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Posts posted by macelena

  1. Now, this is a WMD. It fires 40mm at 200 rpm(slower than Mk19) but never

    gets jammed, and these are built near home.

    Please don´t joke about its name: LAG-40


  2. Well, trying not to get topic off-forum, i would say a Bomb Salad: Iron, Cluster & Napalm Bombs from a F-111


    But a .45 Thompson SMG with the round magazine could be funny, or an MM-1 40mm Grenade Launcher. Well,

    now i´m going to play Call of Duty :biggrin:

  3. Whole install, I installed mine to C:Wings over Europe. Vista does not like to let files in the Program Files folder be modified. Its a pain, but i think M$ did this to combat viruses.



    Allright, i did it. But now when i hit the exe and say PLay Game, it just blacks out, and appears again on windows as i left it when clicked it. It was

    doing the same before i fixed the engine, since i installed the patch at the clean install

  4. Since the computer i used for SFG died before Christmas, i´ve been trying to make it run with

    this one (Vista Home Premium, Patched Oct08, all requirements fit for SFG but not for SF2) but when

    i try to finish the last step (Save FlightEngine.ini as modified) windows says that i can´t save it, to check

    if the name of the file or the location is correct. It all seems OK, but it just doesn´t let me save it.


    Imagine 3 months without flying. Not any, but this last three months :sorry:

  5. I like to load in my 2 incher harquebus a chain, watch MythBusters. Once fired, miniguns are best.

    Electric saws, knife-fingered floves,etc. I scare zombies- and not only because of my :crazy: face




    At racindriver, the church zombie at 28 days later seemed chris martin dancing. No troubleaxing

  6. Bueno estariamos hablando de la decada de 1980 hasta la caida de la Union Sovietica pongamos de esenario al mismo territorio ruso



    Yo creo que en el escenario clásico y normal(Alemania) al final hubiera ganado la OTAN, pero no se confundan con el rendimiento pobre de los

    cazas rusos de "exportacion" y piensen que iba a ser como en Iraq y Yugoslavia. Los MiG-29 alemanes dieron muchas sorpresas al enfrentarse

    a los cazas occidentales (los alemanes, al estar controlados y ocupados, recibian la version buena de los aviones) y los rusos tenían el 90%

    de su industria (si, el 90%, no he bebido) destinado a sistemas de defensa. No hubiera sido un paseo. Ni siquiera lo fueron Yugoslavia e Iraq

  7. I had to re-install WOE yesterday and for some strange reason the guns on all my Mirage F.1s don't work. I've double checked the data.inis and they all appear to be in order. They also work without any problems in SFG and WOI. Anyone know of a fix for this problem?

    BTW, all my installs are fully patched up to Oct 08 (b patch)



    Perhaps the weapons pack or something. I fixed it with MF WP 07. Check if you installed it all

  8. False. I think that every excuse is good to get fat & drunk, and Aussie Day is

    also about surfing, jumping with a baby in the belly and eat eucaliptus (sorry if mispelled)

    and all these Australian things


    The person below me is able to type without looking at the keyboard, not as me

  9. If it happened, no matter the variations, i don´t know how would it

    result, if the aircraft flying CAS and other operations around GWoT are

    usually unarmed for A2A. I guess that there will be some CAP missions

    in the borders of Afghanistan and Iraq with Iran to prevent troubles.

    There are, true? :dntknw:


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