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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. OK, so here's the deal with my dilemma. I'm currently setting up my new desktop with the programs and apps that I had in the old one. I want to install the SF2 series that I purchased but here's the problem: The default Windows Mail app on Windows 10 has no settings function for me put in the POP3/SMTL settings, etc., from my broadband provider. The only thing I have relating to my purchases on ThirdWire are some .eml files on a USB stick but as I can't access my provider e-mail address I can't download and install any ThirdWire games or DLCs that I purchased! I've also contacted support@thirdwire.com but have received no reply as yet. Anybody got ideas?
  2. Agreed, but the over simplification of the Windows Mail app, especially in the settings, made it impossible for me to sync it with my broadband provider's mail server. If I could have done that in the first place I wouldn't have found myself in a position where I was almost screaming at the ceiling last night out of frustration! The file path navigation setup is also a lot different which of course makes it all the more confusing until you get used to it.
  3. And there was me til 2am this morning trying to sort this sh*t out. Never thought of using Notepad! Installing games now as I type. Downside of Windows 10 - more of a pain in the ass the more I get to dislike it - just like my ex wife
  4. Greetings all!!! Any day now I'm due to be back in the land of the gaming. I've finally been able to purchase a new gaming rig after my old 'un got fried in a power surge last year. Good news is; I've been able to splash out on a reasonably high spec PC Specialist Vortex Fusion II unit with: * Windows 10 64-bit * Overclocked Intel® Core™ i7-6700K Processor * 4.6 Ghz Quad Core with 8mb cache * 16Gb DDR4 RAM * 2Tb Main Drive w/ 240Gb SSD drive Unfortunately It doesn't come with a wireless LAN card. I managed to obtain a Ralink RT61 Turbo Wireless LAN Card but I'm not sure if it'll be compatible with the new rig. Does anybody know if it is? Also, it appears that my old PS2 keyboard is not compatible with Windows 10, but strangely enough, it was working just fine when I set it up initially after turning it on for the first time. Looks like a USB keyboard is my only option here, so it'll be Friday at the earliest until that gets sorted. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning that has no batteries for his toys!!
  5. I've got a lot of work on my hands over the coming weeks. Essentially I'm going to have to start from scratch and re-download most if not all the mods I had in my SF2 install. I'm also thinking about getting DCS World as I've watched a lot of YouTube videos and it seems damn impressive, even if the learning curve is pretty steep. There'll also have to be the obligatory control stick, throttle and rudder pedals to buy.
  6. Not sure, as I don't have access to it until I get myself a USB keyboard, but it's got an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4 GB GDDR5) graphics card
  7. File Name: Desert Terrain V.4 File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 24 January 2014 File Category: Full Terrains This is the latest (and my final) version of the Desert terrain. After months of tweaking and testing I've come to realise that this is as good as I'm going to get it. So thus I've decided to just release it to the masses and see how it goes.... Desert 4 is similar to Desert V.3 albeit with a few important differences: 1. MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! - This terrain has been navalised, so you'll need to have SF2:NA in order to have missions work the way they should. As to whether this terrain will work without SF2:NA , I'm not sure and I can't guarantee it; but you're free to give it a try. 2. This terrain is based on the STOCK DESERT TERRAIN, so DON'T use the tiles from V3 as that mod is based on Polak's desert terrain. The tiles along the coast will be totally messed up. 3. D9 and D10 Airbases are still based in the mountainous north-western region of the map. However, the problem of having AI flights crashing into a nearby mountain soon after take-off from D10 has been solved by removing the hill in question. Huge thanks has to go to to Baffmeister for his work with that! Credit also has to go to Baffmeister for the surface levelling and re-tiling work around those and other airbases, as well as his work on the islands. 4. The tiles are the work of JSF_Aggie, which are a huge improvement from the stock ones. Note: the tiles within the terrain folder have been resized to 512 X 512 pixels for better framerate performance. But for those with higher spec PCs, you can get the full size tiles in the download section here: http://combatace.com/files/file/12368-hi-res-desert-tiles/ 5. I've used Stary's excellent Desert Ground Environment mod, which for that region of the world, brings 110% more realism to town and city regions, with more realistic buildings and trees. 6. More target areas have been added, as well as a few more "Easter Eggs". So get flyin' and start lookin'! Click here to download this file
  8. Version


