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Everything posted by Piecemeal

  1. Hi Ludo. Since last Thursday I've been using Ravenclaw's hi-res French missile models from this thread: http://combatace.com/topic/81120-matra-super-530-missile-info/ (scroll down to Ravenclaw's thread entry for 30th January, 10:30am)
  2. This has got to be one of the best aircraft mods since Ravenclaw's Buccaneer. Well done guys. Too bad I can only play it on the default terrains. Polys are a little bit too high for my desktop to cope; despite reducing the resolution of the skins by 50%. Methinks I should start looking for a new rig. EDIT: Just wondering; has anybody had trouble loading the old R530s on the inner wing pylons? I noticed that when looking at the loadout in-game, they're not loaded by default.
  3. Tomorrow

    Stay strong
  4. Certificate for Erik

    And so say all of us!!!!
  5. Anybody got one of these on the hard drives? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigercat_missile
  6. Cheers Eric. Got darius on my HD. Will check out in a while.
  7. I think my interest in flying an SF2:E campaign is taking a sudden leap. That is a fantastic piece of work, Rends!
  8. File Name: Dhimari Mirages Pack for SF2 Series File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 27 January 2014 File Category: What If Hangar This is a complete pack containing exactly what it says on the tin. Represented here are the Mirage 5, Mirage IIIE, Mirage 50 and a totally fictional French made version of the Kfir powered by the Rolls Royce Spey - something in there for everybody!! ********** IMPORTANT NOTE!!! ********** You'll need SF2, SF2:I and certain DLC releases in order to use this mod: * For the Mirage 5DH - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5E2 from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage 5BA DLC. * For the Mirage IIIED - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5SDE from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC. * For the Mirage 50DH - the aircraft model is from the Mirage IIIO DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC. * For the Mirage 5DHS - the aircraft model is the Kfir C2 from SF2:I. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC. For credits and installation instructions please refer to the Readme. Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    This is a complete pack containing exactly what it says on the tin. Represented here are the Mirage 5, Mirage IIIE, Mirage 50 and a totally fictional French made version of the Kfir powered by the Rolls Royce Spey - something in there for everybody!! ********** IMPORTANT NOTE!!! ********** You'll need SF2, SF2:I and certain DLC releases in order to use this mod: * For the Mirage 5DH - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5E2 from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage 5BA DLC. * For the Mirage IIIED - the aircraft model is the Egyptian Mirage 5SDE from the AI Pack One DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC. * For the Mirage 50DH - the aircraft model is from the Mirage IIIO DLC. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC. * For the Mirage 5DHS - the aircraft model is the Kfir C2 from SF2:I. The cockpit is from the Mirage IIIEL DLC. For credits and installation instructions please refer to the Readme.
  10. Hi all. I was contacted a while ago by another member who has this problem on Desert4: I thought I had it sorted as I made a few changes to some files and passed them on to him. If I remember correctly, there was a similar problem with another terrain before. Something to do with SHD files for the said objects. All seems OK at my end, even with the shadow effects on "Unlimited". Anybody know of a fix?
  11. Thanks for that, Rends. I've passed that info on. For anybody looking for the replacement pit1.LOD, look no further than here: http://combatace.com/files/file/13582-pit1rar/
  12. File Name: Hawker Hunter FG Mk.61 - Dhimari Air Force File Submitter: Piecemeal File Submitted: 26 January 2014 File Category: What If Hangar This is (of course!) a fictional depiction of the Hunter 9 for the Royal Dhimari Air Force. PLEASE read the Readme file for full installation details!! Click here to download this file
  13. Hi there JDUK. The answer to your query is quite simply no. The mod folder itself is called "DESERT4"; the stock terrain folder, if it's already in your terrains folder is called "Desert". In SF2I, the stock terrain is called "IsraelME"
  14. Desert V.4 .............. uploaded and awaiting approval
  15. Hi guys. Things are just about wrapped up here with Desert V4. I'm almost ready to upload it to the downloads section - but not before a few "minor" cosmetic changes are made: Admittedly these errors are of my own making; I asked baffmeister to flatten the surfaces of these islands so that objects would sit more naturally on the surface. The result was the above pics. Other areas within the map such as new airfield sites and oversized mountains were perfectly levelled, but possibly the island issues happened because of the land/sea tiles. If anyone could help out with this I'd be really grateful, as I'd rather not upload the terrain as is. Oh yeah, one more question; does anybody know why every carrier based single mission has the convoy situated just off the Parani coast? Any help with these issues would be appreciated.
  16. Great stuff baffmeister. The islands are back to looking like their old selves once more. I owe you one Wrench - correct me if I'm wrong, but with a _WATER.bmp in a navalised terrain, then there's no need for shipping routes in the MOVEMENT.ini? I have a terrain specific WATER.bmp and shipping routes in the MOVEMENT.ini Water.bmp :
  17. Thanks for the quick reply lads. Baffo; here you go. As requested: HFD_and _TFD_Files.rar The mod is based on the stock Desert terrain I've renamed them DESERT.HFD and DESERT.TFD just for your convenience. Wrenchie boy! Long time no hear! Checking the Movement INI out now
  18. Low & fast - a lesson learnt the hard way
  19. Update of my treatment

    Hang in there bro. We're all right behind you! :clapping:
  20. Post random things thread

    Whenever I'm in need of a good laugh I check out these guys on you tube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=biArkwUaURA ...... you should check out their other clips. Just don't eat or drink anything while viewing
  21. Dhimari air defence ...... mid '80s style
  22. With all due respect, denissoliveira; I've discovered that the best things in life usually take time. I'm sure we'd all like this mod to be released now, but creating an aircraft from scratch and creating associated skins isn't exactly a walk in the park. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. Somebody mentioned once - “What good has impatience ever brought? It's only served as the mother of mistakes and the father of irritation.”

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