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Everything posted by Icarus999

  1. All I have to say is that while I really like the cool new features in SF2NA... the game has a seriously unfinished feel to it. I was and am frustrated with the lack of developer support/interest following the release of the game. It felt like he just dropped it on us.. said here ya go... and walked away. I expect more customer service/ dialogue I also expect thirdwire to take the time to listen to questions asked by the modding community and provide some answers regarding the new terrain engine and other new features.
  2. I've seen A-7's engage attackers with sidewinders, in my June 2010 patched SF2E install... but the additional behavior you describe is something new as far as I have seen. I like what I'm hearing.
  3. Countermeassures

    Are you guys using stock TW weapons? I had the same problem with a stock install but then I ported over my modded weapons pack from my SF2E install and things are much much better now.
  4. Carrier deployed OV-10 Broncos

    Yep they often flew off of LPH/LHA's
  5. Twenty Years Ago

    This is what happens when the media refuses to exercise judgement or take responsibility. Much like a certain present day case in Florida they are more interested in whipping up sensationalism and drama to sell copy than they are at reporting the truth. One simply has to look at the words they use to describe the events in question... they are not "perception neutral" words used to describe facts... they are perception leading words used to influence the readers thought process.
  6. Personally I would like to see a fleet of Attack/ Cruise missile/ Ballistic missile submarines.
  7. Yep, Ive got this installed in SF2NA along with a bunch of other ships...I guess the game gets into patterns on what it randomly selects and that the add on ships will eventually show. Thanks for the reply. Edit- Yeah I was right... I had been flying only intercept / CAP missions for a while and seeing the same escorts time and time again. When I changed it up and flew a strike mission the game must have re cached the escort ship selection because the third party ships started showing up.
  8. What is needed to get these awesome ships to show up in random game generated missions. I have yet to see any add on ships show in random missions.
  9. Then There is the Crue!

    I loved crue as a kid.. as I grew up my tastes in metal got much heavier ... now its a mix of very extreme and very musically progressive metal. but i will always appreciate the bands that laid the foundations for the various genera's of metal. When it comes to hair metal... just for fun.. I'll see your Crue and raise you a steel panther - warning adult themes-strong language- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqngrRBIpkw&feature=related
  10. Revising My Ozzy List

    I would rate Ozzy's greatest achievement as these two albums- Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a madman. Randy Rhodes was a great composer. Very hard to pick best songs off of those albums because they are all great.
  11. Yep me to The Aim-54A is no longer available in the load out. This blows.
  12. I applied the hot fix, then the April patch. The Black map problem is not fixed for me, in fact it is worse... I used to be able to zoom in and it would start working.
  13. Well he should fix this game, no half measures... all of the bugs ... and get all of the mission types /features/ game play/ target selection that previously worked in strike fighters working in NA with the addition of all the cool new NA stuff.- and send emails out to everyone that bought the game letting them know that he has come thru and made things right. That will be a big step in the right direction and =happy customers.
  14. They flew off the USS Midway on several deployments...Cool low vis Gull grey as well as TPS schemes in the mid eighties
  15. Real pirates, the ones that would profit from stealing his work... have all the tools( I won't name the programs) they need to steel his work with out even needing the LOD files. Locking the game owners out of the files is a stupid idea, one that should not be condoned. I fully support the development of a third party Cat utility.
  16. Seriously Pfunk I don't think it's worth your time considering how messed up it is. I'd wait until he get's the game working and integrated with the other titles. The game has huge problems and if you were to give it an honest review it would probably do more harm than good. Personally Ive got this installed but unless I want to sink ships or protect a carrier group I would rather play wings over Europe. It's a bummer because this game has so much potential.
  17. So this happens quite a bit and has for quite some time- All aircraft in flight have the same load out, Im showing 90% fuel we are closing on the bad guys who are maybe one hundred miles out and I start getting these bingo fuel calls, after which my guys continue to follow but wont engage. Could I get a little advice on what parameters I need to adjust to get the my AI team mates behave? Thanks. Ran some more tests but still can't figure out why I'm getting the bingo calls... weird.
  18. LOL... not sure of much right now because Ive been down with the flu for the last 2 days so my post might not have made much sense to any one but me. Looks like it was the engines ( P&W 1120) TSFC values being out of whack, just ran a mission with the fuel consumption values adjusted and had good results. For some reason it affected the AI birds but did not show on my fuel gauge.
  19. This is awesome!!! Love the new roads.
  20. Look At The Tits On This

    One hundred and sixty one views in four hours, nice.
  21. How does one go about importing an old style SF map into Max? I like that idea of building 3d terrain features like mountains and cliffs to fit the terrain and placing them on the old school terrain via ini in game.
  22. Desert fox skin is in the SF-1 downloads section I had It in a WOE install a while back. and then there is this

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