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Posts posted by macelena

  1. A UK lo ponen de aliado, neutral, o enemigo? (queremos el peñon!!! queremos el peñon!!!! queremos mas paella!!! queremos mas paella!!!! Carlos es un gil!!!! Carlos es un gil!!!)


    Pobre Marruecos che, que les hizo?? algun dictador de por ahi cerca no hay? alguno a quien no estaria mal reventarlo a palos digo...


    Pregunte si querian participar, pero no dijeron nada, así que se quedarían fuera.


    Repite este mantra conmigo, Pato "marruecosesmalo, marruecosesmalo, marruecosesmalo"

    Dan el coñazo con Ceuta, Melilla y las Canarias, pero la de hostias que se llevarían si intentan algo

    con ellas iban a dejar la derrota que se llevaron Uds en Mavinas a la altura de una bofetada

  2. Una cosa, no se que pasa que a veces los aviones rivales no llevan ningún misil, y no lo acabo de entender, no se, cuando vuelo con ellos (Mig, Su, etc) no tengo ese problema.




    Puede pasar que uses un pack de armas distinto. En loadout ini aparecen con nombre ruso, y con los de mirage factory tienen que ser

    con denominacion OTAN (p ej. R-77= AA-10, pero comprueba en WEAPONSDATA.ini los "typename")

  3. Bueno, dado que olvide ponerlo aquí, estoy viendo si puedo sacar un Mod con las

    fuerzas aéreas de España y Portugal, con algunos enemigos. Wrench tiene el terreno (la peninsula y el norte de África),

    y pretendo reunir los aviones necesarios para ello. Si alguno tiene algo que decir, soy todo oídos


    esta un poco muy muerto, aqui el link en Inglés http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=36781

  4. The engine understands aerodynamics just fine.


    What it won't understand is fly by wire. You could put in the real values of the F-16 or Typhoon. But then you couldn't fly it (and the AI definitely couldn't) because computers fly the aircraft in real life because they are unstable.


    So, we have to compensate in the TW engine by 'fudging' the values to make it flyable. But it also means you won't necessarily get the max performance of the aircraft that you would actually get in real life.


    As far as what you're trying to do, I've mixed and matched parts before...but it's definitely trial and error (usually a lot of error) before I get something passable. Unless one of the FM masters pipes in here, expect a steep learning curve.




    I´ll try, thanks, sir

  5. Te toca bajarte el mod malvinas. Mira en campañas, y te viene, pero no va suelto, y con

    "skin" argentina, solamente (no se de donde seras, pero tal vez baste) Si quieres mas "skin",

    las hay de Iraq y de la Marine Nationale

  6. Flights along border - ABSOLUTELY NORMAL and LAWFUL ACTION. I have a big archive of radar images of Norway, China, Ukraine, India, Pakistan, Estonia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Finland on range to 350km from the border, made during time tests our new airplanes.



    I even got some photos from Tu-95, wich under the Open Skies treaty overflew Rota Naval Base and air station, and sent us

    the recon photos showing the whole base. And our C-130 Hercules (I mean from several european nations) use to fly over murmansk

    and some other russian facilities taking pics and scanning the surrounding area.


    Either i was surprised by the importance given to this new. I don´t think that RCAF should be afraid or upset by this.

  7. Legalization of drugs is supposed to have some advantages: first of all, the

    money flow to the State, by taxes or by dealing. Other would be that drugs would

    be of a better quality, controlled by health departments. It would screw up with

    dealers, and given that most of robbery and a lot of violent crimes are related to drugs are

    claimed to be solved this way,this solution has been proposed frequently.


    I´m not such optimistic. As Verve said "Drugs don´t work"

  8. AMI lost ONE tornado, out of 10 deployed in the area.

    Also no battledamage has been reported



    10% of the force is too much. If it could have been avoided(i don´t blame AMI, RAF had the same percentage, IIRC), it should already had been in doctrine.


    Another example could have been the Mirage 2000N lost in Bihac (IIRC the town). After ours of SEAD by usn, usmc

    and spanish hornets, they flew low enough to get the threat wich can´t be sweeped by SEAD: Sa-7. I don´t

    know if it was a limitation due to the weather in wich the operation runned, if the N version had to get that low to deliver

    accurately the weapons.


    Flying low is BAD. But also too malish :cool:

  9. Did you know that Buccaneer pilots used to use the Royal Automobile Club annual roadmaps as their air navigation maps?


    I did hear a true story about when the Buccs got to the sandpit in '91 that they knew they were flying low enough when truck drivers kept flashing their headlights at them to get out the way. :good: Pukka gen that is.



    That´s true. Also Mirage F-1 pilots used to fly under highway bridges, wich explains their brutal attrition, including a recent incident.

    Jags were meant to do the same, but i´m not sure why, they ended up doing not.


    About tornados, i heard about some exercises in wich a flight of GR1A, trying to hit a dam in rough terrain, were decimated until the

    mission was aborted, by a Mistral SAM battery. It seems from ODS, but it happened in 1988. If NATO learnt of his experiences, the

    casualties by tornado units from RAF and AMI in Desert Storm would have been so high.


    So stop moving mud and just try to make it on and back :grandpa:

  10. They got his legs, but he kept his balls :salute:


    Here at the forum, muesli is also going back after being WIA, i myself

    could once meet a Marine who lets a foot to a AP mine in Bosnia, 1995, and he is still

    teaching in the Marine School. Or another paratrooper,a sargent whose vehicle was struck by IED,

    was burnt and lost one of his men, afghanistan 2006, and he is back to work with his new face.


    For these people, it is to hard to recover, but they keep struggling just as in the battlefield. The

    least they can earn is our respect, and gratitude. Our help will be OK, but we should take care

    not to offence by acting like they were useless or unable to get rolling by themselves


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