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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Hawker Hunter FR.55 - 28°Gruppo, 3°Stormo, Aeronautica Militare Italiana, 1966
  2. Fantastic Russ. The size of the P.1121 will surprise many people! I'd have put it's IOC somewhere between the Lightning and Harrier so the 60's and 70's schemes would be entirely appropriate although I'm sure that we would have seen a 'Desert Pink' FGR.4 too! BTW Bill Gunston has a short chapter on the P.1121 in his book "Fighters of the Fifties" and reckons that around Hawkers the name of 'Hurricane' was openly used for the project.
  3. Well, I have to do something whilst we wait for Expansion Pack 3...
  4. A typical late 1970's RAF line up (only showing approximate P.1121 sized aircraft) No.11 Group - UK Based Air Defence Squadrons 5 - Lightning 11 - Lightning 23 - Phantom 29 - Phantom 43 - Phantom 56 - Phantom 111- Phantom No.38 Group - UK Based Tactical Strike Squadrons 1 - Harrier 6 - Jaguar 41 - Jaguar 54 - Jaguar RAF Germany Air Defence Squadrons 19 - Phantom 92 - Phantom RAF Germany Tactical Strike 2 - Jaguar 3 - Harrier 4 - Harrier 14 - Jaguar 15 - Buccaneer 16 - Buccaneer 17 - Jaguar 20 - Jaguar 31 - Jaguar (No.1 Group's Vulcans and Buccaneers are excluded as they would be TSR.2 candidates)
  5. My memory let me down - it was a 'Tiger'!
  6. Only for Bobrocks excellent F3 I think.
  7. Yes, I'll give it some thought after work tonight based on the classic 1970's line-up - my era lol. There's an artists impression in an old RAF Yearbook that would be nice to replicate - from memory it might have been No.41 but I'll check it out.
  8. De Havilland Mosquito IV - 552nd BS, 386th BG, USAAF, 1944
  9. Version Version 2


    BAC Lightning F.1C for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 EP2 This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Lightning F.2A to give a fictional Lightning F.1C in an all black scheme. Please note that this mod requires you to have the excellent Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2. BACKSTORY Along with the upgrade of the Lightning F.2's of RAF Germany the earlier Lightning F.1A's and F.1B's were upgraded to a similar standard emerging as the Lightning F.1C. Entering service with No.56 Squadron in 1968 the final squadron to operate the type was No.111 whose aircraft wore this black retirement scheme during 1977. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Decals folder. CREDITS As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 24/02/16
  10. Regarding the TSR.2 article, anyone who can use England, United Kingdom and Britain within the first 100 words and think that they are the same thing needs a smack around the head with a cricket bat... English willow of course.
  11. Could you not go the extra mile and let us know if it will find it's way into the PC games?
  12. Grumman Bearcat Mk.1 - No.1841 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, 1945
  13. No. TBH I've only added decals to a quickly hacked skin from Paulopanz's recent Bearcat pack.
  14. I think the F-5F looks hot and the F-5E not. I also like the quirky looks of the Hunter T.7. Edit: And, of course, the twin-tub Lightnings.
  15. BAC Lightning F.1C - No.111 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1977 Along with the upgrade of the Lightning F.2's of RAF Germany the earlier Lightning F.1A's and F.1B's were upgraded to a similar standard as the Lightning F.1C. Entering service with No.56 Squadron in 1968 the final squadron to operate the type was No.111 whose aircraft wore this black retirement scheme during 1977.
  16. File Name: [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.1C 'Black Magic' File Submitter: Spinners File Submitted: 18 February 2013 File Category: What If Hangar BAC Lightning F.1C for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 EP2 This is a very simple mod of the Third Wire Lightning F.2A to give a fictional Lightning F.1C in an all black scheme. Please note that this mod requires you to have the excellent Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 2. BACKSTORY Along with the upgrade of the Lightning F.2's of RAF Germany the earlier Lightning F.1A's and F.1B's were upgraded to a similar standard emerging as the Lightning F.1C. Entering service with No.56 Squadron in 1968 the final squadron to operate the type was No.111 whose aircraft wore this black retirement scheme during 1977. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning1C folder into your Decals folder. CREDITS As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 24/02/16 Click here to download this file
  17. Perhaps the mobile/tablet games are going so well for TK that he's buying models off the shelf?
  18. Nice to see you come back to this one m8. Let me know if I can help with the boring stuff like making serial number decals.

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