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Posts posted by Piecemeal

  1. Narrow margin or not, I'd like to congratulate the UK for making this bold step. From watching broadcasts in the UK to engaging in webchat it's so obvious even Stevie Wonder could see that there's a growing disaffection across Europe for the whole project. To put it bluntly; being in the EUSSR is beneficial if you're a businessman, banker or politician - but not for the ordinary Joe in the street.


    May there be many bonfires in Britain tonight.....



    • Like 3

  2. Try cutting the diameter of the projectile to half the gun's real bore size and changing the muzzle velocity to about 1000m/s +- 20m/s.


    Here are a few that I worked on myself, all naval artillery.


     attachicon.gifKJakker LR Guns.7z


    That seemed to work with the M109s and D-20s. They appear to be throwing their rounds a LOT further, albeit on a straight trajectory - instead of an arcing one.

  3. During the rebuilding of my Sf2 mods I decided to try and look into the possibility of solving the reason why in-game artillery never manages to throw rounds further than 2km.




    (Take no notice of the extended tracers - I'm using them to better judge the trajectories of the rounds!)


    I rather suspect it's got something to do with these lines in the _DATA.ini:






    (the last two lines may have a big factor to play here, if only the correct numbers were known)


     Anybody got some advice on how to remedy this little riddle?

    • Like 1

  4. I've been working on recreating my personal campaigns for the Desert 4 terrain, but I keep having problems with third party 3D objects causing the game to crash when I'm approaching waypoint 4 - it's also around this time that opposing ground objects in the target area are supposed to spawn.

    By a process of elimination I've been able to single out the IraqiSquad object :




    I've also had the same problems with certain add-on ships; notably the CV-43 Midway carriers and the Type 21 model from the Falklands mod.


    Does anybody know of a remedy for this issue?

    • Like 1

  5. Evenin' all :hi:


    I've got what I'd call a big problem when I want to play a campaign in Strike Fighters 2. When I click on the CAMPAIGN tab on the main menu I end up getting the black screen of death before a small window appears informing me that "StrikeFighters2 has stopped working". I'm totally at a loss as I've never encountered this before.


    Anybody know what might be the cause of this?

  6. Nicholas: i think the individual effects files are ignored by game engine if you have particlesystem.ini in the mods folder... so it's either use individual effects, or use one single ps.ini, them 2 ways mutually exclusive.


    ^does not help with win10 prob however. i'm just avoiding it at all cost:|


    I think you hit the nail on the head there, Do335. I renamed ​ClusterBombletExplosionEffect to the stock ​ClusterBombEffect

    Problem solved! Third party effects - stock name; and NO messing about with the ParticleSystem file :biggrin:


    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction

    • Like 1

  7. Does anybody have any problems with third party effects while using Windows 10? I've had a problem with various effects from Stary's Unified Effects mod which used to work fine for me on Windows 7. One example is the ClusterBombletExplosionEffect - I release the CBU and there are no bomblet explosions on the surface. In each case with each effect I've checked and re-checked to ensure that everything necessary is in the Effects folder.


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