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Posts posted by macelena

  1. Por si acaso, mira las fechas para exportar y borralas. (si lo que quieres es jugar con una nación distinta, cambialo en el ini)


    PS Bienvenido

  2. Estaba. Pero no consigo que aparezca agua donde se supone que hay mar, sólo me sale tierra por todas partes y no doy con la solución. Lo volveré a retomar a ver que pasa.


    Dijo Gepard que había que usar los Tilesets antiguos o algo de eso. Mira en el topic en ingles, que ahí lo explicaban

  3. Congrats, Scouser. I was also to try get a pilot, but i had no perfect vision. And my parents (don´t want me in the military) told me

    that i couldn´t get inside, even operated...when in fact i could, but learned when i was too old to repeat three years of school into

    "science" degree to get pilot...


    Erm sorry for carrying my s**t here, congatulations, hope the best for you :good:

  4. Irán en un archivo comprimido. ¿Cómo te los paso?. Para ponerlos aquí tienen demasiado peso.



    Se supone que pueden ir en los mensaje personales, pero no se como se hace. En cualquier caso tengo un trabajito para ti :biggrin:

    ¿No estabas trabajando en un terrain para el Estrecho? No se si Wrench habrá perdido el interés, pero serviría de alternativa

  5. No faltaba más. Estamos para ayudar en lo que se pueda.


    Por mi parte, me gusta hacerme pilotos (aunque no es lo que más se ve) específicos para cada avión, escuadrón y época intentando que sea lo más real posible, aunque no siempre hay buenas fotos en las que ver qué parches llevan los pilotos. Si os parece buena idea incluirlos sólo teneis que decirlo y darme encargos.



    Si vas haciendolos, necesitamos para la Armada, para los Hornet y tunear el del EF2000 para que sea español, sacalos en LOD y todo eso, y mandamelos, que los meto en el Mod y en actualizaciones del Pack de la Armada

  6. err where is this ini file, i cant find one on the folder at all


    edit: nm got it sorted, although i could do with knowing how to add the AMRAAM, i have a weapons pack and it works with the F-22, and whats the fix fpr the agility?



    ini file is a text file with some mechanic symbol aside (depending of the operative system you are using, i guess) wich the game uses to represent

    something (the aircraft avionics, in this case) in a way or another.


    The fix for Typhoon agility is something wich i solved in a mod wich i´ll release "War over the Strait", but it is on another INI file, search in Knowledge Base Forum( I guess there will be something).

  7. Teorically, and from what some real pilots say, it´s just fine with this one. For your troubles with EF2000, there

    are some adjustments to the cockpit (enter AVIONICS.ini and delete entries below "Not fully implemented" to solve it)

    wich should make it appear work. EF2000 Had some troubles because the sim couldn´t understand its way to fly

    so it lacked agility, but there is a way to solve it, also

  8. One of these sentences is not like the others.

    One of these sentences just doesn't belong...


    He is happy both by the threat and his new phone. Perhaps it just means he got rid of his former phone

    because is the same from wich the threat call came :biggrin:


    EDIT: I posted this twice, just like the files to download :huh:

  9. What concerns me is that Japanese didn´t intercept this. With all this boast of power, probably the JMSDF

    tried to intercept and missed, but publishing this would be compromising to the reputation and capability of

    disuasion of AEGIS systems. Given the investment made in several "western" navies (Japan ain´t western at all :biggrin: )

    it would be a mayor screw up

  10. 50000 homeless, 100 dead. Just got the word that no spanish students were injured (incredible considering how many are there),

    just heard our Emergency Military Unit is being called quarters to be deployed.



  11. Just heard of an Earthquake in Rome. If you are concerned about monuments, i don´t

    give a damn because there are at least 40 dead. We should send our "UME" ( Emergency MilitaryUnit)

    to help, but by now, all we can do is just pray


    UPDATE: now 50 plus dead, dozens missing. Italian official claimed it is "the worst tragedy of the ongoing milenium in Italy"

  12. Spanish Navy Pack V1.0 (Corrected)

    Repost of the previous, wrong file, corrected skins


    This pack contains all harriers employed in the spanish navy since 1976, in nation-specific mods,

    wich should work in all thirdwire sims


    Includes AV-8S Matador (by wpnssgt) and AV-8B (by bobrock) in both Day Attack and Plus Versions,

    in nation-specific mods



    In 1976, the Spanish Navy, wich couldn´t afford to use a conventional Aircraft Carrier, became

    the first navy to use Harriers operationally from a WWII CVL(USS Cabot), the AV-8S "Matador", while

    the Royal Navy could still operate F-4Ks and Bucaneers from HMS Ark Royal.


    After the Falklands War, the Harrier won the trust of the Spanish Navy command, wich allowed the

    following models of the family to stay serving despite the cost it implicated. Such this way, the Harrier

    remains in spanish service.




  13. how can 24 F/A-18's cost 6 billion $ ?

    it's like 250 mil per unit...




    Those aren´t USD, but Aussie dollars.


    Btw, yesterday, one of our pilots crashed a 30 USD Hornet into an Observation Tower, at a

    Weapons training facility, an the Son of a Bitch dared to eject and survive!!! :biggrin: Seriously, we spent

    some time afraid of worst knowing not about him, but a sheperd found him 8km from the crash site.


    This is the 100th spanish pilot saved by an ejection seater (¬¬ wich means we lost a lot of aircraft in the last 55 years)

    and a proof of how much damage can F-18 get and keep flying

  14. Nothing compared to "our" banana republic prime minister or as is usually called "the premier Berlusca".

    I feel so sad to be "represented" by this kind of thief clown.



    Mmm.. good to see that i´m not the only one feeling bad with my PM, perhaps things are not as bad..

    compared to the remainder of the world.


    I wouldn´t mind, anyway, to have someone with the capability

    and discrection of Gordon Brown and the Balls (and the wife :biggrin: ) of Sarkozy)


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