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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Cool stuff! Is that available on the web? BTW, apologies if anyone was offended by by previous attempt at humour :blush2:
  2. Nice work mon ami. I suppose all we need now is a lovely Mirage 2000 to put it in
  3. Another high seas mystery for you folks. Drdoyo's excellent solution works just fine when followed; provided you've got up to and including two aircraft in your flight (yourself & a wingman). The only problem lies when you have three or more aircraft in your flight; and yes, you're back to square one. That sweet, sweet mother ship that we all long to return to has once again disappeared. Any suggestions out there folks? PS: I HAVE tried searching for it, both visually and with my ground search radar. It's a definite disappearance
  4. Major Lee's American Northwest Jungle terrain

    WOW! That is one hot terrain! The tileset would work wonders for the VietnamSEA terrain. It's in SERIOUS need of a facelift, even with the current upgrades available for it
  5. France may rejoin NATO

    It seems to me these days that (politically) nobody on this continent does anything unless it benefits them in a big way
  6. Excellent stuff, drdoyo! A perfect solution to a minor glitch. I hereby declare the case of the missing carrier solved. Thanks again bud
  7. Does anyone know where I can get some modern Russian/Soviet pilot skins for my Migs and Su's? I already know of the traditional default 'PVOpilot' skin but it's a little out of date for the more modern types. I've heard of a 'PilotRUS' model after downloading the latest MiG-29 but can't seem to find it
  8. Cheers my friend. I've never seen this site before. With the other extras it was like having my nose in a sweet shop window without glass! Thanks also to Gepard for the modern soviet pilot skin location
  9. All donations gratefully received. Thanks again bud After all, as they say, variety is the spice of flight.... I'm not complaining, but I think this is one area that's lacking. F**k; if I had the expertise I'd try to complete one myself.
  10. That'd be nice, cheers. You'd never know, I might even like it
  11. Is that model available on the site?
  12. No Time For Chit-Chat

  13. Parani Prime

  14. RAF defeats USAF ...

    I guess it's fair to say that this guy's certainly earned his 'bars'
  15. Are there certain sections of the site closed for maintenance? I've just tried twice to access the MiG-29 download section in the ThirdWire/SF area and have been told that I'm not allowed access. Antbody else got the same problems?
  16. Take note of the above guys. I'm not complaining but maybe a little impatient (sorry!) since I d/loaded WOE last Saturday and am on a major upgrade programme since then to bring it to the same standards as my SFG/WOV specs.
  17. Thanks bud. The reason I was asking is because up to now the SAHM Atoll BMPs were represented by the IR model bitmaps
  18. Does anyone know if there's a model of this missile in any of the latest weapons packs?
  19. As I mentioned earlier, 5 star work on this. Hats of to the lads who've obviously spent a lot of time and sleepless nights on it . Just one question; is it neccessary to hold on to the default 'desert' file in the terrain folder? I'm asking because I always try not to keep files that aren't needed in order to save space.
  20. Zero Hour

  21. Grrrrrreat work lads. Five star flight sim.

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