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Everything posted by Icarus999

  1. It would have to be a Tarawa, and I just noticed helicopters on the deck of a carrier in one of TK's new screen shots. Wouldn't that be awesome if TK included a helicopter flight model with this release..... just dreaming. .
  2. Love the water... ships look great... from what i can see, Iceland is going to look impressive as well. If TK gives us a sky and clouds that are as impressive as what we are seeing it seems that the SF2 series will be "Reborn Hard". Take your time TK and make this game Epic.... you are on the right track.
  3. CVN-75 Harry S. Truman - Modern CVW-3

    Just wanted to say thanks for the massive amount of work you put into this ship... fantastic detail .
  4. world renown...it churns thicker in tropical environments. sorry.... that was just wrong on so many levels
  5. Really nice Brian ... I like those tiles
  6. Fox 3

    From the album Thirwire screen shots

  7. Thirwire screen shots

  8. upgraded to a QX9650 and overclocked it ... installed 8 gigs of much faster ram... The sim is running so much better now .
  9. It's far better to release a solid product at a later date than to make any forcasted deadline.
  10. Well not far anyways... they keep him out at groom lake
  11. X-plane 10

    From what Ive read cliffs of Dover needs a screaming fast CPU and a fast video card with a ton of Vram... guys who are running the EVGA 580 classified 3 gig card pushed by a 4 gig or faster quad or hex core CPU are getting great Frame rates over London ...every one else is pretty much screwed.
  12. Target placement edits on the fly? Wow now that would be amazing.
  13. LOL.... I think TK has something more like this in store for you: Enviorment system
  14. Iran displays captured UAV

    About a month ago I read a story that stated that the US UAV fleet had been infected with a virus and the military was scrambling to get it under control and figure out what it was. Makes me wonder if this is related.
  15. Is it also possible to remove trees and buildings on individual selected tiles of existing terrains? - like removing trees in the middle of a runway... or other odd places
  16. more shots with the Feb 2010 patch F-4N And F-4S+ bags a Su-27
  17. Yep... I have one word for the current state of the environment system.. UNACCEPTABLE. Why in gods name was the patch that gave us quad core support the same patch that introduced the new f***ed up environment system. I really wish TK would give us a patch that only adds multi core support... that can be applied to any patch level of sf2. Remember what this sim used to look like? :
  18. I hear the new Super fast SSD drives are giving huge performance gains with many games. Have any of us third wire flight simmers taken the plunge yet? Care to share your results?
  19. AH-64 Apache

    I gave it a go... there are some serious issues with the FM... maybe the new AH-64 update will fix it. You would be much better off to spend a few bucks on SF-2 than to waste a bunch of your time messing with this.
  20. Yes... look in the Sf1 download section for an effects pack from lexxluther. You will also need to play with the weapons ini to adjust the booster flame level for each missile.
  21. Whatever bro..TK has made a series of foolish decisions and he is being called on the carpet. My business is customer service ... I've won the highest awards in the industry . Over the past year TK has ruined the game... even with Stary's noble effort to save it with his sarcasm mod the game looks like ASS. You have low standards. Dave and Pfunk have my respect for telling it how it is, so does Julhelm. None of those guys should be apologizing to any of you. If TK hits this one out of the park and gives us a kick butt terrain engine / realistic environment system...and avionics fitting of a tomcat sim lite- I will give him major kudos and a personal apology for doubting him.
  22. Boo hoo snivel snivel wake up fanbois. " people never learn lessons from the past" Now that is funny it pretty much sums up someone we know in a nutshell - listen to your customers and you will be successful

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