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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. brits**ts courts rule again..W**kers

    The British justice system is fairly sound. The laws are there. The only problem is the judiciary. A frightening amount of them are either too f**king bored or too drunk to listen to the goings on of the 'commoners'. Either that or they're too busy dreaming about what kind of lingerie their mistress will be wearing tonight. Over at my end of the Irish Sea the whole system is a TOTAL F**KING JOKE. And that applies to the whole system here - the law; the justice system AND the judiciary. To give you a perfect example, there was a girl I went to school with years ago was raped IN HER OWN HOUSE by a guy, who after being given a suspended sentence, travelled back from Dublin ON THE SAME TRAIN as her! Then, when the train stopped at their destination he spat on her on the platform. It makes you wonder sometimes if solutions like these are the answer:
  2. UK Aggressors

    I was doing a bit of research on aggressor squadrons for an 80s campaign for SF2 when I came across this rather interesting footage from the bygone 80s: http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/839.cfm I might actually add this site to my 'Favourites' list. It's always good to have something interesting like this to watch when your Missus has the TV hijacked at dinnertime :yes:
  3. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    Of course there's always 'West Wars'.....
  4. Roooollin'.........Roooollin'.........keep those downloads roooollin'..........
  5. Does anyone know of a good website where I can check out cutaway illustrations of military aircraft?
  6. Caption this

    I used to work night shift security at reception in a call centre about four years ago. I was outside at one stage getting some fresh air and eating a packet of potato crisps (potato chips in the US) and this young fellow thought he was in with a chance of receiving some, so in all his youthful wisdom decided to follow me back in to reception, little knowing that the door behind him had a security lock We had a digital camera in a drawer at the security desk for taking photos on staff IDs so I wasted no time in getting it out and taking a few snapshots. He was quite playful actually and wasn't the least bit aggressive. I must say it was a great experience to encounter this beautiful animal.
  7. Caption this

    While the ball's rolling; who can caption this shot I took at work some years ago
  8. So I've pinpointed my problem with WOE crashing to my edited SquadronList.ini. Some may recall my post some days ago where WOE crashed when I clicked the 'loadout' tab in the aircraft menu whenever I tried to play in Single Mission mode with ANY aircraft. Yes, I can hear you all saying that I should check the squadronlist.ini to see if the squadron numbers are all in the right order, but I've already done that - countless times. And yes, I've already placed the edited squadronlist.ini in the Wings Over Europe/PilotData folder. I wanted to add the non-stock squadrons in Red Swarm, which I did without any problems and flew aircraft in single misisons without any problems. But the next day, when I start the game and go to fly a single mission with ANY aircraft - the game just goes keels over and dies on me. Windows also tells me that the game has stopped working. It also tells me that it's the SingleMission.DLL file. So if anybody could help me out here I'd REEEALLY appreciate it. I've spent the last two days trying to sort this problem out and I feel as if I'm just banging my head off a wall.
  9. Thanks but no thanks. I've done that twice already. I'm thinking I might just grit my teeth and put up with the default ini squadrons :yes: . This issue has taken up enough of my time over the past three days Maybe waiting for the not so soon upcoming 'Strike Fighters: Europe' will be worth the wait Thanks again for your help
  10. I wish I could get to the bottom of this. Things are ok when I delete the edited SQUADRONLIST.INI. I've done this loads of times before and nothing like this has happened. I'm certainly not re-installing WOE again unless I ABSOLUTELY have to. Maybe it's a problem with the SingleMission.DLL that Windows keeps telling me is the problem ............
  11. Negative bro. I was just thinking while looking through things; would it be because of the way I've got certain 'out of the usual' squadrons entered? Here's some examples: [squadron294] Name=1BAF DisplayName=No. 1 Squadron Thistle Nation=Belgium [squadron295] Name=2BAF DisplayName=No. 2 Squadron Shooting Star Nation=Belgium [squadron296] Name=349BAF DisplayName=No. 349 Squadron Goedendag Nation=Belgium [squadron297] Name=409RCAF DisplayName=409 Squadron RCAF Nation=Canada [squadron298] Name=425RCAF DisplayName=425 Squadron RCAF Nation=Canada
  12. Been there, done it, got the t-shirt my friend. As you were saying I was adding one thing at a time. The strange thing was when I added squadrons to the list first there were no problems at all and the changes were recognised and accepted (that was done yesterday). The problem started when I turned my pc off last night and went to use WOE today. I can't use any aircraft at all in single missions. The only way I can solve this problem, albeit losing my added squadrons, is to delete the edited SQUADRONLIST.INI so that the gane will automatically use the default ini in the MissionData.CAT file. Also, I made no other changes/additions to the Wings Over Europe/Flight folder. Maybe I've found a bug in the Oct'08b patch
  13. I had to re-install WOE yesterday and for some strange reason the guns on all my Mirage F.1s don't work. I've double checked the data.inis and they all appear to be in order. They also work without any problems in SFG and WOI. Anyone know of a fix for this problem? BTW, all my installs are fully patched up to Oct 08 (b patch)
  14. Ooops. There's always something you forget to re-install, eh?! :blush2:
  15. He Finally Made It

    He Finally Made It!!....
  16. SF2 is (in my opinion) a big improvement over SFP1/SFG. It'll be worth the wait when the new patches are released. I'll also log on to the ThirdWire forum and try and inform TK of this. And for those who've shown interest in this project; as I said in a previous message here ...... Watch This Space Folks :yes:
  17. Can anyone give me advice on a BIG problem that's suddenly cropped up with my WOE install. The game has suddenly started crashing when I select the 'Loadout' tab when flying ANY aircraft in single missions. The last thing I did was last night when I added the MF FA-18A to the Aircraft folder. I then added the USN and USMC skins from the skins section here. I then flew it for a while before heading to bed. After I got up today I logged on to CA and downloaded the new F-111A add-on. When I went to try it out in WOE the above happened. I thought it was something with the F-111A add-on so I selected another aircraft to see if that was it - same story. I can select ANY aircraft for a single mission, go to the Single Mission menu and fly it straight away; but if I want to go to the Loadout menu to make any skin/weapon changes the screen goes black and a message box pops up to tell me that WOE has stopped working. Does anyone know of a fix for this? BTW: This only started today and I'm certain I didn't make any changes to the 'nuts and bolts' files
  18. Sorry guys. I meant to say I tested the mods out in SFG and WOV
  19. I don't think it's anything to do with the FA-18 or F-111 add-ons because (a) I didn't add any of the weapons as I already had them (b) I tested them out in SFG and WOE. No problems whatsoever This is what Windows is telling me. Can the below mentioned 'SingleMission.DLL' be replaced? (if that's what the problem really is?) Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: WOE.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 48fcb88d Fault Module Name: SingleMission.DLL Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 48fcb72c Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0004d3bf OS Version: 6.0.6001. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 8f5d Additional Information 2: a2333c82ffd97aad1a50ae1a7cd85c0a Additional Information 3: e1ba Additional Information 4: 8c33786a76a0a7b42534f15d6c297cb7
  20. Does anyone know where I can download any AH-1 Cobra models? I've been through this site and others and all I'm able to find is skins.

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