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Posts posted by macelena

  1. Today on the morning, two Spanish Mirage F-1M (a single seater and a two seater)

    collided mid-air while performing A.C.T. All the pilots were killed. I could hear them booming trough the sound barrier

    from my home half an hour before it happened :sorry::salute:


    They were expected to convert into Typhoons within this year



    Also seven French military wer killed, and one is missing, as three days ago their helo crashed at Gabon.

  2. jajaja!!!!

    al menos una mina, siempre 2 tetas....aunque 3 no estaria nada mal...tocas 2 y chupeteas 1, jajaja!!!!

    (Tambien habria que experimentar con 2 minas y 4 tetas....es un concepto interesante)



    Eres un sabio :ok: tu si que sabes

  3. About ECMs, i had no real proof about its reliability. I used to fly in and when illuminated,

    lighted them up, to disturb. If you activate them sooner than needed, noise will make radars to look after you. I

    made this while SEADing to get a track for HARMs, shut off when we picked each other, and loosed ARMs.


    It is just like splashing in the water: calls attention but hides you. Decide when are you making them work. Personally I

    don´t lit them while attacking until being painted.

  4. True, but i didn't like to fly in an Impala or an Xavante(the "test aircrafts") IHMO is dangerous than clean a Loaded winchester



    the person below me loves two seat aircrafts



    I would love to get aboard one with Elsa Pataky


    The person below me knows about the conspiracy against fast-food and is joining the underground

  5. You're getting ripped off. We get that for $1 and the euro was worth well more than it last I checked.


    Well, that ain´t much of a difference (1.45$), as in Europe we pay a lot of taxes and checks for it (i would eat less healthy if cheaper :smile: .


    You should see fuel, tobacco and cars.

  6. In Spain, if you want to go for cheapest, you can get the "Euro Save" in McDonalds (1e, per each small burguer, drink or fried potatoes)

    and in BK, 2.99e a full menu. Small rations, for a fast lunch

  7. Vamos, entre todos esos, un Casillas o un Cañizares, ese Zubizarreta


    Que dices de meter en google, pato? estoy en ello. :shok: DIOS, SI ES HASTA MEJOR

    QUE LA LOPILATO :salute: me voy un momento al baño :yahoo:


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