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Posts posted by macelena

  1. I think that you shall not get things mixed. People may do wrong when they are wrong. I don´t

    think that russians should feel ashamed of the Red Star, or Germans should always feel guilty for

    Nazi feats. People do horerible things, but the politics are apart from what they do.


    When we conquered America, our soldiers went to extend christianism, waste barbarian heartpullers,

    not for gold, the same way that in present Iraq a US soldier won´t go for Oil, but for democracy and

    waste terrorist, not for oil. Perhaps they were sent for gold and oil, but they fought for their own means

    and we should respect that.


    What i mean is that we have inquisition, gulags, indian reserves, extermination camps, guantanamos and

    sharia tribunals, things wich may bring shame to us sooner or later, but we shall never fault the respect

    to the fact that these people fought, and what they felt is the same since Meggido. Among soldiers, a

    legioneer will have more in common to a marine than mwith many contemporaries. You can distinguish a

    soldier form other people because for them because of the sense they give to their lives.


    T´hat´s why we meet in a site with foreigners, even potential enemies, more often than some

    neighbours. I suggest you stop this s**t.

  2. False,


    1: I never eat a salad, I am not a rabbit!

    2: Never been to any part of the USA...



    The person below me is a true fan of Kraftwerk!


    Jas, Ig like Industry Manufakturingen...No seriously, i´m not


    The person below me disguised once as the pinik panther

  3. War over the Strait Mod


    EF 2000 flies CAP near the coast of Spain



    (Original Model by Bongodriver, new serial numbers by Espektro, FM tweak by Who Hereby Posts, you Humble Servant, me)



    AV-8B+, as fleet defender of the Spanish Navy



    Bobrock just granted the entry of his Harrier Family to the mod, with great celebration by the Spanish Navy. Thanks, Bobrock


    Next time, some of the aggresors...

  4. English is not my language so I hope I have understood your request, the Spanish Army had 299 copies of this tank in different versions that had some differences with the French model.

    Unfortunately I have no photos of these MBT could otherwise achieve a spanish version for your mod.


    If I misunderstood your question try to rebuild in Spanish.



    Scusa, volevo chiedere il permesso per l'utilizzare questo in un Mod, ma

    Io adattato la nuova versione

  5. Gracias, Wildcat.


    Por ahora, la 3 sería la "loading" para AV-8S, la 4 loading para AV-8Bda, y la 5 para el hangar,

    7 loading para el Plus y 8 para hangar del mismo"Paz y Amor. Y el Plus pal Hangar!!"


    Por cierto, Bongodriver (EF2000) Ravenclaw_007 (Mirage F-1M, y Mirage F-1CH) y Bobrock (AV-8B-da y AV-8B+)

    ya han dado el visto bueno para que sus aviones aparezcan. Gracias :biggrin:


    El Eurofighter lo he tuneado para reparar sus problemas de maniobra, y tiene los numerales que Espektro puso al Mirage III,

    al Mirage F-1CH lo he puesto de Argelino para no tener que meter una nación nueva (Marruecos no viene) y le he

    adaptado la skin al harrier "Day Attack" de bobrock.

  6. 1) Use Wpnssgt old AV-8S, in which case you only need Wpnssgt permission as he has not signed the CA modders agreement yet, while other participant in the AV-8S (C5, Dave and Sundowner) are signatories.


    The problem of method 1) is the FM, inconsistent with TW's Harriers (and Bobrock's)... meaning you'll have to heavily adapt it to fit.

    Also, the AV-8S skins I'm aware of are quite dated and won't fit the actual standards.

    If you can't contact Wpnssgt directly I'm sure either C5 or Dave may get in touch and obtain clearance for you.


    Thanks, Gunrunner, i´ll try this one

  7. Got some news: I just found a way to make the EF2000 fly like the F-16C, something wich may be useful in the

    mod to feature its agility. Made the trials and seems to work fine. If before this aircraft was outstanding, now

    it will be cheating :biggrin:


    On the other hand, there will be a pack released before the Mod if i get the proper permissions,

    about the Spanish Navy, including all three harrier models, with proper avionics, skins and screens,

    along with the some ships such as CVL Dédalo, DD Lepanto, FFG Numancia, etc


    UPDATE: Just got green light on EF2000. Thanks, Craig

  8. Bingo macelena. Esa era la idea lo del dedalo diste en el clavo esa era la idea que yo te comentaba , buen ejemplo compañero ,ese seria un buen marco para hacer despegar a los matadores o bien los cobras o hughes para una campaña de escolta ,ataque conjunto de la armada con ambas unidades o bien de rescate con los helos de por medio .


    Saludos de EsPeKTr0.



    Gracias, compadre. Necesitare la ayuda de veteranos españoles para esto, o sea, que ya me oiras :biggrin:


    Por cierto, ahora que me fijo, el portaaviones es un CVE, cuando el dédalo era un CVL, algo mayor, pero tambien disponible,

    habra que tunearlos junto a las FFG para la Armada. Estoy pensando en un LHD de los marines para el Principe, pero habrá

    que quitarle los cañónes y ponerle ski jump. El R-11 se parece más a estos buques que a otros portaharriers

  9. BTW, macelena, have you gone any further with that Spanish/North African conflict? I haven't heard anything about it in ages



    We have threads in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Soon, i´ll ask for permission to release a pack based in the spanish navy,

    editing some existing material, with ad hoc mods (such as this harrier). It would be included in the final mod, for wich we

    still wait a terrain by Wrench, once he finishes with his mod of Panama / Soccer wars


    Link to page in English http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...36781&st=20


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