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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Grumman F8F Bearcat - Night Attack Flight, Skadron 7, Indonesian Air Force, 1958
  2. Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII - UN Flight, Aeronáutica Militar, 1949 In June 1949 an appeal was made by the United Nations (UN) for military support in the ongoing UN peacekeeping mission in the Kernan Valley district on the border between Dhimar and Paran. In response, the Portuguese government sent a combined Aeronáutica Militar force using men and machines drawn from Tancos Air Base and Ota Air Base to form a new squadron designated as the 'UN Flight'. Initially formed at Tancos Air Base in July 1949, the UN Flight were equipped with eight Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII fighter aircraft and deployed to Dhimar later in the same month becoming the first combat aircraft to operate on behalf of the UN. All eight Spitfires received UN identifying markings on their fuselage and wore large Cruz de Cristo roundels in all six position with their two-digit Aeronáutica Militar serial numbers carried on the fin and fuselage. Used mainly in the ground-attack and reconnaissance roles the Spitfires occasionally encountered Parani fighter aircraft including Avia-built Fw-190D's but combat was avoided by both sides with the Parani aircraft being escorted away from the Kernan Valley area. The Autumn Truce of 1949 saw the deployment come to an end and the UN Flight returned to Tancos Air Base in November 1949 remaining in service until March 1955. Skin Credit: Adapted by me from skins contained in the recent floatplanes released by Cliff7600
  3. Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII - No.6 Squadron, Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1946
  4. Supermarine S.9B - RAF High Speed Flight, 1939 Skin Credit: Cliff7600 & Co.
  5. Supermarine S.9B Spitfire - RAF High Speed Flight, 1939
  6. Just a little update with a silver upper fuselage.
  7. Yes, I did consider it but it's a step too far for someone with limited time... and limited ability! I like to work quick and just can't get bogged down.
  8. All credit to the team who brought us the Spitfire floatplane. Now if we could only have a Spitfire XII...
  9. Supermarine Spitfire FP.lA - XZ Flight, Aeronáutica Militar, 1945
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Dassault Mirage IIIVE 'Arab Nations' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of Veltro2K's Mirage IIIV to create a fictional Mirage IIIVE in service with the following Arab Nations in the 1968-1982 timeline; Egypt (used as the default nation) Jordan Lebanon Syria For all four I've used the superb 'aluminio' skin by torno. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MirageIIIVE folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MirageIIIVE folder into your Decals folder. That's it! I was keen to make this readily accessible to everyone so everything is stock and the F-100D pit is used as it's in every version of Strike Fighters. This isn't accurate so if you've got any of the Third Wire Mirages then it's best to use those pits. CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Thanks to Veltro2K for bringing us the Mirage IIIV and so much more! Thanks also to michaelk for his recent MirageIIIV minor update which brought this aircraft to my attention. Thanks to torno for the 'aluminio' skin - ¡muy buen trabajo! And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - March 28th, 2023
  11. Supermarine Seafire Mk.IIC - 724 Squadron, Royal Australian Navy, 1955 Check out the awesome Spitfire hydroplane package recently released by Cliff7600 & friends!
  12. Spitfire Hydroplane Mk1 / Mk5 / Ki-65

    Wow! I love the variety contained in this package and kudos for going the extra mile by including the more graceful legs/struts. The skins are absolutely gorgeous. Well done everyone and thank you.
  13. Supermarine Spitfire VB - No.577 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1944 During the Spring of 1940 there were signs that the Phoney War was coming to an end and the British Government could sense that Germany was preparing to invade Norway in order to protect their supplies of iron ore. Believing that floatplane versions of the Hurricane and Spitfire might be of use in operating from the Norwegian fjords the Air Ministry suggested that conversions of both types should be made using existing conversion kit floats originally made for the Blackburn Roc. Before this project had time to gain any real momentum Denmark and Norway had capitiulated although the latter had fought heroically alongside allied forces and especially in northern Norway. For the next two years the Air Ministry continued to explore the potential of using floatplane fighter aircraft and even approached a less than enthusiastic Curtiss to enquire about a floatplane version of the Kittyhawk to which Curtiss replied that it was certainly possible but would delay production of urgently needed Kittyhawks. Pushed on by the Air Ministry, Supermarine continued to work on a floatplane version of the Spitfire using Folland Aircraft to convert Spitfire VB EP751 with generally good results although there were some issues with leaking floats caused by buckling and deflection of the front of the floats during take-off and landing. The trials encouraged the Air Ministry to order more conversions and by the late Summer of 1942 there were no less than four Spitfire VB floatplane conversions undergoing trials. Unexpectedly, in late September 1943 three Spitfire VB floatplanes were sent to No.52 Maintenance Unit for packing and despatch by ship to the Middle East arriving in Alexandria, Egypt in late October 1943. In a bold plan, and supported by Royal Navy submarines and high speed launches, the Spitfire VB floatplanes were intended to operate against the Junkers Ju 52 transports flying supplies from Greece to Crete. But the logistics of the plan were a bit too ambitious and especially on the hard-pressed submarine service so all three Spitfire VB floatplanes were scrapped in situ. Whilst the Air Ministry perservered with the idea of a Spitfire floatplane fighter little was done until January 1944 when 60 Spitfire VB floatplane conversions were ordered as the start of a deception plan associated with 'Operation Bodyguard' whose key objective was to mislead the German High Command as to the timing and location of the Allied invasion of north-western Europe. 'Operation Fortitude South' aimed to convince them that the allied invasion would be via the Pas-de-Calais whilst 'Operation Fortitude North' was designed to mislead the Germans into expecting an allied invasion of Norway. As part of the deception plan, the RAF announced the formation of six new floatplane fighter squadrons across north-east Scotland and the Orkneys with No.577 Squadron being the first to form at Dounreay in April 1944. In reality, and typical of all six floatplane squadrons, just six Spitfire VB floatplanes were operated by No.577 Squadron but supplemented by several inflatables anchored alongside the slipways. All six Spitfire floatplane squadrons were disbanded in August 1944 having made a small but interesting contribution to the allied war effort.
  14. My bad. I was too eager to start playing with it! Edit: Oooh, yes.
  15. AFAIK it's not possible to take-off or land on the water (a game limitation).
  16. North American Mustang Mk.V - No.601 Squadron, RAF Mediterranean and Middle East, 1946 Skin Credit: amariani Mustang Wingtip Tanks: Coupi
  17. I don't think so but I can ship it over to you next time I'm on my desktop.

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