    This skin represents VA-85 during their cruise aboard the USS Forrestal in 1972/1973. Although the aircraft in the add-on is stated as an A-6E, in reality it's a Third Wire A-6A with various INI tweaks to represent the engine and avionics improvements of the 'E' model over the 'A'. Special thanks to Wrench for donating the 'Black Falcon' decal and for modifying the stock ThirdWire 'AA' tailcode. Cheers Kev, couldn't have done that without you mate. Credits: * Gull grey skin by Gerwin * Nose number and tail serial number decals by mppd * 'Black Falcon' and modified stock Tailcode decals by Wrench * 'DIANE' cockpit mod my MiGBuster * Mk7 ejection seats by ravenclaw_007
  9. Makes me shiver when you consider the fact that I was watching the exact same aircraft perform the exact same manoeuvres here in Shannon about three weeks ago. Condolences to all the affected families......
  10. I managed to completely solve that problem before with all of the airbases in mountainous regions without having to move them. I think it was done via some INI file editing for the tiles in question. Unfortunately I lost EVERYTHING on my desktop when it was fried in a power surge some months back. This tiles issue is a pain in the arse but it is fixable with only minor adjustments. Sorry I can't be of more help to you guys.
  11. I'm not one to take chances, so I'm going to top up on Paypal next Friday and download all the SF2 series and DLCs that I lost recently. Personally, if I were you I'd do the same and grab FE while it's still there. We'd be kicking ourselves if they were taken down.
  12. Jug Has Passed Away

    RIP. May your final flight be a peaceful one.
  13. Rebels trying to shoot down Syrian Su-22

    ALLAHU SNAK BAR? There must be a lotta Star Wars fans there. I was just waiting for one of them to shout:
  14. That sucks DMT; I know EXACTLY how you feel, having lost my desktop as well as a household appliance in a power surge. F**king water meter installers working in the street not only ruptured the water mains pipe, but also the power mains cables which were (stupidly) placed next to it. Also (stupidly ) it just so happened that my backup drive was plugged in at the time. After an examination by my brother I was given the news that it's a total wipeout of everything. Years worth of mods, photos, videos and MP3s. The only recyclable part being the drive unit frame which I might use to rebuild a new one. Currently borrowing by nephew in-law's laptop (when he's not using it ). The rest of the time it's my android mobile
  15. Greetings From Androidland

