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Posts posted by macelena

  1. I have a question about the terrain. What is the scale? Can we plan missions using real maps and 1 nm in the map = 1 nm into the terrain?


    Thank you





    Terrain is on the works, but as far as i know, it was developed using real scales


    Furthermore, there are more permissions: Mirage Factory aircraft are cleared by now. New ad hoc pilot

    built, skins for MiGs-17 to 29, Mirage F1,Mirage IIIE and F-5A are ready... this is moving on

  2. I'm not 100% sure on the game data, but the tech data I read says 330 feet. I never really looked at my altitude when i got painted, but I flew that last mission below 500 ft.


    I don´t know if your germany terrain is much alike the one i got, from Gepard, but in this, land is plain enough so

    you can fly safely among 200-100 ft. That´s what i meant with low level approach.It is pretty safe if you pay

    attention.You must avoid by any means to be shot at, given the threat and the aircraft you are flying. Anyway,

    the F-16 is not exactly the best aircraft for SEAD

  3. true. I always burn the marshmallow and then drop the chocolate and break the cracker. 'Course, it's good once I get it all in my mouth.


    The person below me has left their mark on the world. Literally. There is a mark or gauge on the earth because of you.



    Once i worked as Santa´s assistant. Missed the fast rope




    The person below me also worked as Santa´s assistant, and heard about my story before

  4. Ya habia oido leyendas de marinos alemanes que se dedicaban al contrabando, en Argentina,

    con submarinos de la 2ª Guerra Mundial.


    Pero lo cierto es que tengo entendido que los submarinos, incluso en tiempo de paz, suelen

    infiltrarse en aguas territoriales de sus vecinos para realizar todo tipo de labores. Si habían cambiado

    de gobierno poco antes o durante los incidntes, si en esa época Argentina era objeto de recelo por

    la época, se podría explicar la presencia de submarinos extranjeros

  5. Oka, el "30", perfecto. Pero ya de entrada traian para los 9-B??? en los 60s no teniamos misiles A-A o si? Pense que la "era misilistica" empezo con los R-530 y los Shafrir, o no? Los A-4Q de la Armada tenian 9-B, pero eso fue mucho despues de los 60s no?



    Nosotros teníamos los AIM-9B en nuestros 270 Sabre f-40 integrándose cuando la guerra de 1958, y entonces había

    gallegos emigrando para alla, aún estabamos mal, o sea que creo que en Argentina los tendrían pronto



    Por cierto, esto no es lo suficientemente off-topic, demasiado inteligente o tecnico por vuestra parte: ¡Digan alguna tontería

    apropiada para este manicomio o abran otro topic! :biggrin:

  6. If i where you, i would fly low, 550kts, and at 2-3 miles from taget, climb almost vertical. When

    over the target, roll and dive dropping Rockeyes on Radar,Zsu and all stuff.


    If i were you, i wouldn´t activate ECM until being tracked: It is like splahing the water: your image is worse

    but you call attention. In SEAD what i do (with F-4Gs) is to activate the ECM for 10 seconds when i want them

    to engage, be painted, and loose ARMs. But if you need an stealthy approach, do not start jamming until they

    know you are there



    Btw: No Mavericks available? Most times it is key to destroy guns, and strafe SAMs safely, even with guns.

  7. During the mean time though, I'm hitting on a really young female major who is a predator pilot when she comes through the main gate on days that I'm posted there. I've been challenged by everybody in my flight to get her number. She is considered "untouchable". However, she seems to really like talking to me. :wink:



    So you haven´t got enough trouble?

  8. VMFA-314 Black Knights Skin 2.0

    Corrected version for Mirage Factory F/A-18A


    VMFA-314, based on Dave´s VMFA-122 skin.


    I always missed this skin, given that my first sim was "Black Knights", my favourite film

    when child was "Independence Day" and i always took to school a book about the squadron

    in Desert Storm. So i did this.


    If it´s allright, enjoy, if not, tell me


  9. Looks like this one needs a bump:




    N Korea threatens military action


    North Korea says it has abandoned the truce that ended the Korean war, amid rising tension in the region....



    Bulls**t, i hope.


    I don´t know much about how would it be, but do you think that world economic ties would help

    preventing third parties (China, Russia) enter a war beside NK, wich is a pain in the ass of their allies?

    Or could we have a WWI alike scenario? (Putin outmanliness, economic needs,add some madness) I don´t

    think that the US is f***ed enough to be unable to stand up for it, so NK shall stand down. I hope.


    Btw, the slow motion of my internet means that CyberSpace Command warriors started the war already, or

    did I forget pay the bill ? :biggrin:

  10. Entiendo que te guste hacerlo algo mas dificil, yo me mantengo con volar en dificil, mejorar el entrenamiento y moral del enemigo, y a veces modifico los aviones, depende.


    Veamos, en el Mod Malvinas la cosa esta mas que dificil para Argentina, sobretodo viendo la moral y entrenamiento, y las capacidades magicas del Sea Harrier. Por otro lado el WOI, campaña 82, el F-16 no tiene un rival a su nivel, lo mismo el Eagle y tambien en el Europa. Probaste en ponerte adversarios con las mismas capacidades? misma efectividad de armas, ECM, señuelos y hasta aviones adecuados?



    Yo acabe mejorando las armas enemigas: el AA-7 como el AIM-7F, el AA-8 como el AIM-9J, el AA-10 como el AIM-7M,el AA-11 como el AIM-9M

    y los AA-12 y PL-12 como el AIM-120B

  11. Wow! Didn't expect this to take off. I thought we could mod strike fighters for ground fighting.

    You know, you could play as a paratrooper, infantry, tanks,etc. We could model it after the TV series. Jus an idea. I don't think it's possible. Worth a try. :dntknw:



    You mean Battlefield, Call of Duty? Ever heard these names?

  12. como los MiG-17, q en realidad tenían problemas pq entraban en barrena, y sin embargo en los sims de TW son aviones muy sencillos de volar y no presentan gran dificultad.



    Los MiG-17 estan bien, los MiG-15"Faggot" tenían esos problemas, pero os solucionaron y resulto el "Fresco"

  13. Moved to the correct forum. The Bug report forum is not for posting this kind of stuff.




    He wanted a Report on Bug´s status :ok:


    Lol - I can see the logic of posting this specific question there though!


    ps The Mirage Factory are working on the F/A-18D IIRC.


    Does anyone know if the textures for the new D will be easy to

    switch with those of the old MF Hornet? (I mean, like happens with

    Phantoms or Mirages)


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