head. If it was something in the Desert.CAT it should be there, because (obviously) the Desert.CAT is in the 'Desert' folder.... Suggestions, anyone?
  19. Got it. The three (or one of the) AIRFIELD3_LOD files must have been corrupted in some fashion. I extracted the stock ones from the Desert.CAT file and replaced the ones in the Desert folder. Problem solved. Thanks for your help lads
  20. Bear with me one moment, bud. I've discovered that it's the 'DESERT_AIRFIELD3' type airfield, which I'm presuming is the 'Airfield 3' lod files. I've double checked the terrain folder and cross checked it with the contents of the Desert.CAT file. All the files are where they should be, just no runway. WTF?!!!!
  21. On the subject of terrains, wouldn't the Madagascar tiles make a great tapestry for Spain?
  22. Wasn't Spain an Islamic stronghold during the Middle Ages? I was watching a documentary recently about that on YouTube. If you could create a mad enough dictatorship in north west Africa you could surely put together an invasion scenario (similar to Galtieri invading the 'Islas Malvinas'|). Reclaiming what was once a land of Islam, in a sense turning it into a Holy War - Islamic vs. Chrisitian. I suppose you could throw in a token squadron of Israeli F-15s/F-16s, who'd only be too glad to get any excuse to kick some arab arse. Just a thought
  23. Veeeeeery tasty :yes: . I'm off now for a second helping

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