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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. McDonnell J36B Voodoo - F13, Flygvapnet, 1963
  2. Yakovlev Yak-28P Firebar cockpit

    Superb Quality! Thank you.
  3. Broken Arrow First flight in the rejuvenated Yak-28P thanks to Stary's superb cockpit
  4. The TF30 powered F-4 was a real McAir design study for an optimised tactical fighter for the USAF which also included the manual terrain-following radar and nose-mounted gun. Reference: World Air Power Journal - McDonnell F-4 Phantom Spirit in the Skies. The contemporary TF30-P-3 offered 1,500lbs more thrust per engine than the F-4C's J79 but, of course, as we learned from the Spey-powered Phantom there was an increase in drag that completely negated the increase in thrust. As much as I love the Spey-powered Phantom it's sobering to think that the F-4M was 2.5 times the cost of the F-4D.
  5. McDonnell Douglas Phantom F-4P - Royal Saudi Air Force, 1973 During the late 1960's McDonnell Douglas looked at a variety of Phantom developments in an attempt to keep the production lines rolling and one such development was the F-4P - essentially a precision strike version of the F-4D airframe but with the more powerful J79-GE-17 engines of the new F-4E. The F-4P was optimised for the strike/attack role and was designed to carry a comprehensive nav/attack system including the ARN-92 LORAN navigation system which provided an all-weather blind navigation capability and the Ford Aerospace AN/AVQ-10 'Pave Knife' targeting pod to designate and guide laser-guided bombs. Despite interest from several nations including Israel the only export customer for the F-4P was Saudi Arabia who purchased 72 F-4P's for the Royal Saudi Air Force the first of which entered service in 1971 and remained in service until 1996 when they were replaced by F-15E's.
  6. Fairchild Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II - No.2 Squadron, RNZAF, 1982
  7. New slimers added, spelling of Nite Owls amended (lol - two nations divided by a common language) and a cute little stencilled owl added.
  8. Edit ISRAELME.ini in your terrain folder [AllowedDates] StartDate=1936 EndDate=2015
  9. McDonnell Douglas Phantom F-4M - 121st Tactical Fighter Squadron, District of Columbia Air National Guard, 1984
  10. Hi guys - I used the stock F-4D skin from the DLC skin pack but added the Spey nozzles and Marconi ARI.18228 Radar Warning Receiver. The slimers are overpainted and then added back as decals so that they sit OVER the 'DC'.
  11. McDonnell Douglas F-4C Phantom - Grupo 8 de Caza, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1982 During the early 1960's the Fuerza Aérea Argentina (FAA) began an ambitious plan to replace the F-86F Sabre then in service as their main interceptor-fighter. The British English Electric Lightning was briefly considered but was quickly dismissed on account of it's very short range. The Swedish Saab Draken was successfully evaluated and FAA pilots submitted a very favourable report as was the French Dassault Mirage III and it seemed likely that a decision would be made between these two competing aircraft. However, the end of the Frondizi government in 1962 and the subsequent turmoil over the next few years saw the FAA's plans put on hold but the Israeli's successful use of the Mirage III in the 1967 Six-Day War saw the FAA finally decide on the French aircraft. However negotiations with the French Government came to an abrupt end in May 1968 when Juan Carlos Onganía, fearful of a coup d'état, dismissed the leaders of the Armed Forces and cancelled the Mirage order. The 1973 elections (the first general elections for ten years) saw Dr. Hector Cámpora elected as President with a campaign based on a platform of national reconstruction. For the FAA this meant that it's F-86 replacement plans could finally continue but with an aircraft from an unexpected source. Despite the turmoil of Argentina's recent history, the US State Department saw Argentina as a bulwark of anti-Communism in South America and US President Richard Nixon sanctioned the export of 28 ex-USAF F-4C's with deliveries to Grupo 4 de Caza starting in August 1973 and deliveries to Grupo 8 de Caza starting in January 1974. The 1976 US Presidential elections saw incoming President Jimmy Carter highlight issues of human rights and eventually secure a congressional cutoff of all US arms transfers to Argentina and the FAA found it increasingly hard to support Phantom operations except by clandestine support. The FAA used the Phantom during the 1982 Guerra de las Malvinas as a long-range strike aircraft but the FAA's lack of aerial refueling capability and the long distance from their bases dramatically reduced their ability. After 1982 the FAA's Phantom force was increasingly supported by Israel Aircraft Industries and although no additional aircraft could be sourced the remaining 17 aircraft remain in service.
  12. McDonnell Douglas Phantom F-4C - Grupo 4 de Caza, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1979

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