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Posts posted by macelena

  1. In the Spanish Air Force Museum we got, A MiG-17PF, a MiG-21MF, a MiG-23ML and a Su-22, all in return from

    Germans (we gave them a Me-109, a He-111 and a Ju-52 in the early 80s as they had few or none remaining)

    and it´s weird to see them beside Phantoms, Starfighters and Mirages. No, it´s not weird, it´s great :biggrin:

  2. Perhaps, with the arrival of the f-35, Raptor would stay serving in small numbers, become a half-failed program, but stay with what you got

    and stop it could be dangerous for allies air superiority. Imagine a conflict such as Desert Storm against the potential agressors such as

    the Su-30 and J-10 in great numbers, wich at my point of view, will be the main aerial threat in the forecoming, with only 200 Raptors at bay

    and JSF A2A capability compromised.


    Making money move is the idea for taking the crisis over. If you pay more raptors, there will be more money to give jobs, for banks

    to dare and invest. Money moving is the idea. If you give money for free, market will adjust making prices rise. If you give it

    for something, it will reactivate economy. How much money will the holdings have invested in weaponry programs? Sure there is interest

    enough to build more. F-22 should be enable to work as attacker, but in the end it wouldn´t stop even unexported

  3. At the first post : Muesly, are you making poetry in esparanto? i can´t get a fuk!!!


    Seriously: Merry christmas everyone.


    EDIT: S! to fallen comrades and those away from home

  4. The Flanker is also an Eastern design. The infrastructure for maintenance and armament is 100% different from Western fighters. Any perceived cost savings goes up in smoke when you have to create a new one from scratch to support it. All new missiles and bombs, tools, carts, diagnostic equipment, etc. It's a great plane if you've got Fulcrums, Floggers, etc already in your inventory, which is why China and India got them. They were already setup to use Russian stuff.

    Oh, and forget trying to "Westernize" a Flanker. The amount that would cost, plus who knows what kind of resistance you'd get from the Russians, make it a moot point.


    Good point. Eastern Europe ex-Warsaw Pact air forces are getting (EDIT: Lot of) troubles trying westernization.


    @ Vanir :If what you mean is to get easternized,it would be as troubly, let alone politics.


    2nd EDIT: I mean it wouldn´t be a good idea. Stay awest

  5. Well, if you want an air superiority fighter (guess you are an aussie), get Typhoons. But i don´t think that a russian aircraft is a good choice .


    At F-35,B is the vstol version. You could get them for the light carriers LHD we are making for you. We have plans to

    use this version to replace our Harriers and Hornets, making a British-style vstol-joint-force. Perhaps the stealth tecnology is

    not capable to make you invisible, but makes the aircraft harder to find.


    The worst threat you could face is Su-30s and J-10s together - imagine chinese agreement with Indonesia. Both the JSF and

    EF2000 are able to get rid of them.

  6. humm

    but if India Strike inside Pakistain territory without permission.... it's a soberany Violation and it's very clear since it happen this side of the world 10 month ago...that is a terrible diplomatic incident that may cause conventional war between 2 natons.... when it happen here Chavez and he's girls movment the troops to the border for an quick Military action if it's necessary....



    If both countries collaborated, there wouldn´t be any trouble: paks would go after ´em and they wouldn´t have as much bombings as

    now. But if i were Inds,and paks did nothing, mirage 2000D would get the job done, and i´m just arrived from my International Law Lesson!!. It seems to be covered by the doctrine "Caroline", allthought that is discussed hard:



  7. True, chicken, spagetti, and some vegtables...THE SAME THING EVERY TIME!


    The person below has hate orange juice



    Nope. It´s good for growing and pooping


    The person below me tunned up the soviet AAMs to make them more deadly in TW sims.

  8. The person below me doesn't drink water because fish have sex in it...



    No, i don´t drink water because i also have "that"- Aint weird at all


    The person below me has been arrested by SWAT or equivalents for any issue

  9. well airforce arnt as good as naval pilots....airforce are soooo much better than naval.. :haha:


    must admit flying over the water can be pretty hard...but is it true that navy pilots get confused when they see a mountain and try to fly straight through em.? huhuhuh :biggrin:


    We´ve got a vacant place in Malaca Straits for heretics.


    And a woodpile, also.

  10. i love race cars more than aircraft..l :smile:


    Blasphemy!!! :shok:


    In this forum you can say anything about politics, start a thread about economy, and even

    say that airforce childs are as good as naval pilots, but last who said something like that was sent

    to the Gulf of Aden to bait for pirates


    EDIT: And you even dare to smile at it...

  11. In the FLIEGERREVUE EXTRA No.22 an article about soviet nukes in Germany descriped the soviet way to destroy western HAWK complexes by using tactical nukes. This was in the 70th.


    well, not so long ago somebody posted in a dedicated SEAD screenshot thread a Voodoo dispensing nukes



    By the way, what fun is using MiG-25s for SEAD? They´re too fast for SAMs to reach them. It would take

    a SuperPatriot shot. Good idea but no funny....


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