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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Going back in time... Canadair Starfighter F.2 - No.19 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1968
  2. Canadair Starfighter F.2A - No.92 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1974 CF-104_72 model used as I wanted to try specular mapping (made my own).
  3. F2DH-1 Sea Vixen - VA-176 In defence of Madrid
  4. What I like about GIMP for making decals is that I simply don't need to worry about 24-bit, 32-bit, alpha channels and magic wands - it's an absolute doddle, especially in slightly older versions and if you keep your default image as a transparency.
  5. File Name: [Fictional] Supermarine Spitfire F Mk 24 Fuerza Aérea Argentina File Submitter: Spinners File Submitted: 11 November 2013 File Category: What If Hangar Supermarine Spitfire F Mk 24 - Fuerza Aérea Argentina This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Spitfire F Mk 24 to give a fictional Fuerza Aérea Argentina Spitfire with equally fictitious markings for Grupo 6 de Caza (sorry about the low number of serial number decals but it wasn't originally intended for release and is released 'as is' as a request). You will need to have the 'AI Plane Pack 2' DLC from Third Wire. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Spitfire24_FAA folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Spitfire24_FAA folder into your main Decals folder. At this point it might be a good idea to change the pilot to whatever you've got in your install suitable for the early post-war period. CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community and remember to wear your poppy with pride. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 11/11/13 Click here to download this file
  6. Version Version 1


    Supermarine Spitfire F Mk 24 - Fuerza Aérea Argentina This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Spitfire F Mk 24 to give a fictional Fuerza Aérea Argentina Spitfire with equally fictitious markings for Grupo 6 de Caza (sorry about the low number of serial number decals but it wasn't originally intended for release and is released 'as is' as a request). You will need to have the 'AI Plane Pack 2' DLC from Third Wire. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Spitfire24_FAA folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Spitfire24_FAA folder into your main Decals folder. At this point it might be a good idea to change the pilot to whatever you've got in your install suitable for the early post-war period. CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community and remember to wear your poppy with pride. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 11/11/13
  7. Supermarine Spitfire F.Mk24 - Grupo 6 De Caza, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1950
  8. Glad you like it. I can release it 'as is' with a handful of serial numbers.
  9. For a quick thrash in any AI aircraft you can amend your Options.ini to include the following line; FlyAll=TRUE This goes in the [singleMission] section and you just need to change FALSE to TRUE. This then makes all aircraft flyable by giving your AI aircraft the A-4B pit. It's no substitute for a dedicated pit or a suitable substitute but it's a nice little 'quick and dirty' mod.
  10. Give my GIMP decal making tutorial a try.
  11. Hawker Hunter Mk.61 - 105 Squadron 'The Scorpions', Israeli Air Force, 1967
  12. Hawker Hunter Mk.61 - No.69 Sqd 'The Hammers', Israeli Air Force, 1967 Thanks Wrench. The idea was suggested by someone over at the What If modelers website and was made a lot easier by using ndicki's superb Hunter templates.
  13. Hawker Harrier Mk.51 - 2/30 'Normandie-Nieman', Armée de l'Air, 1976 The unfortunate loss of the second prototype of the Mirage IIIV in November 1966 merely served to bring a quick end to that programme which was increasingly being viewed with a more critical eye by Armée de l'Air officials who considered that the range and payload penalty on the aircraft, and the associated maintenance burden imposed by the eight lift engines, made the aircraft unsuitable for operational service. During early 1967 Armée de l'Air officials studied the reports from the joint German/UK/US tri-partite evaluation squadron (who had operated the Hawker Kestrel during 1964 and 1965) and also the RAF's Air Staff Requirement 384 for a V/STOL ground attack jet and the resultant Hawker P.1127 which had begun flight testing in late 1966. At a time when France and the UK were collaborating on the AFVG, Concorde and Jaguar programmes (and also collaborating on three military helicopters) the French Government made a tentatative approach to come on board with joint development of the P.1127 (Harrier) but the programme was so well advanced that this was not a realistic avenue for either nation to take. Behind the scenes politics were at play and when France withdrew from the AFVG programme in June 1967 the UK Government were immediately able to announce a French order for "60 aircraft of the P.1127 type" to be licence-built by Breguet Aviation (allegedly as Marcel Dassault would have nothing to do with "the stumpy British toy"). Entering service with the Armée de l'Air in August 1970 the French Harriers were supplemented by a follow-on order for an additional 36 aircraft in 1974 and the force was slowly upgraded with the Agave multi-mode radar in the late 1970's and remained in service until 1992. Immediately after the 1982 Falklands War six Agave equipped Harriers were transferred to RAF stocks to equip 1453 Flight at Stanley to provide an interim air defence capability until the new airbase at RAF Mount Pleasant was opened after which 1453 Flight was disbanded and No.23 Squadron took over the air defence of the Falkland Islands in 1985.
  14. Dassault Mirage IIIVC - 51 Stormo, Aeronautica Militare, 1972 Thanks to Veltro2K for the superb Mirage IIIV and also to Torno for the superb skin!

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