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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Republic F-84M Thunderstreak FGA.2 - No.92 Squadron 'Blue Diamonds', RAF Fighter Command, 1956
  2. Republic F-84F Thunderstreak - No.2 (Leinster) Squadron, Irish Air Corps, 1962
  3. Thanks for the support Mue - it's such a great tool.
  4. Junkers Ju-289 - IV(PZ)/SG9, Luftwaffe, Eastern Front, 1946 This is a WIP and not actually mine to release. http://www.luft46.com/junkers/jugap.html
  5. Aero S-101 Sekera - Czechoslovakian Air Force, 1953
  6. Hawker Hurricane IP - 113th Fighter Squadron, Polish Air Force, 1939
  7. The Mk.IP's definitely had three-bladed prop's...
  8. Here you go. It's meant for raven's Mark I. PolishSkin&Decals.7z
  9. PZL P.11c Alpha 2.0

    Top notch!
  10. Fairey Battle Mk.II - 3 Escadrille, GB II/61, Armee de l'Air, 1940
  11. Belgian Hornet Not sure if that's a question or a statement but it is NOT the Razbam A-1E.

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