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Posts posted by macelena

  1. The SCW terrain is a good starting point. But since it's a 1930s terrain, it'd require EXTENSIVE rebuilding, in both the targetization and retiling, as the regions around the airbases are much too small for "modern" jet aircraft airbases.

    ie: they all use Runway3, which is the small dirt strip. A superb terrain, nonetheless, but limited in temporal scope.


    At minimum, Runway1 is required for most jets, and you'd need at least 1 Runway4 (on each side) for any aircraft that are set to use the "Large" runway type. Also, where would the Red Force be based???


    All in all, for a modern scenario, it'd be far better to simply start fresh, building the region from a new DEM. Covering the Iberian Penninsula and North Africa; that should give space enough for Red Air operations out of Morrocco.

    Think of the historical Islamic movements across North Africa 800-1000 years ago, the Moorish invasions, etc. That would be a more likely scenario than a Soviet/NATO face off. Given the "What If..." world...



    kevin stein



    Then, should it be an entirely new work on the Terrain? There is nothing to start from? Is it possible to extend a Terrain further than its original limits?


    Then, would you be able to build a Terrain from the Canary Islands to Zaragoza (quite north)? In such event, could you use your work in Canary Islands and some from the A-Team?



    Btw, Would you mind your Sabre to be included in the mod? :biggrin:

  2. I didn´t mean to discuss the possibility of NATO forces to be overrun to the Pyrenees, wich i think

    could have happened. About doctrine, i don´t think that Tornado tactics proved that good in Desert Storm, and

    the non-export version fighters of the WP proved abl to get Air superiority when western officers tried them in 1990,

    together with a better estructure than NATO has ever faced, would have made things diferent


    What i meant was to discuss the possibilities of making this mod, any interesting suggestion, and if

    wants to, contribute to its development.


    BTW, gepard,given that it is your specialty, what do you think about the Terrain issue?

  3. Macelena chico, el A-Team tiene un mapa de España usado para la guerra civil española, podrias pedirle ayuda a Wrench en transformarlo a moderno. En casi todos los escenarios de la WW3 podrias usar Marruecos y Algeria contra España, como ha dicho Gunrunner, los magrabíes podrian pasarse a los sovieticos sin pestañear y atacar España. Desbaratando así una area vital de la OTAN para recibir y preparar suministros


    Macelena boy, the A-Team has used a map of Spain to the Spanish Civil War, you could ask for help to transform it into a modern to Wrench. In almost all scenarios of WW3 could use Morocco and Algeria vs. Spain, as Gunrunner said , the Mughrabis could switch to the Soviets without blinking and attack Spain. Disrupting a vital area of NATO and prepare to receive supplies



    Is that terrain Payware? Does it cover Northern Africa ? In any case, a lot of issues should be modded, such as frontlines, convoys for armed recon,

    and airbases in both sides of the Strait. I will ask Wrench


    ¿Es de pago?¿Incluye el norte de Africa? Tendría que ser muy modificado, las bases aéreas, el frente, y todo eso. Ya le preguntare a wrench

    Por cierto, ¿Tu no jugabas con un Dédalo en WOV? Lo necesitaríamos

  4. North African countries "reclaiming" the south of Spain, while a little strange, actually offers something better balanced, and might fit into a WW3 scenario, the move being a diversion for the Soviets.

    The Iberic Peninsula being the recompense offered by the Soviets for not helping NATO resupply.



    Kind of. But i don´t mean WWIII, just an average intensity conflict.



    About technical issues, anybody would have anything to say related to the Mod, apart of the background, in

    the event that there was some ideas?

  5. Well, this scenario of the soviet attack was considered as quite probale by NATO, and the use of the Iberian peninsula as sanctuary

    to restablish a line of defense in the Pyrenees, then counter-attack. This scenario is not the one i would like the most, as it implicates

    that half Europe has been overrun, and France would be a "Red Zone".


    But the attack from Africa would be in the form of a medium intensity conflict, not a mayor attack by warsaw pact, is the one in wich

    i would work. It´s meant to be something like the classic middle eastern conflict, in the west of the Mediterranean Sea, with north african

    forces backed by th eastern block.

