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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Hi Jeff, Not yet available. Not far from release, we are just bogged down in RL situations which unfortunately delays the process.
  2. The truth is out there...........on US Navy FLIR

    The key is consciousness. Until mankind can not grow up to a certain level of understanding of life and their laws (and I not talk about bill of rights, and any man made law system) contact will not happen (on broad or public manner) and we are stuck on solely this planet. When our habit of using any new advancement to making newer or better more destructive weapons CHANGES to utilizing to our betterment of living and our fellow man, when we interact and live with compassion, kindness and unconditional love, then we would be allowed to go beyond this planet and start colonize nearby or bit more distant places. Currently we are viewed as children still playing in the sandbox, no more, not less. Although we passed a certain turning point so "self destruction" will not happen (warmongers will still be around for few more decades and local incidents will be likely), but still early on our process of "growing up". There are few more natural laws that we haven't even discovered yet (there is no black matter just missing natural laws) that will allow FTL speeds/ interdimensional travels and understanding the working of galaxies and the universe. Few inventions that are still to come that will tip the balance more and more toward graduating up in the kinder garden to primary school, then above. How long will take? Anywhere between 25 to 1000 years, its only depend on ourselves, and the willingness to change our way of life (leadership, greed, ego, hatred, etc) The better we get the more inventions will be available to us to make life easier and better and advance faster ahead. Religious systems will change or have to change in order for them to continue to exist otherwise people will gradually turn away from them. There is not much that need to add for them, only the scale of application in understanding what exactly they meant in the writings and of course get rid of contents that were artificially placed in each to create control, turmoil and "difference" between the different views of enlightenment. As the old saying goes "All roads lead to Rome"; doesn't matter which one you are on, it will still take you there; no need to argue or quarrel about who's is better or more true, still just a road. Until we graduate out of the sandbox, individual sightings/encounters (like in OP) will still happen. Mankind have a habit to grow out of, namely we behave alone or in small groups differently then in big masses. Individuals can have curiousness and attention to try to understand such events, masses currently can still behave like sheep or a low conscious herd of animals, without ability to think clearly only driven by emotions.
  3. Want some guys in the USA to rename the capital?

    You know, history is always written by the winners, so everything they say/write must be the truth and just/right and anything else that was "against" then must be deleted with all of its trace and to be made looking bad. They are just catching up a bit late with those steps.... True, slavery is not a nice thing... but I suppose the statues of generals were not erected just because they fought for "slavery". They could have been great leaders on their own and for other aspects as well... Wonder when they gonna raise up against the modern version of slavery and all those who embrace it... as working 8-16 hours a day 5-6 days a week for pennies to get along till the next paycheck, is nothing else than a form of slavery... called right to work.. but I guess they will be quiet about that as that will not pay their own income..
  4. Say Wha...!?

    I have to say I dig the new donation function/feature!! Puts things in perspective..
  5. A bit slow down but still progressing with it. Recently added a new feature that have to be put into few more variants, then finish the missing lower lods on 4-5 types.
  6. There could be one more thing: LoadLimit=200 <---- basic aa12 varinats have around 175kg weights in the weaponsdata.ini extended range versions have 225.3+kg, check if your aa12ae actually within the limits both in your su37 and your mig29-s. And as UllyB already wrote.. SpecificStationCode is set, actually for all AA12 variant so that has to be there in the data.ini for each station that use it. As he advice create new stations just for the aa12 otherwise would mess up other missile loads as well.
  7. Something similar Do not worry, time and practice will bring you there. Yes, values usually set the different conditions and positions that should be manifested in game. Your welcome and happy flying!
  8. I tested with a stock A6 pit and works fine in WOI the only thing you have to do is to adjust the parameters for fuel quantity like this: Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=270.0 Set[02].Value=83700.0 <-------
  9. The mesh called "guage_fuel_quantity" is the parent component which is the instrument mesh itself. As you correctly wrote the needle is the "needle_fuel_quantity" which actually makes the movement. Based on the cockpit.ini the bellow are the related entries Instrument[027]=FuelIndicator [FuelIndicator] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_fuel_quality MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=270.0 Set[02].Value=10000.0 I don't have the Tu16 pit so can not give you a hint which mesh you should use to properly show the fuel levels. I do not think you can use instruments from two separate _pit.lods in a single cockpit. You can put in fake items but those will not move/react in any way.
  10. There is an updated version that addresses control with mouse. In case you have this game of course.
  11. I do not think you can add extra characters to already existing name in the LOD. but you can change any one of them. Try to use a number or a different letter on the place of the last character. For example in place of 'Falcon.bmp" use Falco1.bmp, Falco2.bmp, etc.
  12. The Honorable Typhoid

  13. It fly fine with joystick. Recognized my Thrustmaster without a problem, only you have to figure out what button will do what function as there isn't any set-up function in game for that.
  14. RAVEN

