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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Lockheed/IAI RF-104I Starfighter - 119 Squadron, Heyl Ha'Avir, 1967 Spillone104's very inventive RF-104G 'LOROP' as operated by Taiwan can be found in the SF1 archives. Check it out!
  2. Thanks Eric. The new skin pack is ace for 'what ifs'.
  3. Grumman Tomcat FRS.1 - 899 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 2003
  4. Avro (Aermacchi) Tutor T.1A - No.79 Squadron, 1 Tactical Weapons Unit, RAF Brawdy, 1978
  5. RAAF Macchi Trainer for SF2

    Great work mate and super skins by Charles (as always).
  6. Is anyone else seeing a blueish haze on the far horizon and a blue tint to the landscape in the far distance? I quite like it.
  7. In my experience, there wasn't much wrong with them before
  8. 7 skins and 485 decals for less than 2 quid - bargain!
  9. Works like a charm and my saved controls.ini has been reintroduced and works just fine.
  10. Well elsewhere you're having joystick mapping issues so, assuming you're flying stock, that's got to be the problem here.
  11. The Sukhoi Su-17 'Fitter-C' masquerading as the Douglas Skystrike! Douglas F-109C Skystrike - Florida ANG
  12. Enjoying the Fitter C at the moment...
  13. I like the Desert Pink uppersurfaces hastily applied over the normal grey (well, that's how I interpret it).
  14. Convair F-18A Vengeance - VF-161, USS Constellation, 1979
  15. Nice to see this released - well done!
  16. Dassault Mirage 50AZ - Azerbaijani Air Force, 1994 When Azerbaijan gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 it wasn't long before a long-standing dispute with Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region flared up and escalated into open conflict in the winter of 1992. Never slow to miss an opportunity, Dassault Aviation offered Azerbaijan 30 refurbished Mirage 50 aircraft and these were delivered during the spring of 1993 equipping two squadrons of the Azerbaijani Air Force. After the 1994 ceasefire the surviving Mirage 50's were consolidated into a single fighter-bomber squadron based at Nasosnaya Air Base operating alongside the MiG-25PD interceptors and serving until 2008 when they were replaced with 17 ex-Armée de l'Air Mirage 2000D's. This uses the skin from lindr2's Chilean Mirage 50FC (from the SF1 archives) with a slight tweak to one bitmap to fit the SF2 Mirage 5D model and some new Azerbaijani decals.
  17. The CF-100 and CF-105 would be very much appreciated.
  18. Dassault M50 Pantera - Turkmenistan Air Force, 2007
  19. Mikoyan MiG-23S - 1 Grupo Caza-Bombardero, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1977 The Argentine coup d'état of March 1976 which saw Jorge Rafael Videla depose the largely unpopular and ineffectual presidency of Isabel Perón soon attracted the attention of senior Kremlin officials who were ever eager to seek opportunities to destabilise South America by fair means or foul. They quickly gifted the new Military Junta of Argentina 40 ex-VVS MiG-23S fighters with deliveries commencing in July 1976. The MiG-23's entered service with 1 Grupo Caza-Bombardero in August 1976 and saw action in the 1982 Falklands conflict but at least eight were shot down by Royal Navy Sea Harriers with only one confirmed victory against an RAF Harrier GR.3 over Goose Green. When Argentina returned to constitutional rule in late 1983 the incoming president Raúl Alfonsín instructed the Argentine Air Force commander, Teodoro Waldner, to offer the Mig-23's back to the Soviet Union free of charge in a move designed to send a message back to the Kremlin that Argentina was moving in a different and democratic direction. The aircraft languished in outdoor storage at Villa Reynolds Military Air Base for several years before being scrapped. Lindr2's Mig-23S mod. I love the different shape of this early Flogger.

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