    So we've got through another silly season - which is more than I can say for my gaming rig, which became victim to a local power surge (along with half of the other electrical appliances in the house). Anyways; here was me thinking the missus would be delighted with a new refrigerator for Xmas - "pahhh", says she. A new, bigger, 52" TV smoothed things a little bit, but I still only got no gravy on my dinner with small portions and a small glass of wine with it. Sooooo, ehmmmm, with my birthday coming up next month and as I type this yuletide message from the awkwardness of my android mobile, I wonder - what are my chances of getting a new gaming rig? Something tells me as she sits next to me watching a re-run of 'Law & Order', that maybe I'm being a little too optimistic. Hmmmmmm indeed. Anyways, as I think of my gaming rig in IT heaven, allow me to wish all of you a merry Christmas and hope you all have a prosperous new year.
  16. File Name: Piecemeal's Airfield Mod For Stary's 'Green Hell 3' File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 06 January 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains This mod is something to complement Stary's Green Hell3 mod for SF2V. All airfields on both sides have been extensively facelifted and given a new lease of life by re-populating them with huge amounts of groundobjects that were used in my Desert3 terrain and updated airfields for the Four Seasons mod. Airfields have also been re-catagorised into two different groups; 'Red' and 'Blue'. For example, a friendly 'vietnamSEA_airfield4' will now be 'BLUE_AIRFIELD4' and a North Vietnamese 'vietnamSEA_airfield4_NV' will now be 'RED_AIRFIELD4'. The amount of ground objects and buildings on all airfields are on a MUCH bigger scale than before, though I haven't really noticed much of a drop in FPS performance - although the mod's performance on your PC does depend on your own system and specs. ---------------------------------- INSTALLATION (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY): * First, save a copy of your existing 'VietnamSEA' terrain (in case for some strange reason you might not be happy with this mod!). * Secondly, unzip this pack and allow the folders within to merge with your SF2V installation. If asked whether you want to replace files, allow them to be overwritten (you saved a copy of your original terrain, yeah?). You should be good to go then! Important Note: If you don't already have this, you should download it from the SF1 downloads section, otherwise North Vietnamese airfields will be missing a LOT of trucks: * Kesselbrut's 'Soviet Transport Mod', which can be found here: http://combatace.com/files/file/3667-soviet-transport-pack/ CREDITS: *SF/WoV Runway Upgrade tiles by Polak *Hi-Res Runway texture tiles by JSF Aggie *Factory Target Area, Tactical Control Centre, HeadquartersR1, Gas Station and Tower H1 by Wingwiner *Enhanced Top Cloud Layer BMPs by Fubar512 *Radar Facility by Grumpapotamus *Generic Hangars pack by Stary *South Vietnamese, American and SEATO flag by Wrench *Thai flag by pureblue *Borrowed Objects from Wrench's Libya Terrain : Round Tents Barbed Wire Fences Camonet *Borrowed Objects from Wrench's DBS Terrain : HotDog Stand 'Deuces Bar & Grill' sign *Borrowed Objects From Falklands Mod : Stanley Tower Comm Building *Borrowed Objects From Desert Storm Mod : Satellite and Radio Antennas Sandbag walls Ammo boxes *Borrowed Objects From SF2 Range Terrain : Forklift and ShelterZU by Amokfloo Firetrucks by Ravenclaw FloodLight, SmallGenerator, ConcreteBlock and SunShelter by Pureblue Static Chinook model by Banidos Team Tools by Polak Thanks to the creators of all the above mods. Special thanks to all at CA for the fantastic mods that have been created over the years. And of course a very special thanks to TK for creating this unique mod series. NOTE: If I've forgotten anybody please get in touch so I can give you the credit you deserve! Have fun; Piecemeal 6th Jan 2011 Click here to download this file
  17. I think I need some bigwig help here before I lose my mind. I've just started noticing it last night when trying to place objects on the Madagascar map. So there I am selecting co-ordinates on the terrain to place objects on. I go to my TERRAIN_TARGETS ini file and place the object in the exact area I want it in, according to the screenshot co-ordinates. I re-start my SF2 game to see what adjustments need to be made, and it's waaaay off - usually between 500 to 1000 metres in any direction from where I wanted it. Sometimes it doesn't even show up at all I'm thinking maybe it's a problem with the Madagascar terrain itself. But then earlier today I had an idea for placing an object on my SF2 Desert terrain. Guess what? Same story. I can't understand how this can be happening all of a sudden as I've recently completed a huge object placement job on the Desert terrain without this happening even once. I've been no stranger to this task for a long time. Anybody out there got a solution for a simmer in need?
  18. Happy Birthday FalconC45

    Belated birthday greetings to the Falconman!!
  19. independent Scotland?

    Don't you mean former republic, MB? Ireland is at this stage no more than a subservient province of the EU empire (politically, at least). The Scottish people need to ensure that if independence is voted for, to make sure they don't allow themselves to fall into the same trap as we did with the EU.
  20. Post Pics of your Pets

    Jeeeeezuz!!! Had to look twice there. I thought at first it was a grizzly bear
  21. Would sir care for some cream and sugar with that? (Translate: Haría señor como la crema y el azúcar con eso?)
  22. Gotta love NatGeo

    The less cubs the better
  23. Post Pics of your Pets

    A tale of two rescue dogs - Daisy (foreground) & Ozzie... And what Daisy lacks in size, she certainly makes up for it in energy.... video-2013-05-31-20-31-03.wmv
  24. Wow. Miss Spain. ... just wow.

    Looks more to me like one of those Japanese sex dolls http://www.fantasydoll.com.au/
  25. Wow. Miss Spain. ... just wow.

    Consider yourself reeeeeally lucky guys: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2733903/Lesbian-talk-Ireland-winning-beauty-queen-crown-Rose-Of-Tralee-pageant.html Disclaimer: I am not, nor have I ever had anything against gays or lesbians

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