  6. I´m thinking of a Mod based on defending the Iberian Peninsula from an attack by Warsaw Pact or an Islamic Coalition. I

    would like to release as many aircraft for both sides for different ages, from 1950s to present day.


    By now i´m just thinking of using Spanish and Portuguese Air Forces defending, would it be better using the TJ birds, i.e?


    Is any Terrain available? (heard of a Spainsh Civil War Mod, there is Canary Islands also...)


    If you modded any feature that i could get into it, please, tell me if you would like for it to be included or not

  7. The person below me is heating his home with garden waste

    :ph34r: CL



    False. My garden´s waste is heating my neighbor´s car. The one which is used to park at my garage door, at 4am,using the horn to tell

    the whole street he´s arrived. Shame of BM f***ing W


    The person below me is making a fine vmfa-314 skin for hornet

  8. Bem, temos a Corsair, a Gina, o Alpha Jet em WIP, mas precisamos de um Skin para F-16.

    Temos agora de skins para os espanhóis e os inimigos.


    Terá de ver o Terrain, e autorização para carregá-los todos juntos

  9. Falcões em F-86, A-7P e F-16 e Jaguares em Ginas, Alpha Jet e A-7P :wink:



    Pense melhor, já que tenemos muitos aviões, a campanha poderia ser reduzida pela metade:

    Um esquadrão Português, com os A-7P em 83 e os F-16 em 98, e reduzida a um esquadrão per ala pelos Espanhóis. Poderia

    incluir todos Gina e Alpha Jet, mas o último é Payware se não me engano, e son muitos planos.

  10. But ¿how long would they actually spend in jail?



    12 years, if they show a "restored" behaviour. In fact, these s**t does never get restored.


    Some punishments are too long, others are uneffective. An asshole which deals with drugs or

    steals because he doesn´t know anything better to get his living will get more punishment than

    a perverted. This people, known not to be restored ever, should be imprisoned until being

    unable to cause any harm. I don´t like death penalty, but imprisonment for life is fair

    if it avoids a girl to be raped again.

  11. Pensei campanha contra marroquinos e argelinos, que foram pensado nos anos 70-80 na OTAN poderiam acabar lutando pelos russos,

    ou em uma aliança Magrebe, ou defender os Pirinéus do Pacto de Varsóvia. Do terrain sabia nada, mas agora que eu acho que existe um

    Mod da Guerra Civil Espanhola. Enquanto eu ia tentar e utilizar o terreno para atacar solo SFP1, da Noruega e do ar-ar, mas deveriamos

    utilizar um Terrain novo


    Quanto a Força Aérea Portuguesa ... 2 esquadrões, um de A-7P e um de G.91 para 1982, e 1 e um de Corsair, e um de F-16 para 1998,

    seria bien? Jaguares A-7P sempre e Falçoes G.91 para cambiar a f-16?


    Desculpem a tradução; Às vezes odeio Google Translator :dntknw: ,

  12. Olá


    Estou pensando em fazer uma campanha em algo como um

    ataque na Península Ibérica do continente africano por radicais islamistas ou soviéticos ou algo assim. Eles parecem bem

    Portugal intervir? Se assim for, posso fornecer informações sobre o Português Força Aérea em 1983 e 1998? Eles são dois anos

    Onde estaria esse hipotético conflito. Obrigado

  13. Se me ha ocurrido algo que podría servir para aumentar en intensidad la campaña de las malvinas


    Lado Británico:


    Portaaviones convencional: (con F-4M) en lugar de "portaharriers"

    Base en Grytviken para los Vulcan


    Lado Argentino:


    (requeriría adaptar skins, pero...)

    Cambio de Mirage III por F-1

    Cambio de Dagger por Kfir

    Todos los Skyhawk a nivel "F"

    Toda la escuadrilla de Super Etendard recibida y con los misiles disponibles a un nivel razonable


    Cuentenme que les parece


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