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Everything posted by Icarus999

  1. Thats a great idea, and besides the increased destroy-ability function,as a ground object it would bean excellent resource for mission builders.
  2. Vietnam FPSs

    Black ops... it's mostly set in Vietnam but also jumps around to other theaters like Cuba- bay of pigs it's a lot of fun
  3. I remember the project... why delete? Its nice and you put a lot of work into it.
  4. "> it was problematic in my WOE installs sometimes it worked and sometimes the effect just did not show up but the entire enemy flight was downed. here is what the effect looks like ...pretty cool.
  5. there is a ground troops with smoke(pop smoke) mod... it was for gen1games I have not been able to make it work in gen 2.
  6. So whats the word on the files that were uploaded at this site by Erwin Hans/ insky - are they all pirated? Ive got several huge installs that contain some of their stuff downloaded off of this site and I don't know whats what. I'm not really looking forward to weeding through all of those files trying to figure out if they are pirated objects... I don't want to be posting screen shots with stuff appearing in them that's not legit either Do we have a list of what was pirated?
  7. Honestly, how difficult would it be to implement an upgrade to TWS that allows the tomcat to lock up 6 targets and then fire on them... how difficult would it be to make certain missiles target-able... how difficult would it be to allow ships to have more than one type of missile launcher.... how dificult would it be to update the guns data to have the ability to assign a trajectory if it was desired for naval combat and artillery. Really how much would it cost? Sounds more like an investment of time to me. Dave's right... I had really high hopes for this but in the back of my mind I kind of knew it was going to turn out half-assed. It's funny to me because I devote 110% to all of the projects I am working on in my life I push myself relentlessly and kick my own ass to do the best job I can with the resources I can bring to bear... it's a labor of love. I never take the easy way out, I don't make excuses, I just keep plugging away until I get it right and get it done TK has a great product that needs improvement and he seems to lack the vision to see what Strike fighters could be if he continued to develop the game play and modern terrain engine rather than bringing out some new DLC planes or more of the same with a dated terrain engine. Every thing else about the game is top notch - The recycling needs to stop. You guys can continue to kiss his ass if you want.... but I'm not impressed with his vision(or lack of it). He's like the little engine that can't.
  8. Yep if the avionics are not improved meaning the tomcat cant fight like a tomcat... cruise missiles are not target-able and there is no improvement in naval battle/ surface warfare capability the only thing that I would buy this for would be the new terrain engine. I really doubt that TK's version of the tomcat will be better than the new Mirage factory F-14... perhaps a better flight model... maybe.
  9. MTV at 30

    When MTV dropped head bangers ball I dropped MTV and never looked back.
  10. Fubar512

  11. Yes there is a hills and valleys height map pack look in the sf1 downloads section
  12. I have the CH pro package -fighter stick -throttle and rudders- they are a among the best purchases I have ever made. I bought them and track ir on the same day, the day I hooked it all up I was amazed, now it felt like I was flying!!! My old set up feels like a toy in comparison to my CH controllers. In my opinion if you are going to spend the money on pro controlers you should also get track ir....after you try it you will never be able to go back to looking around with a hat switch.
  13. This is freaking awesome!!! You really out did yourself!
  14. Stary what patch level are you running on these screenshots? i see better cloud density and lower cloud/fog coverage than i thought was possible with the recent patches. please forgive the repeat of his screen shots but i think its necessary to demonstrate my point of my question.
  15. Why am I not suprised that it was the skyraider that was able to land after the collision?
  16. I got hired today

    Outstanding !! I'm happy for you bro. I just scored a great job at a great company with a great boss, I am really happy! .... after 8 years working for a corporation that treated its people like dirt this is where i need to be;)
  17. Press Misrepresenting Electric Car Study

    the electric car was workable... it was tested, and when the batteries were finally here to make it practical.... all of the cars that were built and leased out for testing purposes were seized from their (owners?). There is a huge amount of old money involved in the energy market and they own both the democratic and republican parties. Most reasonable people when presented facts and figures agree and are willing to accept new cleaner sustainable technology if it works, and that is a huge threat to the old money interests that I refereed to. Political parties are useful mind control tools that are used by the global elite to keep people arguing on an emotional plane rather that thinking deeply about the issues and working together in a logical and productive manner.
  18. Hey Fubar, while watching the water video I noticed a greatly improved sense of speed, was that time compression?
  19. this multiple target format is a great idea, there has got to be a way to make this work, I remember yap2 had bridges with vehicles and other objects loaded on them as "weapons"
  20. "Destroy the enemy crackhouse" I love it! Thanks

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