    Congratulations on all your successes and keep well!
  15. Check that the certain HUD_ASE_SRM and HUD_ASE_MRM textures are located in the cockpit folder or the ones that are called out in the Avionics.ini, also some hud_hdg_sclae_caret. All of these mentioned should be a tga file. You can find the relevant system naming if you look at it in section: Numbers can differ [HUDModeAA] .. Symbol[03]=HUD_HeadingScale .... Symbol[17]=HUD_ASE_SRM Symbol[18]=HUD_ASE_MRM and lower in [HUD_HeadingScale] SymbolType=HEADING_SCALE ImageFilename=Cockpit\HUD_hdg_scale_caret.tga <------ this tells you what the game looking for ImagePosition=0.0,-0.135 ImageSize=0.013 ScaleImageFilename=Cockpit\HUD_heading_scale.tga ScaleImagePosition=0.0,-0.165 ScaleImageSize=0.24 Scale=40.0 HorizontalAlignment=CENTER VerticalAlignment=CENTER ScaleTextInterval=10 ScaleTextUnit=10 ScaleTextPosition=0.0,-0.167 ScaleTextFormat=%02.0f DisplayUnit=DEG [HUD_ASE_SRM] SymbolType=ASE_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD_ase_srm.tga <------ this tells you what the game looking for ImageSize=0.08 ImagePosition=0.00,0.0 AspectCaretImage=cockpit\HUD15C_ASPECT_LINE_SRM.tga [HUD_ASE_MRM] SymbolType=ASE_RADAR ImageFilename=cockpit\HUD_ase_mrm.tga <------ this tells you what the game looking for ImageSize=0.180 ImagePosition=0.00,0.0 AspectCaretImage=cockpit\HUD15C_ASPECT_LINE.tga There could be other symbols too that you will have to look up to have a full functionality you wish for.
  16. Try ExportAvailability=1 or 2 instead of the 0.
  17. I might have an old version of that but in the LAU-3A_Twin_Mk40_M151_data.INI it is set as Exported=False which probably causes your issue. Of course I can be wrong by a mile. Try to set that to True and see if there are any changes.
  18. Does the pod shows up in single missions that are set in the same time frame as you campaign start date is? If not then probably some date mismatch or default quantity related.
  19. Hi Yakarov, Digital_Display entry is used for digital counters. You will need separate mesh for each digit, like single digit, 10, 100, 1000 or depend on the type of instrument you want it to use that. Naming as an example: Chaff_dig1 = single (last number) Chaff_dig2 = 10-s Chaff_dig3 = 100-s Mapping is simple, it only have to cover the first number, its usually 0. and this is the exact layout. The game engine is built such a way that it will always make 5 steps to the right in 2 vertical positions (2 rows only) with the texture. so it will limit how big you can make the number on the skin. You can set any instruments that displays numbers as digital_display, like, heading, chaf/flare/weapon/ripple counter/interval, fuel quantity, altimeter, speed, etc..
  20. Real weights, the same way you already made them.
  21. Hi, Please take a look at these. I do not have the FE2 exporter, but I made the lods in sf1 and 2 format. Both of those have the "export with decal" and "no decal" variant. The SF1 exporter ignores the parameters for box 5 and 6. mue_testbox.rar I included all textures also that I assigned. names are simple.
  22. the apu60 rail name in sf2na changes by type; for mig21 - it is MIG-21_TWIN_RAIL.BMP , for mig23 the same skin called MIG-23_TWIN_RAIL.BMP, in other SF2 games I think it is called APU-60-II.BMP very old SF1 variant I think was called APU-62.BMP unless this later was a mod variant.
  23. Not sure if you use stock or modified _data.ini, maybe worth to check the damage node name call outs as the game should hide it itself always without ever showing through. Bis/MF (actually it is the same on most variant) Leftouterwing DestroyedNodeName=LeftOuterWing_Damaged Rightouterwing DestroyedNodeName=RightOuterWing_Damaged
  24. Do you also use the standard Insignia.tga decals-s on the meshes or just the camo decal that includes the national insignia itself? If it is a separate insignia.tga then probably that what lightens up the overlapping section and causes the flickering issue too. Also keep in mind then number of max decals per mesh.
  25. VFAT 2016

    Good day for everyone. As in the title, it is the time for this year's virtual airshow. The event actually started on 12 nov. Today is its 2nd day. Live feed is from 17:00(GMT) to a bit after 22:15(GMT) Link for live feed (at the same place you can review the recordings from yesterday's event): https://www.twitch.tv/virtualairshows https://www.twitch.tv/virtualairshows/v/100707504 Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17qvhoUpQuNrs3g3-uGDvyQ--osgQwUgNuiJku348uLE/edit#gid=2120745992 Enjoy it!

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